Company details for AstroSafe


  • 0208 (Display number) 02081632007
404, 301 Kingsland Road
London London E8 4DS United Kingdom

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About us

A safe browser and search engine for kids that lets children use the internet free of adverts, tracking, social media, and blocks all inappropriate content.

For kids, AstroSafe is a safe digital playground where they can access the best parts of the internet, music, videos and games, free of adverts, tracking, social media, unwanted contacts, and malicious inappropriate content.

For parents, AstroSafe is a tool that allows them to stay in the loop and in control of their children's digital lives via a parent portal that lets them set time based rules on devices and apps, control the content their children can access with ease, and monitor what their children do and visit in real time.

For teachers, AstroSafe is a way to share videos and lessons with students in a safe environment that only allows students to access the online tools and content they need to research and learn without adverts or tracking, and monitor each student's internet usage individually and in real time.

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