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Articles 24251 to 24260 | Page 2426 of 2479

  • The Flag Consultancy Limited

    The Flag Consultancy Limited is a provider of flags and associated products to the corporate market.

  • Heat and glare

    The very essence of windows – they let us see clearly through – is also at the root of their problem. Because windows let everything through: heat, cold and glare.

  • Heat and glare for Hospitals

    Windows are a vital fabric in hospitals as they provide the essential daylight and vision so important to the healing process.

  • Heat and glare for Schools

    Under the £45billion Building for Schools (BfS) initiative the Government plans to refurbish or rebuilt many schools in the country.

  • Carbon footprint

    A year ago there was a lot of talk about environment, saving energy and carbon footprint. But increasingly the talk is turning into action and today companies feel they need to make their contribution.

  • Energy loss & carbon footprint for Hospitals

    There are a lot of windows in most hospitals and glass is a pro material when it comes to allowing heat and cold through. Much is written about heat loss in winter but the situation in summer needs serious attention.

  • Energy loss & carbon footprint for Education

    Schools represent about 15% of the total carbon footprint of the public sector. And whilst much is written about energy loss in winter – the situation in summer needs serious attention.

  • Storage? Not a problem!

    Lifestyle innovators, Rob McAlister Ltd. have launched TidyTent an easy to assemble, weatherproof garden storage system that simply attaches to a wall or fence

  • Storage? No problem.

    This is the answer if the garden shed is full or you simply have no room for a shed at all

  • Ever Edge

    EverEdge, the company that produces the Classic range of flexible steel garden edging

Articles 24251 to 24260 | Page 2426 of 2479

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