12 April 2011 | Rejuvenated Ltd

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a term used to describe the encrustation of fat cells by the body''s waste products.

The effects of the calcified waste products building around the fat cells restricts  metabolism, the metabolism is also restricted during hormone fluctuations as the cells swell and increase in water content.

This basically means the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the cell and waste from the cell is inhibited. 

The cells weaken, connective tissue breaks down and the fat cells push through into the Dermis resulting in an orange peel effect on the Epidermis.

What causes Cellulite?

Medical evidence suggests that the prime cause of cellulite is hormonal. The hormonal fluctuations that occur during the normal course of life are thought to be triggers. This includes: puberty, monthly menstruating, pregnancy, HRT and oral contraceptives.

Other proven causes are free radical damage which can cause a break down in the cell wall allowing leakage from the cell, this can cause, inflammation and Oedema in the tissue. The cell is 80% water and 20% protein, water is Oxygen, Oxygen is energy and essential to life, if the cell dehydrates it depletes in energy and mitotic activity is restricted the tissue then becomes slack and congested with toxic waste. In severe cases this could also mean a breakdown in the immune system.

Contributing factors to congested tissue and free radical damage will be anything which inhibits the body in its attempt to rid itself of waste products;


There are three types of cellulite:

1) Oedema (water)
2) Adipose (fatty)
3) Fibrous (hardened tissue)

1) Oedematous:  Looks puffy and feels spongy to the touch

Commonly found in people suffering from water retention, taking HRT, or standing a lot at their place of work.

The lymphatic system does not have a pump or prime mover like the heart, therefore, this person needs to drink more water and take more exercise to assist the body in draining the waste.

Diet should consist of low salt/sodium and high potassium. Natural diuretics such as celery, watercress, parsley, fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably raw, also help.

2) Adipose:  Soft to the touch and visible as large dimples.

Adipose cellulite is normally found on someone who has a slow metabolism or is slightly overweight; their adiposities will have a reasonable amount of fat droplets stored within them. This person is not necessarily overweight all over, but may hold excess fat in a particular area such as waist, thighs or buttocks.

Walking along the floor on the buttocks will help break down the fat globules, also exercise at 40 - 60% of the maximum heart rate to help burn off the fat.

3) Fibrous: Firm to the touch and looks less severe than it actually is.

Fibrous cellulite is normally found on someone with good muscle tone who has or is exercising on a regular basis. If one exercises beyond the body''s natural ability to dispose of excess by products from metabolism, then lactic acid, toxins and other waste can hang in the system and harden around the fat cells.

If the exercise is causing aching the next day then the body has over metabolized. More moderate exercise with stretching rather than cardiovascular would help. Fibrous is the most difficult cellulite to shift.

Cellulite is laid down over a period of time and has four stages of progression.

In the normal healthy cellulite free condition the adipose cell is allowed to function properly and both the blood and lymph circulate freely. The air we breathe and the foods we eat are metabolised by the cell; their function is to separate the nutrients and oxygen from the waste. The blood flow will then transport the nutrients and oxygen to feed and nourish the body while the lymphatic system transports the waste to the nearest draining node.

Stage 1

In the first stage of cellulite the permeability of the capillary walls changes. This causes the plasma to leak into the interstitial fluid where it accumulates and stagnates between the adipocyte cells. This causes them to become dissociated and disorganised or what we know as free radical.

Stage 2

In the second stage of cellulite the network of fine reticular fibers or connective tissue starts to multiply and thicken causing obstruction of the microcirculation. Metabolic wastes and nutrients are then not sufficiently exchanged between the circulatory system and the adipocyte cells.
Stage 3

By this time the adipocyte cells have become encrusted with metabolic wastes. They will now begin to harden and significantly slow down the metabolism.

They start to cluster together and become encapsulated in the fibers of the surrounding connective tissue, thus forming micro-nodules and becoming separated from the rest of the functioning tissue. As the cells merge to form micro-nodules they can trap the nerve endings that serve them.

Stage 4

This is the most sever stage and can be felt as hard granules when palpated. Groups of micro-nodules now begin to merge forming macro-nodules in the connective tissue.

At this stage the cellulite can become very painful to the touch and bruise easily due to the inhibited circularity system. This person is likely to have broken capillaries.


The body regulates through the potential of hydrogen (pH) this revolves around the alkaline and acid intake of our diet and the products we use on our skin. The body is alkaline by nature and acid by function, acid is a by product of metabolism, in other words toxic waste, high levels of stress add to this problem by releasing even more acid into the system.

The alkaline in our diet neutralizes the acid to stabilize the pH balance, if there is insufficient alkaline in the diet the body will leech calcium from the bones and teeth, this in turn can cause Osteoporosis (weakening and crumbling of the bones).

To avoid toxic build up an ideal diet should be 75% Alkaline Ash (fruit and vegetable) 25% Acid Ash (protein, dairy and complex carbohydrates).
Acid/Alkaline - pH Balance & How It Affects Our Health

The most amazing fact about our universe is that it is electrical entirely electrical. Our bodies are miniature universes. We are a veritable milky way of tiny interwoven electrical patterns. Molecules are held together by electrical charges. Atoms are minute electric patterns occupying space. A strong internal electric relationship withstands external stresses.

To stimulate proper healing and regenerate tissue the electrical system needs substrates or building blocks to work with, this is the role of diet and supplements.  There are lots of so-called miracle diets on the market, however, most of these cause serious damage to the internal system and are not good for long term health.

One of the most life-giving substances the body depends on is water. Chronic pain can be a symptom of chronic dehydration and the points that suffer most from a shortage of water are those without direct vascular circulation, especially the joint cartilages in the knees, fingers, toes and vertebrae etc. Therefore ensure the client is advised to drink plenty of water daily.

Arthritic joints are "painfully" lacking in lubricating fluids. We can oil a machine by applying oil from the outside. However, our human machine must be lubricated from the inside. A diet rich in essential fatty acids, cold water fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna, sardines and salmon may significantly reduce inflammation as well as allergic reactions. Omega 3 is a good back up supplement to support this diet.

It is not healthy to have too much protein in our diet; we only need about two ounces per day. More than this over a long period of time leads to excess acid ash residue in the body and is the prime cause of osteoporosis and kidney disease. The acid has to be neutralized otherwise it will destroy the kidneys. The body uses sodium which is derived from alkaline to do this job, however, if the sodium reserves are low the body will leech calcium from the bones to stabilize the pH balance.

All fruit and vegetables leave an alkaline ash residue at a cellular level, this is designed to neutralize the acid which is then easily eliminated by the body.

Our cells are designed to be 80% water and 20% protein. When we eat too much protein, our cells become congested with it, this in turn throws the pH balance out.

The body is alkaline by design and acid by function. Cells normally live in an alkaline environment and produce acid as a by product of metabolism.

A balanced diet was thought to be a mix of meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, breads and cereals. However research has shown that excess protein in the diet actually acidifies the body making it very toxic and vulnerable to disease.

pH stands for "potential of Hydrogen", or if you really wish to be scientific, pH represents the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. We prefer to call it your potentia1 for Health.

The ideal pH for most of the fluids of your internal environment is just above pH 7.0. Your blood must be pH 7.35 - pH 7.45 all the time, when your pH values are too far below or too high above pH 7.0, the fluid in and around your cells, that is, your potential for health plummets.

A byproduct of metabolism is ash. Fruits and vegetables produce a healthy alkaline ash. But other foods such as meats, grains, eggs and dairy products - leave a debilitating acid ash which can result in disease.

Below are some examples of foods to help to control acid in your internal environment.

Alkaline Ash Foods: are extremely good for you!

Almonds,Dates, dried Parsnips,Apples,Figs, dried Peaches, Apricots,Grapefruit Pears, Avocados, Grapes, Pineapple, Bananas, Green beans, Potatoes, Blackberries Green peas, Radishes, Broccoli, Lemons, Raisins, Brussel sprouts, Lettuce, Rasberries, Cabbage, Limes, Sauerkraut, Carrots, Millet, Soybeans, green
Cauliflower, Molasses, Spinach, raw Celery, Mushrooms, Strawberries, Cherries, sour Onions, Tangerines, Cucumber, Oranges, Tomatoes and Watercress.  

Acid Ash Foods: Good in small portions, balanced with Alkaline Ash foods

Bacon,Eggs,Pork,Barley, grain, Beef, Haddock,Rice, Bran, Honey,Salmon, Bread, Lamb,Sardines, Butter, Lobster,Sausages, Cheese, Milk cows, Scallops, Chicken Macaroni,Shrimp, Cod, Oatmeal,Spaghetti, Corn, Oysters,Sunflower seeds, Corned beef, Peanut butter,Turkey, Crackers, Peanuts, Veal, Peas, dried Currants,
Walnuts, Yogurt. 

Try to aim for no more than 25% Acid Ash foods & 75% Alkaline Ash foods.


Carbohydrates are fuel for the body, eat them when you need energy,  e.g breakfast and lunch, especially complex carbohydrates which have a slow energy release, otherwise if you don''t burn them off the body will store them as fat. Try to eat just protein, vegetables and salad in the evening preferably before 6pm if you can.

Don''t skip meals or starve yourself; this slows down the metabolism and what little you do eat the body will store as reserves.

Body cells are designed to be 80% water and 20% protein. If we eat too much protein cells become congested with it taking the pH out of balance

The body only needs about 2oz. protein per day. Protein is very acidic, especially red meat, so look at portion control.

Dairy includes, Milk, Cheese, Eggs, yoghurt etc. it can be very fattening and also very acidic, try Soya or rice milk as a lean alternative to milk.


Meat,Nuts,Fish,Cheese,Eggs,Quorn meals,Soya meals,Tofu, Lentils and Pulses


aked Beans,Cous Cous,Lentils and Pulses,Oats,Milk,Fruit,Vegetables,Pasta,Rice



Body brush everyday to stimulate the circulation and lymphatic drainage which will help the body to rid itself of waste, always brush towards the heart.

Exfoliate at least once per week to slough off dead cells and stimulate new cell growth, preferably with a nutritious scrub recommended by your therapist.

Try Guam Bagno Mare shower gel, it is seaweed based, rich in vitamins and minerals and helps to avoid orange peel skin.

At least once per week soak for 15 minutes in a Guam seaweed bath to detox the whole body and re-mineralize the skin. No harmful substances or bubbles!

Try a Guam seaweed mud wrap or mud based cream at home, being a vegetable it has a high alkaline content which helps to neutralize the acids and decongest the tissue. It is also clinically proven to combat cellulite, and has been used by over one million Italian women for 20 years.

Exercise helps to pump the body up sending nutrients and oxygen to the skin and drain the waste. Try to do 15 mins per day (min) but build up slowly. Below are some simple ideas to add to your daily schedule.
Power walking,Cycling,Skipping,Run Up & Down Bottom Stair


Open your bowels at least once per day, otherwise the waste will dehydrate releasing toxins back into the body causing free radical damage and congestion in the tissue.

Water: The fountain of life, water is oxygen, oxygen is energy, we can''t live without it! the body can''t function without it, the body is 65% water and needs hydrating, drink at least 2 liters of water every day to revitalize the body and flush the toxic waste out.

Cut down on alcohol, it is a carbohydrate; your system will use it to fuel the body instead of burning your fat!

Don''t drink Alcohol before a meal it absorbs the enzymes and could stop you losing weight! It is better to have a glass of alcohol with a meal, if you must!

Don''t eat fruit after a meal it just ferments on top of your food. OK to eat 15 mins before a meal or ideally as snacks between meals

Avoid sugar and sugary drinks; sugar is more fattening than fat!

Take nutritional supplements; Due to current farming methods there are not enough in our daily food.  Minimum Recommendation: Multivitamin/mineral, Omega 3/6, Anti-oxidant, vitamin C. Apart from feeling healthier, these will help with cell repair and guard against congested tissue which causes the orange peel effect.

Change of diet during menstruating

During menstruating, drink more water and eat more fruit and vegetables, less complex carbohydrates/protein/diary, this will assist the body in metabolising whilst under pressure and helps to avoid orange peel congestion in the tissues.