14 July 2010 | Hi-Tec Spray Ltd


At a time when renewable energy sources compete with fossil fuel and nuclear alternatives for power sources the subject has never been higher on the world’s political agenda and the future looks more than encouraging for all the players.

Reflecting the gathering momentum of wind power as a preferred technology, the world’s largest offshore wind farm − The £2bn London Array Project − to be located off the north Kent coast will feature up to 341 wind turbines delivering energy to an estimated 750,000 homes and is set to create hundreds of jobs in Ramsgate. 

When combined with the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm with 100 turbines, due to complete in the summer of 2010, the future of wind farming in general and in the south east in particular, looks well assured.

In the face of reputable opposition, Maidstone based Hi-Tec Spray Ltd. (HSL) continue to supply major manufacturers of wind turbines with a vast range of equipment and systems.  As the UK’s leading distributor for GRACO’s world class solutions for the global wind energy market HSL deliver innovation, performance and reliability across the spectrum of wind power development. 

Typical systems and equipment used in the manufacture of rotor blades include:
•    high volume adhesive dispensing systems.
•    spray systems and two-component dispensing systems for production and repair applications.
•    resin transfer moulding systems for low pressure injection of polyester and vinylester resin.
•    high volume rotary metering systems for vacuum infusion processes and polyurethane processing equipment.

Tower and blade painting is covered by a comprehensive range of sprayers and coatings equipment capable of handling the toughest of protective coatings and plural component materials.  Custom projects have included a Multi-Colour Plural Component Paint Supply and Application System comprising the design and development of a mobile “Paint Kitchen”.

For in-plant and turbine lubrication equipment, their automatic lubrication systems and lubrication dispense equipment deliver precision engineered metering and dispensing solutions.

These are exciting times for Hi-Tec Spray Ltd. being so involved so early with the development of this technology but they supply more than applications equipment and plant in isolation. 

They also develop a partnership with their clients to design and develop turnkey systems, where, on the one hand − individual components work well independently, and on the other − collectively fit together like a glove.  They are probably the only company able to pull both sides of the industry together to deliver that total professional solution.