18 April 2012 | Reid Lifting Ltd
Monmouth MP congratulates Reid Lifting
Monmouth MP David Davies has visited Reid Lifting in Chepstow to congratulate staff on their recent successes in business and employment growth.
Reid Lifting, a leading engineering company specialising in the design and manufacture of lightweight, portable, safe lifting systems, enjoyed a growth rate of over 35% last year, with 55% of its business exported as far as USA, Australia, the Middle East, Brazil and South Africa.The growth in sales has led to an additional three jobs at its manufacturing facility in Newhouse Farm Industrial Estate, including an assembly and testing engineer, a technical sales specialist and a graduate engineer introduced to Reid through the government Knowledge Transfer Partnership.
This successful partnership, which linked Cardiff University with Reid for the exchange of expertise and experience, led to the employment of Peter Italiano, who was congratulated by Mr Davies for his award-winning design and development of the company’s unique and innovative Porta-Gantry Rapide lifting system.
The new rapidly deployed lifting structure can be assembled in just one minute and lift half a ton and can also be used for personnel protection and rescue. It is already contributing to Reids further success with sales into the USA, Australia and Europe since its introduction in October and is widely available from leading rental companies, including Speedy Hire.
Mr. Davies spent time with Reid, discussing their product development and distribution, an area he has direct experience of from his background in his family haulage business, as well as exploring areas where he could help introduce Reid into other markets and countries.
“It was absolutely fantastic to visit a company which is enjoying such rapid growth based on a very simple yet practical idea,” said Mr Davies.
He continued; “I worked in transport and warehouses before entering politics and I could immediately see how useful their portable lifting device could be. I wholeheartedly congratulate Reid Lifting on their success. It’s good news for the economy in Chepstow and Wales as a whole.”
Phillip Ellis, Sales & Marketing Director at Reid Lifting, added;
“It was a real pleasure welcoming Mr Davies to our offices, given his genuine interest in our business and his knowledge of our operation and its challenges. I look forward to discussing future opportunities with him in the future.”