10 December 2010 | Oracle Storage Systems
Oracles'' locker revolution for learning academy
Oracle Storage Systems have recently completed a revolutonary locker installation at the New Line Learning Academy in Maidstone, Kent.
Oracle installed their Probe lockers to meet a very demanding brief to supply specialised lockers for the Academy.The acadamys'' project manager Rob Millns;
“Each of the 1000 individual compartments had to be designed to incorporate an electronic access system operated by a ‘Smart’ card and a laptop docking point to enable the students to re-charge their computers yet be robust enough to withstand the rigours of educational use.”
Each school year group is accommodated in a learning ‘Plaza’. In each of these five areas there are four banks of colour-coded lockers.
The acadamys'' project director, Alan Enfield;
“Every student and member of staff will be issued with a personal ‘Smart’ card, which will link to the schools'' management information system. The card will facilitate entry, follow-me print/copy, e-Registration, cashless catering, library management and locker access.”
Rob Millns added;
“In addition to the storage facility provided by each locker we needed to ensure easy access to the charger, electronics and over 200 metres of wiring to enable updates in the future. The electronics and cables also had to be secure and tamper proof to eliminate abuse and inappropriate usage.”
Each bank of compartments is controlled by, what is effectively, a micro-computer which is networked into the academys'' main frame computer. The student can open their locker when their coded ‘Smart’ card is passed in front of a sensor which is located at one end of a run of lockers.
The Probe design team created a solution that not only met the client’s expectations for a technologically advanced locker system but had the added benefit of recessed hinges and ‘Trespa’ solid grade, laminate doors for a clean modern appearance. This amazingly durable material is resistant to impact, scratches and graffiti.