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Construction Health & Safety Manual

Construction Health & Safety Manual

The No 1 best selling Construction Health & Safety Manual − now includes all CDM 2015 updates
Written by Health and Safety Directors and Advisors who represent a wide cross section of the UK’s leading construction companies and clients, this Construction Health and Safety Manual aims to provide construction companies working in the UK with a useful and pragmatic tool to help them comply with their legal duties and to improve the way health and safety issues are managed throughout the construction process.
The Manual contains
Six new colour coded sections grouping like topics together.
New sections entitled Health and Safety Management, Managing Project Health, Safety and Welfare and Site Set Up, and Work related road safety
Updated guidance in the Work on Railways, Training, CDM Regulations, Maintenance and Overhead and Underground services sections.
New Comprehensive legal section − including interpretation of key construction legislation, register of legislation and summary of all relevant construction related legislation
Lots of colour photography
Two new style binders
All the existing content, reviewed and updated
Accident Book

Accident Book

This revised book now includes a new set of guidance notes that gives guidance on the new CDM 2015 regulations.
This Accident Book is set out to record the information required for the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences carried out under the Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1979; and the Safety at Work Act 1974; and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013. Social Security legislation specifically requires you to keep an accident book (such as this one) readily available, into which details must be entered of every accident causing personal injury to an employee. The employee may complete the book or have someone else make an entry on their behalf.
In addition, the book can be used to record ‘near misses’ which (although records are not required by statute) can be useful to investigate in order to prevent accidents in the future.
Reports of Inspection for Scaffolding

Reports of Inspection for Scaffolding

This register records the information required for reporting the results of inspections carried out under the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAH 2005) and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015). All parts of the register must be completed.
The law requires inspections and reports concerning:
Work equipment used for work at height (WAH 2005) − including scaffolding, other working platforms, rope access equipment, safety nets and ladders etc.
Excavations (CDM 2015) − where any supports or battering have been provided to prevent danger; and
Cofferdams and caissons (CDM 2015) − and any work equipment and materials which may affect the safety of the cofferdam or caisson.
Record of Inspection Provision & Use of Work Equipment

Record of Inspection Provision & Use of Work Equipment

This register records the results of inspections carried out under The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). There is some overlap between PUWER and other more specific regulations, for example:
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) − risks associated with lifting equipment and lifting operations;
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) − excavations, cofferdams and caissons; and
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAH) − work equipment for use when working at height.
HSE state that if you comply with the more specific regulations, it will normally be enough to comply with the more general requirements in PUWER.
Reports of Inspection for Lifting Operation & Lifting Equipment

Reports of Inspection for Lifting Operation & Lifting Equipment

This register is for reporting the results of inspections (Section A) and thorough examinations (Section B) of lifting equipment carried out under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER).
Thorough Examinations − are systematic and detailed examinations of the lifting equipment by a competent person to detect any defects that are, or might become, dangerous. The competent person will determine the scope of the thorough examination and they may use a number of sources to help them do this, such as industry guidance.
Suitable Inspections − are carried out at suitable intervals between examinations to ensure that health and safety conditions are maintained and that any deterioration can be detected and remedied in good time. The person carrying out the inspection must also be competent.
The level of competence for examinations and inspections will depend upon the type of equipment and the level of examination or inspection required.
Record of Personal Protective Equipment

Record of Personal Protective Equipment

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work (PPE) Regulations 1992 requires employers to provide employees with protective equipment where necessary. This register allows you to maintain a record of PPE issued and details of any maintenance requirements.
PPE is equipment which will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include head protection, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses.
The PPE Regulations do not apply where other regulations require the provision and use of PPE against these hazards. These include The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012; The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
Hearing protection and respiratory protective equipment provided for most work situations are therefore covered by these more specific regulations. However, these items need to be compatible with any other PPE provided.
Reports of Inspection for Training Provided

Reports of Inspection for Training Provided

Health and safety training is required by a range of legislation, including:
Employers − must provide information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees. (Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974) ; and more specifically,
Contractors − must not employ or appoint a person to work on a construction site unless that person has, or is in the process of obtaining, the necessary skills, knowledge, training and experience. (Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015)
Record of Induction

Record of Induction

The Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2015 (CDM 2015) include requirements regarding skills etc. of those working on construction projects.
A contractor must not employ or appoint a person to work on a construction site unless that person has, or is in the process of obtaining, the necessary skills, knowledge, training and experience to carry out the tasks allocated in a manner that secures health and safety.
Site induction.
In addition to the above, each worker under the control of a contractor must be provided with supervision, instructions and information so that construction work can be carried out without risks to health and safety. The information provided to workers by contractors must include:
Site Induction ? a suitable site induction where not already provided by the Principal Contractor (PC). The PC must ensure that a suitable site induction is provided.
A site induction suitable for the project and work undertaken must be provided on ALL construction projects irrespective of size or duration, including those undertaken for ?domestic? clients.
Risk Guide & Sample Forms

Risk Guide & Sample Forms

Current legislation requires employers to carry out risk assessments for their activities so as to give proper consideration of risks and how best to manage them. However, carrying out a competent risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law. This guide provides
An introduction to what Risk Assessments are and why we do them
Relevant legislation and definitions
Details of how to carry out a Risk Assessment
Over 50 sample Risk Assessment forms
Health & Safety Law Poster

Health & Safety Law Poster

HSE has published a new, simplified version of the Health and Safety Law Poster. It tells workers what they and their employers need to do in simple terms, using numbered lists of basic points. As an employer, you are required by law to either display the HSE-approved poster or to provide each of your workers with the equivalent ‘leaflet’. The law has been changed − for the new poster you don’t have to add contact details of your enforcing authority and HSE’s Employment Medical Advisory Service. You can add details of any employee safety representatives or other health and safety contacts, but this is not compulsory.
Printed on biodegradable material with hologram for additional security
Electric shock First Aid Procedures Poster

Electric shock First Aid Procedures Poster

This revised poster gives basic advice on first-aid procedures if someone has an electric shock at work. It is aimed at employees working within a number of industries specifically electricity supply, generation, transmission and utilisation, electrical testing and electrical applications.
Site Safe & You − Third Edition

Site Safe & You − Third Edition

A pocket (A6) sized book for Construction Operatives on how to create safe working conditions on construction sites and in workshops. It’s handy checklists throughout and robust spiral bound format?makes it an ideal companion for all those wanting to work safely?on construction sites.??It includes information on:
Management of Health and Safety − CDM 2015
Safe Places of Work − Scaffolding, Work at Height, Ladders, Excavations and Working on Roofs etc.
Hand Tools -Storage, Electrically/Air Operated and Cartridge Assisted Tools etc.
Working with Plant and Vehicles.
Special Hazards, Risks and Substances − Demolition, Asbestos and LPG.
Working Near Existing Services − Electricity/Gas/Water Mains and Sewers etc.
Occupational Health and First Aid.
Welfare Requirements.
Accident Reporting.
Safety Signs and Signals.
Health & Safety Test Revision Material

Health & Safety Test Revision Material

2019 Health, safety and environment test for managers and professionals
Health & Safety − UK Construction Standards Multi-lingual DVD

Health & Safety − UK Construction Standards Multi-lingual DVD

This multi-lingual DVD commissioned and funded by the MCG is a health and safety awareness programme for the construction industry. It aims to help employers communicate key messages via the most commonly found non-UK languages on UK Construction Sites. This 15 minute film can be played in any one of 10 languages:- Albanian; Bulgarian; Czech; English; German; Polish; Portuguese; Punjabi; Romanian; Russian.
The Cost of Accidents DVD

The Cost of Accidents DVD

This award winning film from Brand, SGB; and Hunnebeck shows that the safety of ourselves and those around us at work, home or leisure ultimately all depends on the decisions that we make as individuals.
The main message is, before we act, STOP AND THINK for a few seconds about the consequences of our decision. Safe behaviour can become a way of life. When it does, we, or families, friends and those around us will be able to work, rest and play in safety. World Gold Medal Winner − New York Film Festival 2007. This multi-lingual DVD version contains the following 24 languages, English; Arabic; Bosnian; Brazillian; Czech; Danish; Dutch; Finnish; French; French Canadian; German; Hungarian.
Environmental Manual

Environmental Manual

The CIP Environmental Manual is the leading sector publication on environmental issues within the construction sector. Providing a concise summary of environmental legislation, policy and best practice from design to construction delivery. Providing members from across the sector with a one stop shop resource for remaining compliant with environmental legislation.
The manual covers 16 core topics ranging from design, procurement, ecology, contaminated land, waste and energy as well as incident management procedures and best practice.
Construction & the Environment Training DVD

Construction & the Environment Training DVD

A Training aid to provide site operatives with an awareness of the environmental issues faced on a construction site.
This awareness should assist in maintaining compliance with the law, avoidance of environmental incidents and the promotion of good environmental practice.
It consists of four separate modules, and the pack contains guidance notes to help guide the presenter through the film and suggestions to help the audience get the most out of the film.
Scaffolding Contract 2018

Scaffolding Contract 2018

The 2018 version includes amended Schedules of Rates tables taken from the NASC?s recently updated guidance note CG11:17 Preparation of Schedules of Rates, and update references to TG20 Good Practice Guidance for Tube and Fitting Scaffolding. Written in a simple easy to understand format, the Scaffolding Contract is designed to take away the headache of what contract to use for scaffolding works.
2018 DOM1A Domestic Subcontract − Articles of Agreement

2018 DOM1A Domestic Subcontract − Articles of Agreement

DOM1 2018 Edition Sub-contract Articles of Agreement
This is the 2018 version of the DOM1A contract and is appropriate for use with the JCT Standard Building Contract 2016 Edition.? It replaces the 2011 version.
CIP Books 2018 DOM1C Domestic Subcontract − Conditions

CIP Books 2018 DOM1C Domestic Subcontract − Conditions

The new 2018 DOM1C Subcontract Conditions for use with the 2018 Domestic Subcontract DOM1 Articles of Agreement
The contract is appropriate for use with the JCT Standard Building Contract 2016 Edition and replaces the 2011 version.
2018 DOM2A Domestic Subcontract − Articles of Agreement

2018 DOM2A Domestic Subcontract − Articles of Agreement

DOM2 2018 Edition Sub-contract Articles of Agreement
This is the 2018 version of the DOM2A contract and is appropriate for use with the JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 Edition. It replaces the 2011 version.
2018 DOM2C Domestic Subcontract − Conditions

2018 DOM2C Domestic Subcontract − Conditions

The new 2018 DOM2C Subcontract Conditions for use with the 2018 Domestic Subcontract DOM2 Articles of Agreement
The contract is appropriate for use with the JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 Edition and replaces the 2011 version.
CIJC Working Rule Agreement 2018

CIJC Working Rule Agreement 2018

Published August 2018
This is the August 2018 Working Rule Agreement detailing each craft within the industry, and incorporating the latest changes from the CIJC. It also includes the 2018 Pay Promulgation
CIP Books Employers Guide to the CIJC Working Rule Agreement − 2018

CIP Books Employers Guide to the CIJC Working Rule Agreement − 2018

This booklet has been prepared for the guidance of employers who chose to incorporate the provisions of the CIJC Working Rule Agreement into the contracts of employment of their operatives. It is intended to help answer many of the questions frequently asked by employers about the interpretation of the various clauses and best practice. This booklet does not form part of the agreement itself and although there should be not conflict between advice in this booklet and the agreement it is the provisions of the Collective Agreement itself that must take precedence.
Replaces the 2014 version
CIJC Statement of Terms & Particulars

CIJC Statement of Terms & Particulars

CIJC Standard Employment Form for Construction Industry Operatives. Recently revised to compliment the 2016 CIJC Working Rule Agreement. Pads of 50 in duplicate

About us

Construction Industry Publications (CIP) is a publisher and stockist of a range of health, safety and environmental manuals, posters, DVDs, books and report forms for construction professionals, Architects, Designers, Civil Engineers and Specialist Consultants, along with several construction contracts, and employment guides and forms.

Health & Safety Manual
Written by Health and Safety Directors and Advisors who represent a wide cross section of the UK's leading construction companies and clients, the Construction Health and Safety Manual aims to provide construction companies working in the UK with a useful and pragmatic tool to help them comply with their legal duties and to improve the way health and safety issues are managed throughout the construction process.

CIP Knowledge
Industry knowledge at your fingertips. CIP Knowledge is an essential online services helping businesses to comply with health and safety and environmental legislation and promoting good practice. These comprehensive health and safety and environmental information services written in plain English are always up-to- date with the latest legislative changes and guidance, so businesses can quickly access the exact information they need wherever they are. Subscribe individually or to both services at Free trials are available.

Health & Safety
Health and Safety report forms, guide books, , Health and Safety Law posters, the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test Revision books and Brand Energy's award winning Cost of Accidents DVD.

The Construction Environmental Manual has been written by leading Environmental Managers and Advisors who represent a cross section of the UK’s leading construction, and is ideal for Site Managers and Supervisors of main contractors and subcontractors. In particular it should help Project Managers, Site Agents, Site Foremen and Engineers address environmental issues in a practical way. It is also available as an online information service at Register for a Free trials.

A selection of legal contracts including the Domestic (DOM) Subcontracts, Scaffolding Contract and Short Form of Subcontract.

A range of guides to employment law, standard contracts of employment, and the CIJC Working Rule Agreement and Guide.


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