Company details for:

ESCATEC Mechatronics Ltd


Wycliffe Industrial Park,
Leicester Road,
LE17 4HG,
United Kingdom

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About us

ESCATEC Mechatronics Ltd manufacture, assemble & deliver complex industrial electronic products for a wide range of industry sectors. These include Industrial Automation, Process Control, Test and Measurement and Laboratory Technology.

As an outsourcing manufacturing services partner our aim is to take the pressure of our customers so they can focus on core activities and growing their company. Over the past 30 years we have seen business grow from strength to strength including developing new products, increasing revenue and becoming widely recognised among market sectors.

We have a team of dedicated staff who will take the time to understand the needs of each individual customer and find out exactly why they are considering outsourcing.

Our Electronics Manufacturing Services include:

Material procurement Services are carried out under ISO 9001 guidelines and include last time buys of strategic parts, Inspection, Verification & Testing of electronic components under laboratory conditions, supply of full kits for manufacture, sourcing of specialist drawn items from one our trusted suppliers & BOM ‘health checks.’

PCB Assembly Services include Design Support, DFx, Prototypes, ‘Pilot’ (NPI) Builds & Volume Build.

Box Build Assembly − Services include Cables, Harnesses, Complex Looms, Backplanes, Sub-modules, Complex Electro-Mechanical Assembly, Electro-pneumatic Assembly & Higher Level Integration and Assembly of High Complexity and High Mix Products.

Cables and Wiring Looms − Services include manufacturing Bespoke Cable Assemblies, Complex Loom Manufacturing, Prototypes, Engineering Support, Development of Tooling and Dedicated Production Cells, Wire Preparation with Automatic Cut, Strip & Termination.

Control Cabinet Build Services include Custom Cabling, Panel Wiring, Modular Sub-rack Manufacture, Sub-rack Installation (backplanes, daughter cards), Power Installation, Power Configuration, Heat Management, Systems Integration, Telecommunications Cabinets, Process Control and Automation, Software Loading & Software Testing.

Electro-mechanicalServices include Electronics, Electrical, Electro-mechanical and Mechanical Assembly, Low to Medium Volumes, Medium to High Complexity Assemblies, Product Realisation Services, Custom System Integration, Postponement Manufacturing, Configure-to-order Manufacturing & Direct Ship Fulfilment.


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