Company details for:
Acclaim Handling PLC
Ellisam House,
Purfleet Industrial Park,
RM15 4YD,
United Kingdom
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About us
Welcome to Acclaim Handling, the forklift hire, sales and materials handling equipment specialist. Whether you have forklift trucks, reach trucks, just one lift truck or any other materials handling equipment, you will find what you need at Acclaim Handling, the forklifts sales and materials handling equipment specialist. We provide expert advice to businesses of any size based on over 40 years of experience in every aspect of forklift trucks’ operation and materials handling. Contract forklift rent and hire, sales, repair, refurbishment, training, logistics and storage are all Acclaim services. Contact us if you are looking to buy equipment, in need of forklift hire prices or seeking materials handling expertise and advice. We are proud to distribute major forklift manufacturer products from STILL, Hyundai, Flexi Narrow Aisle, Combilift & More. We are the biggest supplier of used forklift trucks and MHE in the UK. We also provide forklift services, maintenance and repairs too. We have the confidence and expertise to supply the right products to positively impact your company’s efficiency and cost control.