25 October 2011 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd

Save Valuable Space in the Office Using a Document Scanning Service

Space is at a premium, now more than ever in every walk of life, whether it''s at home in an apartment or house and equally at the office.

Ultimately space costs and is more expensive than ever and when there are options out there that can help you to take back some of the much needed space that you are already using unnecessarily, you''ll want to pay attention.

In this article I focus on the office. A large number of businesses out there tend to have a lot of paper based documents which are stored in cabinets, drawers and other areas and are, ultimately, taking up room. In the past this is something that was, without doubt, a problem that you would just have to live with. Not anymore.
Document scanning has been around for quite some time as most of you will know and has been on our radars for literally decades.

However, document scanning can help to make you breathe a little easier in the office. Simply put digitising all of your document can save you a lot of room. Think about if you could just throw away all of the documents that take up space within your offices. Understandably, it''s not that simple, but if you got all of your documents scanned and saved onto computer, this would make that process a great deal easier.

However what comes with that process is time. Scanning each of your documents and saving them with appropriate names can take your staff a long time, and is a task that you could probably barely afford as it is. However this is what document scanning companies were created for.

Document scanning companies do exactly what they say on the tin; they scan your documents to enable you to have digital versions of them. What sets them apart from you doing the work yourself is that they usually have large volume scanning equipment, scanners which can scan documents in the region of 10,000 plus per day. Comparing this to adding each document into a scanner by hand, that''s quite an impressive difference.

They also tend to have excellent indexing software, software which can save the files however you wish them to be saved, whether this is by their reference number, client name, address or otherwise. Basically anything that makes them easier to find once they are accessible by your computer systems. OCR, or optical character recognition, also comes as an option for digitising your documents.
OCR can help to make your documents entirely text searchable for your computer systems which makes searching through your document collection all the easier if you''re looking for particular keywords or key phrases in order to find information quickly, significantly quicker than searching through cabinets stuffed with paper.

Because of the sheer speed of a service like this, the amount of time that your documents are away from you is usually relatively low, depending on how busy the document scanning company is, plus the costs should be relatively low for the same reasons, with prices from a penny per sheet usually for higher quantities of documents in need of scanning.

Currently, there isn''t a better way for offices to save space than digitising their documents. Services such as the document scanning by Pearl Scan, are recommended as you can get a free and accurate quote as well as quick turnaround. It''s something that all businesses should consider, especially in the current economical environment. Things might be back on the up for some of us, but saving some space and money can''t hurt, can it?