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Cecil Instruments Ltd


Milton Technical Centre,
CB24 6AZ,
United Kingdom

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AutoQuest Chromatography Autosampler

AutoQuest Chromatography Autosampler

The Cecil Instruments autosampler, may be used with virtually all HPLC and Ion Chromatography systems.

The astoundingly reliable 100 sample position autosampler, provides for ultra-low carryover, ultra-high injection precision, replicate injections and sample volumes from 5 µL to 2 mL.

The ultra-low carry-over, provides effective sampling for todays’ trace residue and contaminant analyses.
Merit − Affordable HPLC Systems

Merit − Affordable HPLC Systems

Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers.

Cecil Instruments have launched the new, low cost and easy to use Merit HPLC range. The Merit systems expand their proven Q-Adept and Adept HPLC ranges.

These PC controlled isocratic and binary systems, are designed to be the easiest of HPLC systems to operate, at the same time offering performance of the highest specification.

Set-up of the system hardware is fast and the PC software takes just a few minutes to master.

The Merit systems are excellent for use in screening, quality checks, method development, teaching and use by novices.

The price of an isocratic system is GBP 6,990 and GBP 7,990 for a binary system. Delivery is fast.
All New Electrochemical Detector

All New Electrochemical Detector

The latest innovation to the Cecil Instruments high specification, robust, reliable, modular, liquid chromatography instrumentation, has come in the form of the fully redesigned electrochemical detector.

This detector may be added to Cecil Instruments’ modular Adept and Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography systems. The detector may also be used with many third party liquid chromatography systems, control is through the detector’s stand-alone control keys.

The Cecil Instruments’ electrochemical detector may be used in three modes, DC, scanning DC and pulsed amperometric. Gold, glassy carbon, silver and platinum working electrodes may be used, together with a choice of reference electrodes.

The electrochemical detector can also be used in series with other detectors, such as the Cecil WaveQuest ultra fast scanning UV/Visible detector.

Sensitivities of 10 to the power 15 mol, are achievable with ease and simplicity. So trace level detection of many crime scene residues, environmental contaminants, poisons, carbohydrates, residual drugs, paint traces, metabolites and pesticide residues etc., is easily achievable.
Cecil IonQuest Ion Chromatography

Cecil IonQuest Ion Chromatography

Modular, versatile, effortless, sensitive and automated Ion Chromatography.

The extremely low drift and ultra low noise conductivity detector, may be purchased separately, for use with third party LC systems.

For laboratory use in water testing, testing of soils, toiletry production, electroplating, mining, fracking, semi-conductor and effluent industries etc. One single system will accommodate your requirements for now and the future.

The use of PowerStream software helps to achieve ease of use and 21 CFR part 11 compliance.
AquaQuest Spectrophotometers

AquaQuest Spectrophotometers

These versatile multilingual Cecil Instruments spectrophotometers are pre-programmed for use with proprietary reagent test kits, in a vast range of assays dedicated to water and effluent analysis. Providing for fast, convenient, easy and reliable measurements.

These versatile spectrophotometers may be used for other additional laboratory applications and may be operated in a choice of six languages.

Instant ESEF software options perform user-specified and pre-programmed functions. Code protected, user-created methods are effortlessly added.

These single beam spectrophotometers have a wide range of ESEF options, including high performance wavelength scanning, multiple wavelength analyses, multi-component analyses, kinetic analyses, calibration curves, multi cell changers and spectral derivatives.

Accessories include automatic eight cell changers, temperature controlled cells, sipper systems and nano sampling.

As a bonus, each purchased AquaQuest spectrophotometer may include free DataStream PC control software, free Validation software, free single cell Kinetics software and free automatic cell changer software.
GeneQuest, BioQuest and BioAquarius Spectrophotometers

GeneQuest, BioQuest and BioAquarius Spectrophotometers

Since 1968, Cecil Instruments has developed many analytical instruments, which may be used within the DNA/RNA analysis fields.

The GeneQuest, BioQuest and BioAquarius spectrophotometers perform pre-programmed assays for nucleic acids, proteins, oligonucleotides, experimental thermal melt, kinetics and cell culture determinations. They may be used with proprietary nano cells.

These versatile, easy to use, PC controllable spectrophotometers, may also be used for other additional laboratory applications and may be operated in a choice of six languages.

Other available accessories include automatic eight cell changers, temperature controlled cells, sipper systems and 100 cm path length cells.

Both the single and double beam spectrophotometers are easily able to make and store user-programmed methods.

The software packages mean easy performance of user calculations. A wide range of ESEF instant software options, which can grow with laboratory needs, is available.
Affordable HPLC and Ion Chromatography Systems

Affordable HPLC and Ion Chromatography Systems

Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers.

Cecil Instruments’ Adept and Q-Adept ranges of flexible modular HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography, may be configured to suit individual requirements. There is a wide range of detectors, including the revolutionary UV/Visible WaveQuest.

The elegantly effective AutoQuest autosamplers are specially designed for use with the Cecil Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography Systems. They may also be used with third party LC systems.

The Cecil compact column heaters and heater/chillers are also compatible with third party LC systems, with sufficient space for up to three 25 cm columns and a chemical suppressor valve.

Comprehensive, versatile, intuitive and easy to use PowerStream software provides for 21 CFR part 11 compliance.

Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography systems have been designed with the user in mind. Systems are easy and fast to install. They are virtually plug and play.
The Aquarius range of UV/Visible Double Beam Spectrophotometers

The Aquarius range of UV/Visible Double Beam Spectrophotometers

Cecil Instruments now include four different models within their trusted Aquarius range of spectrophotometers.

These multi-lingual double beam spectrophotometers may be operated in a choice of six languages. They provide superb performance, have powerful ESEF software and are fully accessorised.

The range includes spectrophotometers with pharmacopoeial compliance, wavelength ranges between 190 to 1,100 nm, bandwidths, both fixed and variable, from 0.5 to 4 nm and PC control options.

These versatile Cecil Instruments’ spectrophotometers may also be pre-programmed for use with proprietary test kits, for a vast range of assays, dedicated to water and effluent analysis. Life science and food and beverage pre-programmes, are available too.

These spectrophotometers bring reliability, high performance, speed, versatility and convenience to R & D, Quality Control and Academia.

About us

Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers.
Cecil Instruments Ltd Website

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