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CQS (Certified Quality Systems) Ltd

Britannia House,
Britannia Business Centre,
Enigma Park,
WR14 1GZ,
United Kingdom
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ISO 9001 Certificate Quality Management Systems
ISO 9001:2015 is a standard of requirements against which your Quality Management System can be evaluated. It is easily adaptable allowing it to apply to any type of business who wish to achieve ISO 9001 Certification.

ISO 14001 Certification Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001:2015 is a standard of requirements which clearly defines and establishes controls to reduce your company’s environmental impact as a result of your everyday operations. Targets and Objectives must be defined and legal requirements met in order to maintain compliance to ISO 14001. ISO 14001 Certification is applicable to all types of organisation, although the type and extent of controls to be applied will depend on the size of the business and the nature of the activities being carried out.

ISO 27001 Certificate Information Security Management Systems Certification
ISO 27001:2022 (previously ISO 27001:2013) is a standard of requirements covering all aspects of information security within your organisation. The nature of this can vary between physical, intellectual or electronic security of information and data. You will establish what is critical to your business and how you therefore control and protect these information assets and identify vulnerabilities. An ISO 27001 Certificate will give your customers peace of mind that their data is being held securely and provide your staff with the tools and infrastructure to do this.

ISO 45001 Certification Health & Safety Management
ISO 45001:2018 is the successor to OHSAS 18001. It is a standard of requirements against which your Health & Safety Management System can be evaluated. is the successor to the OHSAS 18001 standard. You are required to identify the Health and Safety risks associated with your operations and mitigate their impact. ISO 45001 Certification will provide your customers with the assurance that the activities you are carrying out on their behalf will be done so safely and in line with legal requirements.

ISO 37001 Certification Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
An ISO 37001:2016 anti-bribery management system (ABMS), will provide your organisation with a framework for prohibiting, preventing, detecting, reporting and dealing with any bribery risks that may occur. It specifies how an organisation can implement risk-based policies, procedures and controls or enhance the controls you currently have. Applying it correctly, can help to establish whether an organisation has put in place reasonable and proportionate measures designed to prevent bribery. It can be integrated into your organisations existing management processes and controls e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 etc.

ISO 20121 Certification Event Sustainability Management
ISO 20121:2012 is a Standard relating to sustainability in event management and it incorporates socially and environmentally responsible decision making into the planning, organisation and implementation of, and participation in, an event. It includes sustainable development principles and practices in all levels of event organisation, and aims to ensure that an event is hosted responsibly. ISO 20121 will demonstrate your compliance against the total package of interventions at an event, and needs to be done in an integrated manner. Consideration for event sustainability should start at the inception of the project, and should involve all the key role players, such as clients, organisers, venues, sub-contractors and suppliers.

ISO 20000 Certificate IT Service Management
ISO 20000-1:2018 is a Standard of requirements that defines how an organisation controls its service provision in terms of the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services that provide value for both the customer and the service provider. It is based around four key service management processes - Service Delivery, Control, Resolution and Relationship Management.

ISO 22301 Certification Business Continuity Management
ISO 22301:2019 specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. Protect your business and your reputation by achieving ISO 22301 Certification and minimise risk and the chance of disruption to your organisation.

ISO 50001 Certificate Energy Management
ISO 50001:2018 is a standard of requirements which deal with the energy impact of your organisation including all aspects of energy procurement and use. ISO 50001 is based on the management system model of continual improvement also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. This makes it easier for you to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management. ISO 50001 Certification provides you with a framework for utilising data-driven techniques related to energy planning, operational control and monitoring and measuring.

ISO 13485 Certificate Medical Devices Quality Management
ISO 13485:2016 is a standard that defines the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. Though it is tailored to the industry's quality system expectations and regulatory requirements, an organisation does not need to be actively manufacturing medical devices or their components to seek certification to this standard. The standard states that ISO 13485 applies to companies “involved in one or more stages of the life-cycle, including design and development, production, storage and distribution, installation, or servicing of a medical device and design and development or provision of associated activities (e.g. technical support)”. ISO 13485:2016 applies to design, development, production, installation and servicing of medical devices. ISO 13485 Certification is a measure of your ability to meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Certification Transfer
Desktop review of your management system documentation
Site based Audit of your procedures and working practices
Issue of assessment report detailing the findings and areas to be addressed to achieve certification
Certification Audit
Further Audit of your procedures and working practices to confirm that you have rectified the areas highlighted in your Stage 1 Assessment
Discussion to confirm your understanding of commitment required to maintain your certification
Certificate and logo will be issued upon successful completion of your Audit and payment of 75% balance of the certificate fee.
Annual Audit
Surveillance Audits of your management system to confirm that you still meet the requirements of the Standard
Issue new certificate every 3 years upon successful completion of your annual audits.

Internal Auditing
Having your internal audits carried out by an external body can be beneficial in order to obtain a truly independent point of view as to whether your quality management system is effective and can reduce external re-audit costs by identifying non-conformance and helping to develop corrective action before your Certification Body does.
CQS will provide you with detailed audit reports that define the objectives evidence we have observed during our visit along with an opinion as to whether the process is operating correctly or if there are any opportunities for improvement. Our auditors can use the expertise they have obtained through years of carrying out management system certification and surveillance audits to help improve your processes and meet the requirements of your management system standard.

Certified Internal Audit Training Courses
A training pack on the selected standard will be supplied to each delegate on the course and all attendees will receive a certificate on completion.
The course will cover the concepts of planning, performing, documenting, communication, evaluation and follow up activities that need to take place during the Internal Audit of your management system. The training provided is a mixture of direct discussion, interactive exercises and workshops which together help to encourage the participation of the attendees.

ISO Consultancy Services

ISO 17025 Consultancy Service Competence of Testing & Calibration Laboratories
BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is a set of requirements that calibration laboratories and testing organisations have to meet to prove that they operate a quality system, are technically competent and can generate technically valid and repeatable results. This standard applies to everything from test equipment to data sampling and sets out valid specifications to improve an organisation's quality management systems and as a result, their quality control. Key topics include testing and calibrating using standard, non-standard and laboratory-developed methods under controlled conditions.
ISO 17025 is not a standard that CQS can certify for you, but you can become Accredited through an appropriate Accreditation Body. CQS can guide you through to the point of Accreditation by carrying out a gap analysis of your system against the requirements of the standard and assist you with the implementation of a compliant management system.

ISO/IEC 27018 Consultancy Service
ISO 27018 Certification Overview
ISO/IEC 27018 is a code of best practice which can be implemented as a supplement to your ISO/IEC 27001 information security management system and the inherent control objectives set within Annex A of the Standard. The ISO/IEC 27018 will show potential and existing clients and suppliers that their Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is secure and won’t be used for any other purpose other than those for which they have given consent to. Through compliance with the ISO/IEC 27018 Standard you will also be able to claim conformity to the ISO/IEC 27002:2017 Code of Practice for Information Security Controls which again is based around the control objectives stated in Annex A of the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard.

Integrated Management Systems - (PAS 99)
An Integrated Management System is a system that enables your company to integrate common management systems. Management system standards are all designed to improve the way businesses are run and many now have a similar structure allowing for their seamless integration.
Common elements can be easily identified and requirements that are specific to a particular management system e.g. ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 etc. can be separated and controlled individually. Some common requirements include auditing procedures, document control, resource management, risk management and improving performance.

GDPR Compliance
The GDPR is a regulation set in EU Law regarding the data protection and privacy of all individuals within the European Union. More than being a business improvement tool, the GDPR is law and must be adhered to by all organisations who process the personal identifiable information (PII) of any person within the EU.
Every organisation that processes the personal information of EU residents must adapt their data handling, information security, compliance processes and contractual relationships in order to meet the requirements of the regulations.
Failure to maintain compliance that results in a data breach that could or has affected a person’s rights and freedoms could bring fines of up to 4% of annual worldwide turnover or €20 million (whichever is greater). The organisations that need to be GDPR compliant are companies (controllers and processors), whether established in the EU or not, offering goods or services within the EU or to EU individuals.
About us
For over 20 years, we have been providing certification services worldwide, with a dedicated team of consultants and auditors committed to helping you maximise the benefits of certification while enhancing business value. With CQS, achieving ISO certification is straightforward and supported every step of the way.
Our highly experienced team of business consultants, assessors, and auditors adopt a practical, straightforward approach to make management system certification simple and efficient. We serve a diverse range of clients across industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, construction, IT, distribution, and various service sectors, providing certification and helping organisations worldwide achieve their objectives.
Our Key ISO Certification Specialties are:
ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems
ISO 9001 Certification assures you and your customers that your quality management system is robust and capable of delivering reliable products or services. For more information about this standard and the advantages of achieving ISO 9001:2015 Certification, visit our ISO 9001 Certification page. We also offer ISO 9001 consultancy services for organizations not certified by us, with further details available on our Internal Auditing and Consultancy Service pages.
ISO 14001 − Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001 Certification is a set of requirements that define how you identify and control environmental aspects associated with the activities of your company. The ISO 14001 Certification page gives you more information about the standard, including fixed costs and how you can achieve ISO 14001 Certification. We can also provide ISO 14001 consultancy services for organisations who are not certified by us. Details of this can be found at our Internal Auditing and Consultancy Service pages.
ISO 45001 - Health & Safety Management
Health and safety are top priorities in UK industries, and ISO 45001 Certification (formerly OHSAS 18001) showcases your dedication to protecting the wellbeing of employees and representatives of your business. Visit our ISO 45001 Certification page for comprehensive information on demonstrating your commitment and achieving ISO 45001:2018 Certification.
ISO 27001 - Information Security Management
Data protection has become a significant concern, especially with the introduction of GDPR regulations. ISO 27001:2013 Certification helps demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements for personal data while also safeguarding your business information. Visit our ISO 27001 Certification page to learn how to achieve this certification.
Our mission is to deliver professional, cost-effective services within realistic timelines, helping businesses achieve their goals without requiring significant internal resource investment.
We accomplish this by leveraging our skilled, experienced staff and simplifying complex processes to provide practical systems in plain language. At CQS, our clients are always our top priority, and we are committed to delivering service with professionalism and respect.
We are accredited by the International Accreditation Board (IAB) to certify the management systems featured on this site, with regular inspections to maintain our standards.

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