Company details for Avantor

  • 0145 (Display number) 01455 55 86 00
Magna Park
Hunter Boulevard
Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4XN United Kingdom

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About us

Providing mission-critical products and services to life sciences and other regulated industries, VWR is the delivery channel for Avantor®, a Fortune 500 company. These include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, industry, education, government, healthcare and advanced technologies.

Our Featured Solutions Include:

Our global distribution network supports an integrated, seamless purchasing experience that is optimized for the way our customers do business.

Our global e-commerce platform provides convenient, easy access to thousands of brands, including our own.

As a trusted global partner to customers and suppliers in the life sciences and advanced technologies & applied materials industries, Avantor has earned the trust of customers and suppliers worldwide.

To make the world a better place, we set science in motion.

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