07 February 2011 | Environmental Handling Systems Ltd (EHSystems)

New range of evacuation chairs and sliders by Evacusafe

Evacusafe are pleased to announce that their new evacuation chairs, sliders and the Evacuaid are now available direct through us and our partners.

The new range of chairs includes the evacusafe MK11 which is very much a premium chair at a standard price.  New features on the chair include fully weight bearing arms that aid transfer into the chair, a full 3 way chest support strap (not a seatbelt like most chairs) fully detachable / washable seats and backrest, dual footrest and additional leg support strap and a much higher weight capacity at 160kg. 

It is a single user chair but also has the added benefit of built in carry handles that would allow the chair to be carried (under the right conditions) up the stairs.  As with all our evacuation chairs it comes complete with tough, long lasting protective cover, wall hooks, plugs and screws, training manual and DVD and signage.

Our new four wheel transit chair has a padded seat, a proper quick release seatbelt, footrest and due to a new design feature, the handle can be folded down and the overall size of the chair is only 83 x 52 cm which is very handy for carrying around in your car for holidays, conferences etc. 

It also comes with cover, hooks, instructions and is packed into a compact box with built in carry handle.  Weighing under 10kg and with a lift capacity of 110kg it will set new standards in Transit / Ambulance chairs.

The new Evacuslider© is a brand new product for evacusafe.  It is a premium ski mattress with the addition of built in carry handles, head blocks with additional restraint and a large capacity foot space.

The brand new evacuaid is a product that is taking Europe by storm.  The Evacuaid is a device worn on the wrist and is activated by sensing movement.  If the wearer became incapacitated, unconscious or did not move for 25 seconds the bracelet emits a 90db siren with high visible LED lights to alert the emergency services the position of the casualty. 

It can also be activated by the user to help guide individuals or groups to safety in a dark or smoke filled environment.  We are the sole distributor for it in the UK and across the Middle East.