17 November 2011 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd
3 Reasons Why You Should Convert Your Book to eBook
Here are 3 great reasons why even the most resilient of writers should convert their book to digital format.
The market for ebooks is huge and getting bigger with each and every day. Over 2.5 million Amazon Kindle’s were sold this year, even more iPads and with the likes of the Kobo eReader making their way into our lives in a major way this year and with eBook sales in their millions, right now is the time to get in on the eBook boom.And if you needed any more convincing we list three very good reasons why you should.
1. Sell your book online.
Through using the likes of the extremely popular Amazon Kindle store your book can be sold online at a price of your choosing. Obviously within this the distributor will take a small cut, but you can build that into the price that your book sells for. On top of this if you wanted extra publicity for your books you could sell one online at a vastly reduced price in the hope that people will buy it and, if they like your writing style and subject, they’ll be tempted to purchase your other books at the fixed price.
2. Your books will be read by people who would never have read them previously.
There are millions of books out there and absolutely millions of readers. Unfortunately not all of those books are going to be seen by all those millions of people but converting your book to a digital format and selling it on Amazon / Apple’s iBook’s service will go a long way to helping that. The simple fact is that users of the Kindle, iPad, Kobo and other eBook readers are hungrily looking for books (I know because I am one), and readers tend to have books in a queue rather than just reading one book at a time.
What Amazon and Apple offer, like any large distribution channel, is the ability to offer your goods to a much wider audience than they would have before, especially if your book is in a specific niche where it will be found even more easily.
3. Build a fan base for your writing like never before.
Whether you’re a writer or a publisher, with your ebooks you can add in links within the book, usually at the beginning and/or end of the book. This also helps you to build a fan base like you would not have been able to before and you can include a link to, for example, your other books, Facebook fan page or Twitter feed within the book itself towards the end. This will go a long way towards building a fan base for future book releases and, if you’re a publisher, recommending other books that you are publishing to your fans.
If you have a book in phsical form but lack a digital copy, or have a digital copy that would like converting to eBook, visit our website to find out more about having your books converted to a digital format such as epub and .mobi.