15 September 2010 | TM Robotics
Automation firm offers free guide to robot payback
TM Robotics , the European sales partner of industrial robot manufacturer Toshiba Machine, has produced a free guide to obtaining payback on a robot installation. Published in August 2010, the company hopes the guide will act as a useful tool for experienc
Called ‘ The Formula for Automated Payback ’, the guide contains all the details needed to create a simple procedure that demonstrates payback on an installation. It also features a number of case studies intended to illustrate the theory it outlines. “We are trying to dismiss some of the illusions people have about industrial robots,” explained Nigel Smith, MD of TM Robotics. “We believe that there are a number of unfounded beliefs about automation cost and ease of installation that hold back manufacturing. This is really a new way of viewing an installation; we are trying to give users a tool that will help them calculate payback at the earliest possible stage.” The guide can be obtained by e-mailing sales@tmrobotics.co.uk or contacting the company on +44 (0)1707 290370.