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Dental Hygienics & Decontamination


41 Blackwell Drive,
Braintree Business Park,
CM7 2PU,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

Bambi VT150 Oil Free Air Compressor for 2-3 Surgery

Bambi VT150 Oil Free Air Compressor for 2-3 Surgery

Bambi VT150 Compressors are one of the quietest of any oil free air compressors Suitable for 2-3 Surgeries.
Fitted with a “soft start” solenoid valve, the air pressure in the pump discharges whenever the power is disconnected, protecting the compressor from overload and extend the useful life of Compressor hence it is offered with 5 years warranty on air receiver.
The internally coated, anti corrosion air receiver means compressed air generated is contamination free making the VT150 Compressor perfect for critical applications like dentistry, scientific laboratories, food packaging, pneumatic controls, hospital ventilators, drink dispensing − and anywhere when low maintenance is essential.
Cattani Turbo Smart Suction

Cattani Turbo Smart Suction

Turbo Smart is a powerful, variable speed suction system, with high airflow, for use by up to four surgeries simultaneously. It monitors the vacuum level and automatically responds to any change in use from the surgeries.

When a suction tip is opened, Turbo Smart speeds up to meet the extra demand. When a suction tip is closed, it slows down. The system adapts its speed to cope with extra demand and when other surgeries are using the unit. The result is efficient and more consistent suction.
DentalEZ Core Ice Chair Package

DentalEZ Core Ice Chair Package

The DentalEZ Core Ice Chair package has been exclusively designed for the uk market.
DentalEZ Core Ice Chair package is a simple to use dental chair that provides all the features you will need.
DentalEZ CV101 Suction Pump

DentalEZ CV101 Suction Pump

Our single water pump offers quiet operation and compact size designed for small to medium size practices withup to teo doctors and staff.
DentalEZ Solmetex HG5 Amalgam Separator

DentalEZ Solmetex HG5 Amalgam Separator

The Solmetex HG5 provides an efficient and cost effective solution to amalgam separation where wetline suction is in use, such as the DentalEZ wetline pump.
Designed to be floor or wall mounter next to pump
A cartridge system allows the amalgam canister to be changed quickly and easily
This can work with any suction unit which does not have amalgam seperation system.
Durr Vistascan Mini Easy

Durr Vistascan Mini Easy

The VistaScan Mini Easy image plate scanner makes image plate diagnostics even faster for dentists. The compact device is particularly easy to use and requires a minimum of space − so that it can be installed in the treatment room. The advantage: X-ray and scanning directly at the chairside. The reusable VistaScan image plates are read out in top quality within seconds. There has never been a better time to change over to image plates.
Durr VistaScan Mini View

Durr VistaScan Mini View

The new VistaScan Mini View image plate scanner enables the intuitive, efficient, and time-saving digitisation of image plates. Amongst other things, its large touchscreen with its easy-to-use user interface contributes to this. Its compact size and integrated wireless functions make the device really flexible.
Durr VS600 Suction Unit

Durr VS600 Suction Unit

The VS600 is a semi-wet two surgery suction motor with combined automatic seperation. For two treatment chairs and three treatment rooms.
Durr VSA 300S Suction Unit

Durr VSA 300S Suction Unit

The VSA tecnology developed by Durr combines the complex system of suction unit, separation and amalgam separation in a single unit ansd on one drive shaft, the VSA 300S, especially suitable for one-room surgeries.
With this combination suction unit, more than 97% of the amalgam ends up in the automatically monitored collector vessel.
At a filling level of 95% the VSA 300S indicates that the container must be replaced by a visual and audible signal.
Durr dental suction systems create the required vacuum, which is necessary for problem-free and hygienic treatment. The continuous suction power of approx. 300 litres volume flow per minute at the large cannula makes for perfect visibility in the preparation area and prevents a contaminated aerosol cloud. Before the separated used water is drained off by the waste water pump, it is lead into the centrifuge, where the existing amalgam particals are separated.
Euronda E10 Autoclave

Euronda E10 Autoclave

After years of research, we have developed an autoclave that combines all of the most important characteristics for dentists and dental assistants across the globe: performance, eficiency, functionality and design.
Euronda E8

Euronda E8

Straightforward, high-performingand affordable: E8 brings together all Euronda's top technology to strike a perfect balance between innovation & ergonomics, power & consumption and customisation & usability.
The end result is a state-of-the-art autoclave which perfectly meets the requirments of all practices.
E8 boosts efficiency and makes your job easier, whilst delivering total reliability and longevity.
E8 is the most affordable way to reap the advantages of all the Pro-system sterilisation solutions.
Hydrim M2 Washer Disinfector

Hydrim M2 Washer Disinfector

This powerful large-volume washer-disinfector is your first step to effective sterilisation.
Mocom B Classic 17 Litre Autoclave

Mocom B Classic 17 Litre Autoclave

Designed to smooth and speed up the user’s workflow: intensive lab testing of components, top-quality materials and outstanding programme practicality make the B Classic sterilizer the perfect choice for those who need easy, safe and reliable sterilization procedures. Three sterilization chamber sizes are available (17, 22 and 28 litres), with external dimensions remaining the same for all three volumes.
Mocom Futura 17 Litre Vacuum Autoclave

Mocom Futura 17 Litre Vacuum Autoclave

The ‘intelligent’ sterilizer that provides surgeries with a truly indispensable tool. Only years of research and experience can produce such an exceptional result: a product that is high-performance yet outstandingly user-friendly. Available in 17, 22 and 28-litre versions, all with identical external dimensions.
Mocom S Classic Autoclave

Mocom S Classic Autoclave

The S Classic sterilizer has been designed to provide an effective mix of cutting-edge technology and outstanding simplicity of use. The result of careful research into materials that ensure greater durability plus the attentive design and extensive lab testing of components, the S Classic provides exceptional performance at a decidedly contained cost. Available in both 17-litre and 22-litre versions.
Mocom Tethys H10

Mocom Tethys H10

Tethys H10 combines, in a single exclusive process, the power of water, the energy of heat and the force of ultrasound to maximise safety, process speed and user-friendliness.
One process. One step. Decontamination,washing,disinfection and drying all in one single step, ensuring simpler,faster, more effective workflow.
The combination of deep ultrasound washing and thermal disinfection provides effective rationalisation of reconditioning protocols, ensuring absolute protection for the user.
The EN ISO 15883-1/2- certified Tethys H10 offers instrument treatment characterised by homogeneous cleaning and drying phase that removes every last trace of moisture.
Satelec X-Mind AC X-Ray

Satelec X-Mind AC X-Ray

Xmind AC is functionally simple in design but at the same time is extremely sophisticated in features and benefits providing a single-phase and a high frequency system in one. A system which sets a new standard in quality and safety.

It has been engineered to work at high frequency mode. - its simple, intuitive anatomical controls assure perfect x-ray radiographic results with any patient and technique. - its simplicity of use provides the radiological operator with complete control and a significant savings of time and money.
HG5 Mini Amalgam Separator (up to 4 Users)

HG5 Mini Amalgam Separator (up to 4 Users)

The Sometex HG5 Mini provides an efficient and cost effective solution to amalgam separation where wetline suction is in use, such as the DentalEZ wetline pump.
Designed to be floor or wall mounted next to the pump.
A cartridge system allows the amalgam canister to be changed quickly and easily.
Titan Blis-Sonic SW Scaler

Titan Blis-Sonic SW Scaler

Sonic Scaler designed to remove hard calculus deposits and stains.
3Ezyme pH Neutral Detergent

3Ezyme pH Neutral Detergent

A bacteriostatic triple enzyme cleaner. Non foaming and pH neutral detergent. Three in one non-corrosive cleanser is safe & fast acting. As well as being used in your washer disinfector, this detergent can also be used as a pre-soak and also for ultrasonic cleaning. Fully effective against proteins, lipids, carbohydrates & mucopolysaccharides.
AWT (6 x 0.5 Litre Bottles per box)

AWT (6 x 0.5 Litre Bottles per box)

Scale preventor & water conditioner. Neutralising hard water salts to prevent scale deposition within the machine and on cleaned and disinfected surgical instruments. Neutralising residues of alkaline cleaning agents on ophthalmic instruments.


For the rapid detection of protein residues
Each vial is individually wrapped and comes with its own short swab. Once the swab is inserted into the vial the result is immediate.
Steri Products Cleaning Efficacy System PCD Box

Steri Products Cleaning Efficacy System PCD Box

For the monitoring of soil removal
Cost effective method for monitoring soil removal
Conforms to recommendations in EN ISO 15883
Synthetic CEIs conform to EN ISO 15883-5
Realistically challenges the process
Easy to interpret
Instant results
Order SP0066- Steri Standard PCD Box Supplied each.
Ezee Clip Cassettes size 10 in Blue

Ezee Clip Cassettes size 10 in Blue

Instruments handling system.
Available for all makes & models of cleaning & sterilising equipment.
Protects both staff & instruments.
Made from stainless steel & silicon for long life.
Dental Stock Exchange

Dental Stock Exchange

Do you have products in your cupboards you will never use?
Are you using up products when you would rather be using something else?
Have you stored away equipment because you don't know what else to do with it?
Are you interested in dental products and equipment at lower prices?

About us

Leading the way in the dental market, Dental Hygienics are at the forefront of industry by offering UK dental surgeries a wide range of dental decontamination equipment such as sterilisers, autoclaves, washer disinfectors and gas plasma decontamination units all of which help prevent the spread of infection

We provide turnkey dental solutions ensuring that you have leading technology in your dental practice and that all safety issues are met when it comes to instrument sterilisation.

  • Autoclaves
  • Washers & Disinfectors
  • Gas plasma sterilisers

As a specialist in decontamination, we supply an array of infection control products manufactured by leading experts in infection control, our decontamination products help dental units work in line with the new HTM-05 regulations.

We supply the Medisafe range of PICO washer disinfectors which ensures that dental instruments are cleaned, disinfected and dried to the highest decontamination standards.

Dental Hygienics & Decontamination has recently acquired the Steri range of autoclaves and are able to supply the following versions:

- Steri Practice -8 N type Bench Top Steriliser

- Steri Practice -8 B type Bench Top Steriliser

- Steri Practice -10 N type Bench Top Steriliser

- Steri Practice -10 B type Bench Top Steriliser

- Combi Unit − Steriliser / Washer Disinfector

Dental Hygienics and Decontamination are the sole agency in England and Wales for dentists Sterrad® NX™ gas plasma disinfector that utilises an advanced hydrogen Peroxide gas plasma process to rapidly sterilise a wide range of dental instruments at a low temperature. The Sterrad® NX™ gas plasma disinfector has a standard cycle time of 28 minutes providing a quick instrument turnaround as well as provide terminally sterile packaged instruments, eliminating the need to compromise with liquid biocides.

Four your convenience we also provide installation services for a wide range of products including our autoclave range and PICO range of Flush.

Articles / Press Releases


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