01 October 2010 | Monowa Operable Wall Systems Ltd

Monowa launch new website

Operable wall specialists Monowa have launched their brand new website with exciting new features.

Monowa Ltd, who have recently achieved ISO 14001 accreditation have announced the launch of their new and improved web site. The new site has a more user-friendly interface as well as an updated look and expanded portfolio of case studies.

Monowa sales manager, David Hayward;

"The redesigned site is a better representation of our brand and work product."

The site also includes testimonials from regular customers. Shortly, a new section will be added to the site to allow Architects and specifiers to build their own NBS specifications together with video clips of our installations. Future plans for the site will also include joining social networking sites, disussing the latest news in the Industry and new green building practices within the operable wall industry.