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4 Sandy Lane North,
SM6 8JX,
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Neon Signs

Neon Signs

Neon provides a high quality, high impact form of signage that will make any business stand out to passing customers. As we all know it is very rare we get a second chance to grab a customer’s attention and make that all important first impression.

Neon has no equal, although many have tried, they lack the natural, attractive light or are too harsh to look at and lack the bespoke hand-made feel of a neon sign. So whether used as part of a fascia sign, hanging in a window of a high street shop, or to give a retro feel to the interior of a bar, you can be sure that a neon sign will give the best impact you could possibly want, as its natural light and vintage/retro charm attracts customers to your door.

Neon Sign Makers
As the UK’s premier neon sign makers, we are able to create a bespoke design to meet your needs, from either a logo, handwriting or to follow the outlines of a picture, our design team will be happy to work with you to create your own exclusive look; with many years experience we have the knowledge to create the perfect neon sign for you.

From a simple open neon sign, through to complex multi-coloured logos that flash, creating movement in your signage, we have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your advertising needs. We endeavor to make it our goal to give you the most effective sign for your business to help you stand out from the crowd.

We carry a large stock of colours and can source other rarely used colours within a short time-frame. These can be seen on our colour selector page.
Neon Art

Neon Art

Neon, as an art form, has become more popular over recent years, through the use of words, shapes and colours that can be mixed with other mediums and materials or used on its own, to be thought provoking. Whether the art piece is minimalist in its design or has more of a modern art feel, here at our workshop we work with artists to produce the desired end product, whilst also creating our own works of art from time to time.

Options for Neon Art
A1deSIGNS can help you produce your neon art piece by providing the experience and know-how to merge the neon with many other materials including, but not limited to, rusted metal, aged wood, digitally printed photos and even sculptures. We love to push the boundaries of what is possible and embrace the creative side of our industry.

When it comes to art, the possibilities are practically endless, and this is no exception when talking about Neon Art. We have the ability to produce stunning visuals and change the way the interior or exterior of your business looks in a positive way. Neon Art doesn’t have to be commercial either, in case you were wondering. If you are thinking about Neon Art for your home, A1deSIGNS can work with you on this too.

If you have a neon art piece you would like to work with us on, or would like to commission us to create a neon art piece for you, please feel free to give us a call. We are always happy to help.

With combined neon art manufacturing experience of over 150 years, we have a wealth of knowledge that will help create the effect you are looking to achieve, along with providing the peace of mind knowing that your neon art has been installed to the high standard that experience brings.
Architectural Signs

Architectural Signs

Architectural Signs can really help to enhance the feel of the external or internal architecture of a building, when looking for Architectural Signage, you need a company that understands your needs and can help turn your concepts, design form and structure into dramatic architectural signage.

Using raw materials such as metals, glass, hardwoods, softwoods and plastics, combining them with various finishes, A1deSIGNS can create dramatic architectural signage that meets all your requirements.

What is architectural signage?

Architectural signage is high quality hand and machine crafted signage, generally made from metal but does include the use of glass, hardwoods, various special finishes and usually has a single overall design form and structure. Ranging from Built up lettering made from various metals including gold stainless steel, metal plates, flat metal lettering and way-finding signage. These can be made through various processes including CNC routing, laser cutting, water jet cutting, engraving and hand crafting.

Illumination for architectural signage can be either LED’s or Neon, the best choice for a higher quality, brighter, more efficient end product is neon, however due to its size limitations, in very shallow, small letters LED’s make a great alternative.

Architectural Sign Possibilities

Architectural signage can cover a wide variety of different elements of signage, some of these include: metal letters, etched glass, illumination, Perspex letters, hardwoods and softwoods, plaques and engraving and lighting. Any of these elements can be combined to create architectural signage that creates impact or blends subtly with its surroundings. Colour examples can be found on our Colour Selector Page
Commercial Signs

Commercial Signs

If you are looking for a company that specialises in Commercial Signs, then you have certainly come to the right place. A1deSIGNS has an impressive portfolio for work we have carried out across the UK, and with that being said, we know we have the skills and expertise to help you moving forward. Commercial Signs are part of the comprehensive Sign Making Service we offer here at A1deSIGNS, so make sure you get in touch if you have any questions to ask.

Corporate, Industrial and Commercial Signage applied in the correct manner will help a business stand out in any industrial or business park, and can make any client’s visit to your premises an impressive, pleasant and effortless experience. A1deSIGNS specialise in the design and production of Commercial Signs, and we have the ability to help you moving forward.

We can help with your brand design management, the manufacture and installation of any type of Commercial, Corporate, Industrial, and general branding signage around your premises.

From the use of monolith signs to main entrance map signs, internal directory signage, Wayfinding schemes and individual door signs, A1deSIGNS can help create a coherent signage and corporate branding scheme that purveys your business in the best possible way, allowing your client to find your company on any large estate − and their way round the largest of corporate buildings
Retail Signs / Shop Signs

Retail Signs / Shop Signs

Retail Signs − Perfect for Business

For retail businesses large and small, signage is one of the most important investments ever made by a retail outlet. At A1deSIGNS we cater for everything from large flex faces for Retail signs through to light boxes for small shop signs along with indoor retail displays covering all facets of the retail environment.

For small retail companies the most important and effective, but often overlooked, form of advertising is your shop sign. Cheaper than advertising in directories, where you’re positioned next to all your other competition, this form of advertising directly influences your most important customers, the ones passing your retail store on a minute by minute basis. Don’t underestimate the power a shop sign with impact has to entice your customers into your store.

For larger retail stores, impressive retail signs are a must to get your business noticed on large retail parks or in malls. With a wide variety of production methods available and the use of illumination, we can follow brand guidelines effectively to create retail signage that makes an impact. Internal retail signage is another important facet for retail stores, we can produce internal signage schemes that help direct your customer to areas or entice them to buy products.
Vinyl Graphics

Vinyl Graphics

Vinyl Graphics are a cost effective versatile form of signage that can be used on internal walls, panels and windows, making use of often neglected areas that can actually be used to get a message across to your customers. Vinyl Graphics are versatile, and given the right care and attention, they can be truly remarkable to look at. As you can see by scrolling down the page, A1deSIGNS have an excellent portfolio that shows you just what we can do with Vinyl Graphics, and this is an outstanding indication of what we are able to achieve.

Where Can Vinyl Graphics be used, and What For?
Vinyl graphics can be applied to windows and used to list products, contact details and websites, all-the-while leaving more space on your main signage for an uncluttered, clear message. Vinyl graphics can also be applied in a wide variety of colours, including etched glass colours and solar films. Window vinyl graphics designed in the right way can enhance privacy whilst making the most of the space available to getting a message across.
Vehicle Graphics

Vehicle Graphics

Vehicle Graphics are an important consideration for businesses large and small, branding the mobile parts of your business and providing essential information to potential customers passing your vehicles as they go about your daily business. Vehicle Graphics provide a cost effective signage solution, be it a simple elegant design or the corporate branding of vehicles to a complete vehicle wrap. If your vehicles aren’t carrying your business message, then you are missing getting your message out to thousands of people on a daily basis.

Versatile Advertising in the form of Vehicle Graphics
Whether one offs or whole fleets A1deSIGNS can help you with your vehicle graphics needs. With a wide range of vinyls to choose from, that can be viewed on our Colour Selector Page, A1deSIGNS can truly help you to stand out from the crowd.

Magnetic Signs are a great solution for temporary vehicle graphics and signage, easily removable, with a strong enough magnetic bond to handle high speeds; a cost effective vehicle graphics solution, which can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle with ease.
Digital Prints

Digital Prints

Digital Prints can be used to add rich advertising images to retail environments and can be applied to a variety of surfaces or mounted inside light boxes to create effective point of sale advertisements. Digital Print is something that A1deSIGNs are incredibly good at. We have years of experience and we know what we are doing. It’s not only this though. We recognise how effective Digital Prints can be when used in the right way. There’s a whole wide world of opportunities out there for Digital Print in terms of marketing, and A1deSIGNS have looked into these below.

Digital Print Opportunities
Pop up displays can be extremely effective when use properly. They provide movable, temporary options allowing the user to place adverts in a variety of positions, or for more corporate customers can be taken along to exhibitions to get your message across.

When entering a premises, most people tend to look at the floor to see where they are going, so more effective forms of point of sale digital prints are floor graphics and adverts, used to convey a message, direct traffic or to enhance and interior scheme. Digital print floor graphics open up a world of possibilities and innovations.

Digital Prints can be used almost anywhere, can be little, large, full colour, or plain black and white. One thing is certain though with Digital Prints. You always receive materials that have been printed to the highest quality and finished professionally. This is a given when you choose A1deSIGNS for your Digital Prints.

At A1deSIGNS we have the know-how to produce aesthetically pleasing digital prints to meet your requirements. One of our knowledgeable team can advise on which materials are best to use and where to use them. Contact us now for a free quotation or to discuss your digital print requirements.
Vintage Signs

Vintage Signs

Vintage Signs, for that special old world feel of a custom manufactured sign that brings back that nostalgic feeling of days past. At A1deSIGNS we have the manufacturing capabilities and experience to restore old signs to their former glory whilst being mindful of keeping the aged feel of the original piece. Using traditional techniques we bring old signage lovingly back to life.

Create an Older Feel with Vintage Signage
We can also manufacture in the style of vintage signage using older typography in the design along with aging techniques that can be used on the materials the sign is manufactured from, this can included the aging, patination and rusting of various metals including brass and steel.
So whether you’re looking to something with a 1950’s diner feel or something as recent as the 1980’s we can create vintage signs with the style and feel you are looking for. Our team of experienced Sign Makers are highly skilled when it comes to producing Vintage Signs that representing the intended era. Designing Vintage Signs comes naturally to us, as we have a wealth of experienced from working in the sign industry for such a long time, finding out what makes quality vintage signs, and discovering what catches the eye.
Light Bulb Signs

Light Bulb Signs

Light bulb signs and fairground lights are a great way to add illumination to signage, whether it’s to a large fascia sign for a west end theatre or individual letters that can be used in the home, light bulb signs or fairground lights can add that bit of glamour to any home or office and a show biz feel to any signage.
Light bulb signs can be flashed, chased or lit up in a variety of ways to create movement in your light bulb signs and fairground lights. With our experience and manufacturing capabilities we can provide you with a final product that meets your expectations.

Light Up Your Life With Light Bulb Signs
If you are looking to create the ultimate Hollywood Effect, light bulb signs are the perfect option for you. Not only do light bulb signs look flashy and amazing, they can be used as a way of lighting up a particular room, which can come in very handy for those of you who are trying to create a ‘glitzy and glamorous’ effect in the workplace, or at home.

Energy Efficient Light Bulb Signs
As you would expect, a combination of many light bulbs can be extremely bright, and energy consuming too. Thankfully for you though, we have taken all of this into consideration. If you would prefer, we can use only energy efficient light bulbs to manufacture your light bulb signs. This means you won’t have to spend a small fortune to enjoy the sparkle that comes with light bulb signs.
The light bulb signs and fairground lights that we offer come in a variety of styles and colours, where a selection of these can be viewed on our colour selector page.
Visual Merchandising Signage

Visual Merchandising Signage

Visual Merchandising Signage for the retail environment is the most important investment that can be made, directing to, or informing about, your products. As such, it’s important that your visual merchandising signage makes an impact whilst still being cost effective.

Complete Visual Merchandising Solutions
At A1deSIGNS not only do we have the experience and knowledge of manufacturing methods but we also have the capabilities to provide the complete sign solution for any visual merchandising signage. With in-house manufacturing that includes CNC machining, MIG and TIG welding, Acrylic fabrication, digital printing, vinyl, neon fabrication, metal letter fabrication, wood working and UV Bonding of acrylic and glass.

By combining our in house manufacturing techniques and capabilities, whilst using specialist products from other manufacturers, we are able to create effective Visual merchandising signage that meets the time frames required for your production schedule. Having worked with many visual merchandising companies we understand your needs, requirements and expectations.

Visual Merchandising Signage − Perfect for Marketing
In the world of marketing it’s important to think of ways you can engage with customers, all the while informing them of what it is you actually do. Mixing these two things together can be done quite appropriately when you consider using Visual Merchandising Signage, something A1deSIGNS know an awful lot about.

As you can see by viewing our gallery of work below, we have developed an excellent portfolio for work we have carried out recently, where our Visual Merchandising Signage can be seen all over the UK, spearheading marketing campaigns of various different business types.
Sign Maintenance & Repair

Sign Maintenance & Repair

Sign Maintenance is not just a legal obligation for shop owners, it is an integral part of the sign's life cycle. Whether it is repairs to broken signage, or even an annual clean of the sign to make sure that it continues to look as good as the day it was installed, maintenance is key to getting the most value out of your sign.
LED Flex Neon Signs

Traditional LED Flex Neon Signs

When traditional neon is not suitable for the job and the premium LED Neon version is outside of your budget, we are now happy to offer you LED Flex Neon Signs. This product provides a budget-sensitive project with something that although does not have the same quality as neon has a similar aesthetic.
Neon Sign Repair

Neon Sign Repair

A Neon sign is a wonderful feature wherever it is placed. If it does stop working, or if it is broken, it can be very frustrating. We can handle any and all parts of a neon sign repair, from replacing transformers, to remaking parts of the glass. So if you need to have a neon sign fixed, give us a call, send over an email, or bring it in to us and we will do what we can to help.
LED Flex Neon Infinity Mirrors

LED Flex Neon Infinity Mirrors

Infinity Mirrors are a brilliant way to brighten up an area. With their creative construction, it appears as though whatever design you have chosen is reflected forever inside the case.
LED Flex Neon Signs

LED Flex Neon Signs

LED Neon Flex signs are a great alternative to neon signs when needed. If you need a product that is a bit more durable, or if real neon is out of your budget, or even if a venue will not allow real neon, LED Flex signs can provide a cost effective solution while still maintaining a look that resembles real neon.

About us

Sign makers of neon signage, cold cathode lighting and bespoke glass etched signs, A1deSIGNS are your one stop shop for your signage requirements. We provide the complete sign makers service for businesses both large and small and in a variety of industry including retail, hospitality and offices etc.

We specialise in cold cathode lighting but offer a lot more sign solutions than this. From neon signs to glass etched signs to vehicle livery and POS signage. A1deSIGNS can offer you the complete sign making package design and planning through to installation and maintenance. We can create one-off bespoke signs to complete company branding or cold cathode lighting projects.

With years of experience in the signage industry we provide the professionalism to make sure your sign projects run on time and to the specifications with minimum disruption.

  • Architectural signs
  • Cold cathode signs
  • Commercial signage
  • Engraved signs
  • LED lighting
  • Neon signs
  • Plaques
  • POS signage
  • Retail signs
  • Vehicle livery
  • Window displays

Our passion for signage solutions has been a strong focus on the growth of our business, we design products that last and provide many years of good service with minimal maintenance and repair. With sustainability in mind we recycle our signs and cold cathode lighting at the end of their product life cycle, giving you true piece of mind that you’re making maximum visual impact with a minimised environmental impact.

For more information on our signage solutions contact us now for a FREE quotation, we are always happy to help and discuss your signage requirements.


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