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Met-Cal House,
Fisher Street,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tyne and Wear,
NE6 4LT,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

Acoustic Calibration Services

Acoustic Calibration Services

Acoustic Calibration is available on all types and brands of instrument with our comprehensive Calibration Service based in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Sound Level Meters are classified by two different types (Class/Type 1 and Class/Type 2) and can often be known as Noise Meters or Noise Dosimeters. The different classes refer to the accuracy level of the results given by the meter with Class 1 being the more accurate of the two options.

For example, the use of Sound Level Meters is widespread across industry with the importance of issues such as Noise at Work Regulations, Building Acoustics and other forms of Environmental Monitoring being just some of the key reasons. Regular calibration of Sound Measuring Equipment is therefore essential in industry so users can be certain results being provided by the meters conform to the relevant British Standard BS EN 61672-3:2013. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
Chemical Calibration

Chemical Calibration Services

AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory offering experienced and Chemical calibration services. Our company was established in 2004 and over the years we gained enough experience and know-how to do our job to the best possible standard. AMECaL is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for a wide range of services, including chemical calibration. Our accreditation body is Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
Electrical Calibration Services

Electrical Calibration Services

AMECaL offer a professional and experienced service providing a wide and varied spectrum of calibration and repair services for a vast array of electrical testing and measuring equipment employed in industry today, from simple proving units and voltage indicators to high accuracy precision multimeters and standard resistors.

We are specialists in electrical calibration and repair; our laboratory is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation Inc, (PJLA), in the field of electrical calibration and various other fields. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
Force Calibration Services

Force Calibration Services

AMECaL makes use of a number of pieces of test equipment allowing us to perform a wide ranging Force Gauge Calibration Service. We have the ability through our highly accurate Dead Weight Tester and Load Cell to perform Dynamometer Calibration, Load Cell Calibration, Push/Pull Gauge Calibration and Cable Tension Gauge Calibration. Force measuring equipment such as those listed is used in research laboratories, manufacturing and production environments, out onsite in the field and in hospitals. The use in hospitals is particularly interesting with a Hand Held Force Gauge or Hand Grip Dynamometer used to test the strength of patients grip after a hand injury or operation.

Regular calibration of Force Gauges will ensure that your gauges continue to provide readings within manufacturer specific tolerance. The sheer nature of these gauges means they are exposed to considerable forces during testing so measurements can drift over the course of time. AMECaL test Force Gauges in accordance with National Standards and all calibrations come with a traceable certificate (with before & after results as necessary) and label along with a standard complimentary clean. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
Gas Calibration

Gas Calibration Services

Our comprehensive Gas Calibration Service provides large coverage in terms of gas types and brands of equipment. The service is available at our facility in Newcastle upon Tyne, which has at its disposal a variety of gas sources and accurate flow equipment to correctly calibrate the wide variety of instruments we see. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.

Calibration of Gas Analysers and Detectors is a highly required service, especially for those in the Construction, Civil Engineering and Utilities sectors. The Emergency Services (Police and Fire) have also been customers of ours in the past for Gas Calibration. It is a requirement of most of these industries that analysers are regularly calibrated in order to meet stringent safety standards. The fact that most Gas measurement equipment manufacturers recommend their instruments are calibrated at least every 6 months highlights the importance of accuracy of readings and the propensity for the measurements to drift.
Humidity Calibration Services

Humidity Calibration Services

At AMECaL, our well-experienced experts offer a professional and reliable Humidity Calibration service. We are an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.

AMECaL offers humidity calibration services in accordance to the ISO 17025 international standard (ISO 17025 Humidity calibration) or the British National Standard (traceable Humidity calibration). To check our ISO 17025 accreditation schedule click here.

We offer both types calibration to a wide variety of instrumentation from many manufacturers. Calibration is important to ensure you can be confident in readings from test instruments. It can increase the quality of your products and improve customer satisfaction. Accurate monitoring of humidity can increase the efficiency of productivity in many aspects of production.

As with most digital measuring equipment, but even more so with hygrometers, there is a tendency for drift over time and use. Therefore, to provide confidence in the continued accuracy of your instrument, a regular calibration of Humidity measuring instruments is paramount.

Our company understands that every situation is different and that is why we are always open for custom quotes.
Mass Calibration Services

Mass Calibration Services

AMECaL provides a professional Scale and Balance Calibration Service at its premises in Newcastle upon Tyne, but can also visit site where necessary at the request of customers. We have capability to test equipment from 1mg up to 800kg. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.

Scales and Balances are some of the most widely used pieces of equipment in industry and every day life. Think of airlines weighing baggage before it is put on the aircraft, bakers weighing ingredients before it goes in a product or the average person weighing themselves as part of a fitness program and you really can’t ignore the need for Scale Calibration and accurate readings from these important pieces of equipment.
Pressure Calibration Services

Pressure Calibration Services

AMECal provides high quality Pressure Gauge Calibration Services in Newcastle upon Tyne. Pressure Gauges are sometimes known as Pressure Meters, Manometers, or more recently Digital Manometers. Like Multimeters and Thermometers these items are also present in a wide range of applications and industries. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.

Pressure and Vacuum Measurement is recognised as one of the most sophisticated in the field of metrology, so it is important that highly accurate equipment traceable to National Standards is used to when checking and verifying Pressure Meters. This is where AMECaL’s lab and Pressure Calibration Service comes to the fore, with highly accurate standards allowing calibration of pressure gauges, transducers and calibrators from 0.1 Pascal up to 700 Bar
Torque Calibration Services

Torque Calibration Services

Our Torque Equipment Calibration Service includes three different types and levels of Torque Equipment:

- Torque Wrench Calibration (Generally Mid/High Range Torque capability)
- Torque Screwdriver Calibration (Generally Low Range Torque capability)
- Torque Analyser Calibration (Broad spectrum Torque capability)

All Torque Wrench and Torque Screwdriver Calibration Services are performed using our highly accurate Torque Transducer Tester, where the Torque Analyser requires a more accurate measurement using what is known as a Dead Weight Tester. Torque Wrench Calibration is extremely important particularly in the Manufacturing and Automotive sectors where inaccurate torque equipment can lead to loose bolts and screws causing significant health and safety issues.
Temperature Calibration Services

Temperature Calibration Services

AMECaL offers an experienced and professional Temperature Calibration Service on a wide variety of types and brands of Temperature Measuring Instruments. Our state of the art laboratory based in Newcastle upon Tyne boasts highly accurate temperature measurement equipment such as Calibration Baths, Infrared Calibrators, Freezers and Dry Blocks. This equipment along with an electrical simulation, which can also be used to verify some thermometers, is all traceable back to the National Standard. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.

Temperature measuring instruments are used in every day life by the NHS to take a patients temperature or by a food and drink manufacturer to ensure the ingredients they are using are kept at a stable temperature to ensure good quality. Inaccurate temperature readings could therefore provide significant health and safety risks, highlighting the imprtance for periodic Calibration.
Torque Analyser Calibration

Torque Analyser Calibration

AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory specialised in torque analyser calibration services with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation. Our company was established over 15 years ago and gained trust of thousands of customers around the world. AMECaL is also a leading brand of test and environmental equipment that is used by professionals. We also take an active part in research and development of new test instruments and some of our custom-made calibrators are one of the most accurate on this planet.

A torque analyser (torque tester) is one of the most important test instruments used in quality control process. It helps to test or calibrate torque controlled tools like: electric, cordless and air screwdrivers, click torque wrenches, dial torque wrenches, electronic torque wrenches, torque screwdrivers and pulse tools. The instrument usually can measure in clockwise and counter clockwise directions and has built units converter (ex. in·oz, in·lb, kgf·cm, gf·cm and many more) for ease of use.

One of the most important thing to remember about any electrical and environmental test equipment is that it will lose its accuracy and precision over time. Due to temperature, pressure, humidity or incorrect human handling any too, like torque analyser,l should be recalibrated over time. To keep the equipment in proper working order it is advisable to perform these kind of service every 6 − 12 months. It should be done by accredited calibration laboratory like AMECaL.

Our company offers torque analyser calibration services in accordance to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standard (ISO 17025 torque analyser calibration) and the British National Standard (traceable torque analyser calibration). We understand that every customer has different requirements and our lab is always open for custom enquiries.
Luminous Flux Calibration

Luminous Flux Calibration

AMECaL is one of the best calibration laboratories with wide range of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited services. Our company was established over 15 years ago and during all those years we managed to gain experience in working with luminous flux. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to service any test and measure instrument currently available on the market. We offer two types of calibration to our customers.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) have one very important characteristic which is the Luminous Flux (measured by unit of lumen). It is often mistakenly thought to be same as radiant flux. This is of course incorrect. Radiant flux is a measurement of total energy (visible and invisible) emitted by a source of light. The Luminous Flux is measured by using integrating sphere photometers. In simple words it is the measurement of brightness of a light source in terms of energy being emitted in the form of visible light. Luminous flux or Luminous Power is often used as a comparison criteria for light bulbs. Due to different manufacturing processes of Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) it is important to be sure that the final product of manufacturing process (ex. light bulbs, LED strips) will produce correct amount of emitted energy in form of visible light. Professional calibration of Luminous Flux is very important. Here, at AMECaL, we have special equipment and trained staff to perform this Luminous Flux Calibration for our customers. We have years of experience and thousands of happy customers and our brand is well known on the market of calibration services.

AMECaL is also one of the best brands of electrical and environmental equipment that is being used by professionals all around the world. We not only sell our own test instruments but also take an active part in research and development process of new calibration equipment.
Repair Services

Repair Services

AMECaL's well trained staff can provide repair services to the best possible standards. We have years of experience and equipment to fix any issue with your electrical equipment.
Environmental Test Equipment

Environmental Test Equipment

AMECaL has its own brand of environmental test equipment.

Please feel free to browse our online shop.
Test Equipment Accessories

Test Equipment Accessories

AMECaL has its own brand of test equipment accessories.

Please feel free to browse our online shop.
Test Leads & Fittings

Test Leads & Fittings

AMECaL has its own brand of test leads and fittings.

Please feel free to browse our online shop.
Professional Calibrators

Professional Calibrators

AMECaL has its own brand of professional calibrators.

Please feel free to browse our online shop.
Dimensional Equipment

Dimensional Equipment

We sell our own range of dimensional equipment.

Please feel free to browse our online shop.

Dimensional Calibration Services

AMECaL offers a wide ranging Dimensional calibration service. Instruments such as Vernier Calipers  are extremely accurate as they include essentially two measuring scales, the standard caliper with vernier scale attached. Accuracy and calibration on these instruments can be down as a low as a tenth of a millimetre, some we have seen even go as low as a hundredth. The high level of accuracy and general use of these instruments means periodic calibration is an absolute necessity.

Optical Calibration Services

AMECaL is one of the world’s foremost laboratories in the specialised field of optical measurement.

AMECaL has spent many years researching and developing a method of calibration relating to optical gloss measurement. This now allows both instruments and reference standards to be calibrated against measurement standards traceable to international/national measurement standards.

AMECaL also manufacture Reference Standards, to client's high specifications, distributing them to an international client base.

High Current Test Equipment for Hire

A powerful test system designed for primary injection testing of protective relay equipment and circuit breakers. It is also used to test the transformation ratio of current transformers and for other applications that require high variable currents. Up to 8 kA can be generated. The ODENâ„¢ A system consists of a control unit together with one or two current units. All parts are portable, and ODEN A can be quickly assembled and connected.

High Voltage Test Equipment for Hire

The high power HVA60 Test System is capable of testing cables up to 3,300 m (1 μF at 0.1 Hz and 44 kV rms). The variable output frequency allows the testing of even much longer cables. At 10 μF – 0.01 Hz and 44 kV rms a length of approx 33,000 m can be tested (see technical data).

Relay Test Equipment for Hire

The SVERKER 760 features many functions that make relay testing more efficient. To cite one example, its powerful measurement section can display (in addition to time, voltage and current) Z, R, X, S, P, Q, phase angle and cos ϕ. The voltmeter can also be used as a 2nd ammeter (when testing differential relays for example). All values are presented on a single easy-to-read display. Thanks to its built-in variable voltage source (amplitude and phase angle), SVERKER 760 can also test directional protective equipment efficiently. Automatic reclosing devices can also be tested – just as easily. Fine regulation of current is easy thanks to the built-in set of resistors.

Calibration Services

At the heart of AMECaL's service to our clients are our calibration facilities. Our technicians have a wealth of hands-on experience with the wide range of equipment which comes through our doors. Feel free to check what we have to offer.

Our laboratory is based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, just a 5 minutes drive from the Tyne Tunnel. We always welcome our customers with open hands. Our staff of friendly customer service specialists are able to help and resolve even the most difficult electrical problems. We would like to invite anybody who is interested in what we have to offer to Contact Us directly by phone or email.

About us

As experts in instrument calibration, AMECaL (Aerospace Metrology & Electromechanical Calibration Ltd) provides a comprehensive range of services tailored to diverse applications.

Providing advanced calibration services across the UK, our company boasts a top-tier multi-laboratory facility in Newcastle, where we handle specialised projects and apply our technical expertise. We offer an extensive range of equipment and accessories designed for precise and complex measurements.

Our company is committed to upholding and enhancing calibration services with the highest standards of quality, accuracy, and precision, ensuring complete customer satisfaction throughout the entire process.

Our Calibration Services Include:

Acoustic Calibration

We offer Acoustic Calibration for all types and brands of instruments through our extensive Calibration Service in Newcastle upon Tyne. Sound Level Meters, also known as Noise Meters or Noise Dosimeters, are categorised into two classes (Class 1 and Class 2). The class indicates the accuracy of the results, with Class 1 being the more precise option.

Chemical Calibration

Founded in 2004, AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory with extensive experience in providing Chemical calibration services. Over the years, we have honed our skills to deliver the highest standards of service. AMECaL is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for a broad range of services, including chemical calibration, by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc.

Dimensional Calibration

AMECaL provides a comprehensive Dimensional calibration service. Instruments like Vernier Calipers, known for their precision, feature two measuring scales—the standard caliper and an attached vernier scale. Calibration accuracy for these tools can reach as fine as a tenth of a millimeter, with some models even achieving a hundredth. Given their high accuracy and common usage, regular calibration is essential for maintaining optimal performance.

Electrical Equipment Calibration

AMECaL provides a professional and experienced service offering a broad range of calibration and repair solutions for a variety of electrical testing and measurement equipment used in industry today, from basic proving units and voltage indicators to high-precision multimeters and standard resistors.

Force Calibration

AMECaL utilises various test equipment to offer an extensive Force Gauge Calibration Service. Using our highly accurate Dead Weight Tester and Load Cell, we can perform Dynamometer Calibration, Load Cell Calibration, Push/Pull Gauge Calibration, and Cable Tension Gauge Calibration. These force measuring tools are commonly used in research labs, manufacturing settings, fieldwork, and hospitals. Notably, in hospitals, devices like Hand Held Force Gauges or Hand Grip Dynamometers are used to assess a patient's grip strength following a hand injury or surgery.

… And more.

In addition to our customised calibration services, AMECaL also provides repair services across a range of applications. Our team consists of highly trained professionals with the expertise and experience to deliver top-quality repair work. With many years in the industry, we are fully equipped to address any electrical issues that may occur.

We also offer a range of products for hire, including high current test equipment, high voltage test equipment, and relay test equipment.


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