Company details for:

HR Denne


Unit E,
Charlwood Road,
Lowfield Heath,
West Susex,
RH11 0PS,
United Kingdom

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About us

Established as a bespoke uniform and workwear company, HR Denne are leading the way in the supply of corporate clothing for large and small corporations and commercial organisations within a variety of sectors.

Founded in 1895, HR Denne has a long standing and heritage in the manufacture of quality work wear and uniforms as such we have built up and enviable reputation within the corporate clothing industry. Over the years we have combined our strong manufacturing heritage with the very latest 21st century garment technology and service systems.

With more than 100 years in the supply of quality garments we know what our customers like and require for their business and can react accordingly. Working with customers mainly in the beauty and healthcare industries, HR Dennes has a wide range of beauty therapist tunics and salon uniforms as well as nurses work wear and scrubs uniforms.

We are proud of our heritage and the ability to supply a variety of uniforms manufactured to the very best quality, unrivalled customer support and competitive price.

HR Denne realise that every customer is unique, so they tailor a service to each client ensuring that they go that extra mile. We continually push boundaries, delivering quality and value, and we believe our attention to detail is unmatched in the industry.
HR Denne  Website


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