Company details for:

Fire Aware


23 Pattison Lane,
Milton Keynes,
MK15 0BL,
United Kingdom

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Building Management Company Charter

Building Management Company Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who manage buildings on behalf of a Freeholder.
The charter obligates the member company to ensure they understand the various rules and regulations put in place to ensure the buildings they are responsible for are continually managed with a view to upholding the residents safety.
The charter promotes resident engagement and increased communication with the buildings occupants to ensure they are fully informed at all times of the status of the buildings fire strategy.
Commercial Landlords Charter

Commercial Landlords Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies that rent commercial space for the use of work, leisure, education or any other public use.
This charter promotes awareness in understanding the fire strategy of the commercial buildings they own.
It promotes consideration of how the building is managed, and how the fire strategy already in place is communicated to those who use the building for its intended purpose.
Commercial Trades Charter

Commercial Trades Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who manage and carry out works within building’s used for commercial use.
This charter promotes awareness in understanding the fire strategy of the commercial buildings they work in.
It promotes consideration of the works being undertaken and the effect these may have on the fire strategy already in place to protect those who use the building for its intended purpose.
Cost Consultants Charter

Cost Consultants Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who are appointed to control costs for a clients project and who have a duty of care for the safety of the clients end users.
This Charter emphasises the importance of consultant advice. It emphasis the importance of the consideration of end user safety in any choices made in respect to the physical or financial aspects of a project.
Designers Charter

Designers Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at all types of designer undertaking works on behalf of a client
The charter looks at a designers obligations in respect to making sure the information provided clearly considers the life saving components of a buildings fire strategy, how they are installed, and ensures the details of their compliance are clearly explained removing the opportunity for confusion or simple uncontrolled alteration.
Domestic Trades Charter

Domestic Trades Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who manage and carry out works within residential buildings working directly for the homeowner.
This Charter emphasises the importance of tradesmen understanding how domestic works affect a building’s fire strategy − for example replacing internal doors or even re-decorating.
Main Contractors Charter

Main Contractors Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at Main Contractors undertaking works by managing the process, but using Subcontractors to carry out the work onsite.
The charter looks at Main Contractors obligations in procurement, controlling the various subcontractors activity, programming sufficient timescales, working with Statutory Service Providers, all with the intention of keeping the end user safe.
This charter also looks at the interim fire safety of sites under construction.
Property Developers Charter

Property Developers Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who commercially develop property.
Aimed at developers who commission construction or refurbishment of buildings for residential or public use, this Charter promotes the developer to consider the safety of those who use the building at appraisal stage, and to ensure sufficient flexibility within the development costs and timescales to accommodate high standards of fire safety delivery throughout the entire project
Registered Social Landlords Charter

Registered Social Landlords Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at Registered Social Landlords and Local Councils who own, sell via Shared Ownership or rent residential property.
The charter promotes moral consideration for the safety of the residents in the development and construction of social housing, and the ongoing maintenance for the properties during occupation.
It promotes resident engagement and raises the awareness of ethnicity and diversity in standardises and tailored messaging.
Specialist Contractors Charter

Specialist Contractors Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at companies who are considered specialists in their field and are accredited to a regulatory body to demonstrate their compliance.
This Charter recognises the difficulty customers have in understanding the technical nature of fire safety delivery and promotes awareness within the specialist contractors to engage their customers with simple terminology and clear language to ensure they are clearly understood.
It also promotes specialists to be particularly diligent in their assessment of defective works they are contracted to rectify.
Sub Contractors Charter

Sub Contractors Charter

This charter is aimed specifically at Sub Contractors employed by a Main Contractor to carry out installation works.
This Charter raises the awareness of the operatives working onsite to the risk presented to the end user by poor installation of fire strategy components.
This Charter focuses on promoting a sense of responsibility within the sub contract operatives by making them think about the residents who rely on them to carry out their work properly to stay safe.
Fire Aware Engagement Videos

Fire Aware Engagement Videos

The Fire Aware Engagement Videos provide easily understandable content that explain various aspects of fire safety and provide guidance and advice to all members who may need help.
The videos are a collection of films either specifically created by Fire Aware to target known pressure points within the industry, or produced in association with specialist Fire Aware members who can impart knowledge and advice in specific areas. The content has been written to be simplistic but informative to the untrained observer who may need assistance.

About us

The only organisation in the UK that provides a vehicle to improve the moral approach of all businesses that have an obligation for the fire safety of the end user of the buildings they create, construct, maintain or own. Based in Milton Keynes, Fire Aware caters to a wide range of industries and sectors, some of which include developers, private landlords, main contractors, local councils, public building operators, freeholders, sub-contractors, materials producers, materials suppliers registered social landlords, commercial building operators, consultants and more. Membership is open to all members of the supply chain that manages or creates the built environment and who have an obligation to keep their customers safe.

At Fire Aware, we pride ourselves on the consideration of residential safety, which is why we have developed an organisation which brands its members as ones who similarly care. By using our unique set of standards as a procurement condition we offer a way for businesses to produce or manage safer buildings. The Fire Aware logo will become the recognised symbol of peace of mind to the general public that the buildings they purchase, rent, work or socialise within have been built by businesses who have seriously considered their safety.

As well as improving a companies corporate image in respect to its integrity and consideration of the end user, Fire Aware monitor compliance of its members and also track their annual progress speaking to their customers about the projects they have been involved in and how they delivered their moral commitments to be better. Fire Aware members get access to our website which acts as a community connecting those who are experts in the field with those who have obligations but might not necessarily aware of what these are or how to address them.

Fire Aware brings a much needed paradigm shift in the consideration of fire safety across the UK. It addresses a major problem and is the only organisation in the UK to do so.

Don’t be part of this problem…………………………………… Fire Aware.
Fire Aware Website

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