06 May 2011 | Welwyn Tool Group Ltd
Welwyn Tool Group to set sail for Help for Heroes
Sole UK distributors of LEISTER industrial heat tools, Welwyn Tool Group, will be entering a team of 3 seafarers into the Isle of Wight Round the Island race to raise money for Help for Heroes.
The team will be doing their bit on a 22' open sailing boat with no cabin or loo, as they make their way round the Needles and into the English Channel.While not quite being in the same league of Dame Ellen MacArthur, Welwyn Tool Groups' Mark Hobbs explained;
"It's a new challenge for those of us who are more used to sailing a desk each day. To be honest we're all a bit apprehensive about what the 12 hour, 50 mile race around the island, particularly among the 1500 other generally much bigger boats, might bring".
The race takes part on Saturday 25th June and you can offer your support, however humble, on Welwyn Tool Groups' Help for Heroes fundraising page, by clicking on the link below.