Company details for Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Co.

Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Co.

  • 0162 (Display number) 01622 795962
Royal British Legion Industries Village
Hall Rd
Aylesford Kent ME20 7NL United Kingdom

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About us

It is our mission to create employment opportunities for ex-forces personnel, allowing them to use the skills they learned in the Armed Forces while enabling them to maintain their independence in civilian life. This has been our mission here at RBLI since we were founded over 100 years ago and it continues to drive us forward today.

Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Co. has a team of hard-working men and women; many of whom have served our country or have a disability which impacts on their everyday life. For over 50 years, they have been using their skills to provide a high quality service to customers across the country.

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