Company details for:
Gioconda Rail

Unit 10,
Woodfalls Business Centre,
Gravelly Ways,
ME18 6DA,
United Kingdom
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Products / Services

Asset Mapping
Fantastic 4K HD Video correlated to mileage, meterage and project grid.
Survey locations of existing assets − measure heights, offsets & clearances − log and record data with editable screen shots.
A good tool to prepare for signal sighting assessments.

4K Filming
UHD 4K contains approximately 4 times the number of pixels (3840×2160) compared to standard HD (1920×1080) and when used with the higher shutter speeds gives us pinpoint information when filming at higher speeds.
This is the next level of image capture for the railway industry benefitting Video Asset Survey, Signal Sighting and Driver Briefing into CP6

Track Centreline Mapping
Using GPS, correlated to Drivers video footage, we can supply
Raw Track Centreline 10hz readings
Processed Track Centreline at up to 0.1m spacings
Processed to remove ambiguous points
Smoothed vertical alignment
Densified point spacings
Grade and Curvature measurements
Linear datum references
Delivered as CSV, eXcel, CAD layout and Google overlay.

Signal Sighting
Our signal sighting service is a complete process for form creation to sign-off.

Signal Immunisation
Where multiple new structures are being installed, a combined video/virtual reality solution is the best way to achieve an accurate view of the obscuration of an existing signal. The Gioconda system has the added advantage of being fully desk based, removing the requirement for costly site visits by the design team and SSC.

Desktop Signal Sighting (HD&VR)
This process can be stand alone or builds upon our Asset Mapping system where the footage is previously correlated to the chainage specified by the project.
Once a draft signalling plan is available, Gioconda will integrate this information and build virtual signal structures. These are augmented onto the footage that will be used by the Signal Sighting Committee or be included in a full 3d model.

SSC Chair & SSF Creation
Our SSC Chair rates are very competitive and we can usually supply them at short notice anywhere in the UK.
Where a project is using Desktop Signal Sighting we will ensure that our Chairperson is familiar with the tools and software to get the best out of this approach and if required support them through the SSF creation process.

BIM & 3D Modelling
Our 3D modelling team has a wide variety of skills and experience across the whole building & construction sector in the UK and abroad. We’ve been involved in many Rail projects − big and small and our breadth of experience covers from Roads to Rail to Airports, Housing to High Rise, Exploration to Utilities and even Historical and Archaeological sites.
We use the best people for each project who are adept at utilising the right tools for the job. We pride ourselves on having a fast turnaround and being able to identify efficiencies for re-using data to avoid duplication of previous work. When we couple this together with our video production team we can produce eye catching animated and motion tracked sequences.

Enhanced 3D
For optimum realism our Enhanced 3D can be superimposed onto hi-res photos and videos to give as much detail as possible.

Animated Presentations & 4D

Virtual Sighting Tool

Driver Briefing
More recently we have delivered similar packs to Australia and are working with the local operators to establish these as the norm.
Primarily USB and DVD based, but also online, we have provided training packs all over the UK to many TOC’s and FOC’s.

This is widely accepted by all TOCs/FOCs and has a proven track record for quality and usabilty in the training school or at home.
Standard DVDs do offer some limitations in terms of quality and text resolution so we offer to deliver all our projects in high quality Blu-ray DVD if required. Gioconda was the first company to deliver this format to a TOC − Airedrie to Bathgate driver briefing at the ScotRail training centre in 2010.

Online Training
At project level we can reduce hefty DVD duplication costs and host the videos online via our Vimeo pages:
and by using a dedicated webpage we can host all the infomation required for a Driver Briefing package.

Map Books & Brochures
Hardcopy Mapbooks are becoming increasingly popular as part of the Driver Briefing pack and as such we have developed a simple, hardwearing format that fits the purpose.
Our wire or ring bound Mapbook is to easy to flip through and ideal for any driver to carry in their workbag.
For SmartPhone users − a lower resolution version is available on request.
About us
Over the years, our team of professional and knowledgeable specialists have gained enough experience in land and engineering surveying, virtual reality, 3D/4D modelling, railway filming, route learner and driver briefing material, graphic and print artwork and software development to carry out a service that is reliable and effective.
Some of the main services we offer include asset mapping, 4K filming, track centreline mapping, signal sighting, signal immunisation, desktop signal sighting (HD&VR), SSC chair and SSF creation, virtual sighting tools, BIM and 3D modelling, enhanced 3D, animated presentations and 4D, online training and DVDs and USB. In recent years, we at Gioconda Rail have extended our services to Australia and Europe as well as the UK, continuing to expand our company on a more global scale. We are proud to be the one-stop shop for driver briefing, signal sighting and video asset mapping.
Our Services Include:
Asset Mapping
A powerful tool for railway design inspection, offering 4K HD video correlated to mileage, meterage, and project grids. It enables precise surveying of asset locations, measuring heights, offsets, and clearances, while capturing data with editable screenshots−ideal for preparing signal sighting assessments.
Signal Sighting
Gioconda is the UK’s leading provider of Desktop Signal Sighting, expanding into Australian and European markets. We offer a comprehensive signal sighting service, managing the entire process from form creation to final sign-off.
BIM & 3D Modelling
Gioconda’s 3D & BIM Modelling service delivers expert construction-related visualisation and virtual models for engineering, BIM, consultations, and simulations. Our experienced team supports diverse sectors, from rail and roads to airports, housing, utilities, and historical sites, both in the UK and internationally. We specialise in efficient data reuse, fast turnarounds, and creating dynamic animations and motion-tracked sequences with our video production team.
Driver Briefing
Gioconda’s Driver Briefing Packs are a standard for UK rail projects and are gaining adoption in Australia through collaboration with local operators. Delivered via USB, DVD, and online, these training packs have been widely used by numerous TOCs and FOCs across the UK.
Here at Gioconda Rail, we have a well-established client base including names such as Level Crossing Removal Authority, John Holland, Jacobs, Kier, London Underground, Metro, Network Rail, Parsons Brinckerhoff, RCS Australia, Siemens, Systra, Transport for London, WSP, Balfour Beatty, Atkins, Aecom and more.
We have received a lot of positive feedback over the years for our hard work within the industry and continue to exceed customer expectations by providing outstanding service from beginning to end.