15 February 2011 | BBI Brandboost
TLC & P for Brandboost packages
The Brandboost team has launched a targeted email campaign to show that its new social media marketing packages are TLCP − Tactically Loaded with Consistency and Persistency.
The packages are named after the strata of the Earth’s atmosphere from the Troposphere up to the Exosphere on the boundaries of outer space and provide for increasing engagement with social networking users as each new level is reached.Experience shows that marketing to the social networks requires a high degree of regular activity in order to achieve its full potential. Brandboost sees consistency as the hallmark of its recently launched packages which are structured to maintain the client’s social media presence, boost SEO benefits and drive traffic to corporate websites. Persistency defines the continuous commitment by which Brandboost, as a social media agency, delivers each element of every communications programme.
The comprehensive packages start from only £6,000 for a 12-month schedule of projects, which is built around content development for blogs and PR, incorporating both primary and secondary activities aimed at all main social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr. Designed by the Brandboost team, aka online communication and marketing specialists MPS & BBI International, they are fully supported by focused analytics and reporting.
For example, while Troposphere and Stratosphere provide for 12 blog writing, tagging and posting projects per year, this rises to 18 at Mesosphere, 24 at Thermosphere and 48 on reaching the fully comprehensive Exosphere programme. Twitter engagement also rises with each package, from a minimum 5 to a maximum 25 tweets per week throughout the 12 month period.
Andrew Libra, Managing Director of MPS & BBI International, comments: “Increasing the level of activity in a social media campaign will reinforce its potential reach and impact. However, with over 30 years experience in marketing, we know that even a limited campaign will achieve success so long as it is professionally structured and conscientiously pursued.”