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Colin Lillicrap Associates Ltd
10 Greystoke Close,
HP4 3JJ,
United Kingdom
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Energy Audits
Energy audits provide directors with the information they need to plan how to make savings and reduce GHG emissions. Colin Lillicrap Associates has been auditing large companies since the introduction of the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) in 2014. Colin Lillicrap has 22 years’ experience of research into energy intensive industrial processes followed by a period at the Building Research Establishment managing the non-domestic part of the Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme.

Energy Profiles
The energy audit can provide a breakdown of energy use between buildings, transport and process but to obtain a more detailed insight further analysis is required. Based on the detailed information from our surveys we use a range of techniques and experience to estimate energy by end use. For example, lighting, heating, cooling, office equipment and domestic hot water. Vehicle fuel can be broken down by type of vehicle or plant. Factories are analysed through detailed discussion and collaboration with the management.

Energy Saving Opportunities
These saving opportunities form the basis of a long term strategy to achieve Net Zero Carbon.

Net Zero Carbon
To achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050 companies will as far as practical need to replace fossil fuels with electricity generated from renewable sources. The emission intensity of electricity is predicted to drop below 100g CO2e/kWh making possible significant reduction in GHG emissions.
We work with you to develop a long term strategy taking into account the considerable body of legislation governing energy efficiency and GHG emissions while identifying incentives and grants to reduce the costs.

Monitoring & Targeting
We can offer guidance on setting up an energy management system based on ISO 50001. Smaller businesses may wish to reap the benefit of such a system without the expense of becoming accredited.

Environmental Reporting
Large companies with financial year ending 31 March 2020 will need to include details of total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission in their next Directors' report
We report on total energy and GHG emissions to comply with SECR
The Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations require large* companies to report their total energy consumption and all mandatory GHG emissions in their annual report for the first complete financial year after 1 April 2019.
We prefer to gather the data required through an energy audit but during the coronavirus lockdown we can work remotely based on meter reading or utility invoices and other records.
We present results in a recommended format, calculate relevant intensity ratios and describe the methodology used.
About us
While 2050 might seem a long way off, companies are already coming under pressure from customers, investors and the general public to protect the environment. They need a long term strategy for reducing GHG emissions that creates a win-win situation through avoiding carbon taxes while reducing energy costs. We strongly believe action is required now starting with a comprehensive energy audit identifying how much energy is used and where it is used. This will identify the most significant energy uses and equip managers with the information they need to propose investing in energy saving measures.
Our comprehensive energy management services include:
- Energy audits including audits under the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS)
- Introducing an ISO 50001 Energy Management system − a logical follow on from an ESOS audit
- Reporting total GHG emissions and total energy consumption to comply with Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
- Developing strategies to reduce GHG emission to Net Zero Carbon target by 2050
- Identifying energy and cost saving opportunities
- Developing the business case for investing in energy saving measures including cost estimates and payback or Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Supply, install and commission energy saving equipment. Working in collaboration with associate companies we can provide
- Led lighting
- Gas and electric radiant heating
- Destratification fans
- Ambient air curtains
- Fast acting doors

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