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Gower is one of the world's leading publishers on management and business best practice.
Our expert authors cover: Project and Programme Management (along with a PM Community involving our authors at; Supply Chain, Marketing and Brand; Accounting and Finance; Corporate Strategy; Commercial Law and Corporate Crime; Company Administration and Governance; Management and Personal Skills; Leadership; Personnel and Human Resources; Training and Development; Design; Information Management; Business Transformation and Innovation.
We publish specific industry titles for Construction; Financial Services; Pharmaceutical; Food; and Health Care, plus books for and about the Public Sector.
Our applied business research books include series looking at Corporate Social Responsibility, Transformation and Innovation, and Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk.
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Our expert authors cover: Project and Programme Management (along with a PM Community involving our authors at; Supply Chain, Marketing and Brand; Accounting and Finance; Corporate Strategy; Commercial Law and Corporate Crime; Company Administration and Governance; Management and Personal Skills; Leadership; Personnel and Human Resources; Training and Development; Design; Information Management; Business Transformation and Innovation.
We publish specific industry titles for Construction; Financial Services; Pharmaceutical; Food; and Health Care, plus books for and about the Public Sector.
Our applied business research books include series looking at Corporate Social Responsibility, Transformation and Innovation, and Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk.
Visit our website for 1000 books and training products and search by subject, author, title or key word. We give an automatic 10% discount for all orders placed via our website, but you can order from any book shop and buy via online sites like Amazon. For e-versions of our books please see our website for a list of providers.