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Industrial Fan Services Ltd


Unit E1, Coombswood Business Park,
Coombswood Way,
West Midlands,
B62 8BH,
United Kingdom

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HP Fans

HP Fans

Discover our range of HP High Pressure fans, including specifications, standard fan assemblies and drive arrangements, as well as information regarding direction of rotation and angle of discharge.

Learn more about our range of HP fan systems

Learn more about our range of HP (high-pressure) fan systems today. Our brochure will give you information on our HP fans including specifications, standard fan assemblies and drive arrangements. In addition to this, you will also find details on the direction of rotation and angle of discharge.
BL & BA Fans

BL & BA Fans

Our brochure will provide you with details regarding our BL & BA range of heavy duty fans. Inside you will find information on typical fan specifications, direction of rotation and angle of discharge, motor positions vee rope drives, and drive arrangements.

Discover more about our BL & BA fan range

Follow the link to our brochure which will provide you with details regarding our BL (backward lumina) & BA (backward aerofoil) fan range, forming part of our heavy-duty fan collection. Inside you will find information on our typical fan specifications, the direction of rotation and angle of discharge, motor positions vee rope drives, and drive arrangements.
MV Fans Catalogue

MV Fans Catalogue

Our brochure will give you more information about our typical fan specifications and performance curves.

Discover our range of Specialist MV fans from sizes 400-1200.

Inside our brochure, you will discover more about our typical fan specifications and performance curves.
Acoustics for Fans

Acoustics for Fans

Providing all types of acoustics for fans to meet industry regulations

Our acoustics for fans provide high performance and low sound levels. As part of our complete package service, we offer all types of acoustics to meet the demanding regulations now imposed on industry.

Accommodating both smaller and premium spaces

As well as the standard metal double skin cases, we can offer multi-layer soft enclosures that are used for the smaller applications. Where space is at a premium, acoustic jackets can be supplied that are fixed directly onto the casing of the equipment.

Welded silencers for optimum noise reduction

For optimum noise reduction, we also offer a full range of fully welded silencers for the industrial market. Acoustic louvers are supplied to allow air into the building but attenuates the noise emitted.

Acoustic dividers to suit any size

For segregation of work spaces and reduction of noise from one workspace to another we can offer acoustic dividers to suit any size.
Anti-Vibration Mountings

Anti-Vibration Mountings

Avoiding damage from vibrations

To avoid transmission of any vibration to steel structures or concrete footings, anti-vibration mountings are essential. Without these mountings, the impact of vibration can cause gradual weakening and potential failure of your machinery.

Protecting your machinery and your workforce

Installing anti-vibration mountings prevents continued impact on machinery from its own power, in turn increasing its lifespan and protecting the safety of your workforce.

Choosing the anti-vibration mounting to suit your requirements

With offset loadings, it is important to choose the correct type and rating of each anti-vibration mounting to ensure stability of the equipment. As the mounts come in a range of designs, sizes, and capabilities, our technical engineers will work with you to discuss your requirements, suggest the most appropriate solution, and offer you a competitive quotation.


Controlling explosive atmospheres

ATEX is the name given to the legal requirements for controlling explosive atmospheres and the suitability of equipment and protective systems used in them. Essentially, ATEX is an acronym for ‘Atmospheres Explosible’. ATEX is part of DSEAR, or the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations which were imposed in 2002. Since the introduction of the ATEX safety standards in 2003, Industrial Fan Services Ltd have designed and manufactured our specialist ATEX ventilation fans to these standards.

A range of fans to suit all eventualities

The actual features on the fan will vary according to zone, gas/dust type, ignition temperature, and whether zone is inside and/or out, open inlet or fully ducted. At Industrial Fan Services Ltd, we have a range of ATEX fan grades to cover all eventualities which will be carefully selected for you by our experienced technical sales team.

Rigorous testing and evaluation

You can be assured all our ATEX fans have been subjected to a rigorous ignition hazard assessment to determine correct design features in conjunction with authoritative standard, BS EN 14986:2007 − ‘Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres’.

An efficient, reliable and safe solution

ATEX fans can be manufactured in any material and with any coating to suit the required application. Your team at Industrial Fan Services Ltd will work with you to provide expert advice on how we can customise and manufacture ATEX extractor fans to meet the application requirements and provide you with a reliable, efficient, and safe solution.
Centrifugal Fans

Centrifugal Fans

Industrial Centrifugal Fans − A reliable and efficient solution

What are centrifugal fans?

A centrifugal fan refers to a mechanical device that is used to move or extract air as well as other gases from a specific area, usually workspaces and wearehouses.

Centrifugal blowers work in a way by which they speed up air outward, changing its direction, which is typically by 90° to the airflow. Centrifugal fans are quiet, sturdy and reliable, boasting the ability to perform extremely well in a wide range of environments and conditions. What’s more, our centrifugal fan systems are all energy efficient and therefore kind to the environment, helping our clients to reduce energy consumption and thus the carbon footprint of their businesses.
Damper Fans

Damper Fans

Reduce costs and lengthy lead time

Causing resistance in a system, dampers allow airflow to be controlled, resulting in power saving. They are heavy duty, all-welded fabrications with standard design for vastly reduced engineering costs and shorter lead time.
Flexible Connections

Flexible Connections

Bespoke and highly resistant flexible connections

Industrial Fan Services Ltd can provide you with flexible fabric connections and compensators for the most challenging of applications. Designed to absorb movement and are lightweight and easily manageable, composites can be made up to be unaffected by high temperature or extreme cold, abrasion, and oils or chemicals.

Stitched fabric bellows to suit machinery protection requirements

We can supply you with stitched fabric bellows to suit most machinery protection requirements. In comparison to a moulded bellow, the manufacturing process of stitched fabric bellows means the timescale and cost is greatly reduced.

Data sheets and test certificates can also be provided

Your team at Industrial Fan Services Ltd will provide you with data sheets and test certificates as required.

Highly resistant

Fabric bellows can be used from -60°c to +500°, and fabrics include PVC and Polyurethane coated nylons, sound barrier mats, and glasscloths coated with neoprene rubber, silicone rubber, or aluminised film. For added chemical resistance, viton and hypalon-coated glasscloths are available.
Special Fans

Special Fans

For duties beyond the capabilities of standard fans

When it comes to projects which require particular specifications that may not be covered by industry standard designs, you can reply on Industrial Fan Services Ltd to design and produce special fans to suit their application.

Working with you to achieve your requirements

Whether the fan must be resistant to extreme temperatures, for use in airtight conditions, or anti-spark conditions, for example, we will work alongside you to understand your requirements and advise on the best solution to meet these needs.
Vane Controls

Vane Controls

Accurate control and power saving

Variable inlet vane control (IVC) dampers are often used for capacity modulation. They give accurate control and power savings over other styles of dampers for reduced air flow. Inlet guide vanes are synchronously adjustable and can be made either automatically via an adjusting element or by hand.

Reduction in capacity, static pressure, and kilowatts

When an inlet vane is partially closed, each blade directs the air into the impeller in the direction of rotation and so the air is prespun. This brings about a reduction in capacity, static pressure, and kilowatts. The amount of kilowatt savings at reduced capacity is determined by the type of system and type of fan-vane combination.

Manufactured from mild and stainless steel

We are able to manufacture the units from mild steel 43A, and any of the stainless steels. We are also able to coat the units with a paint suitable for the site conditions.

Customised to achieve your requirements

We will work with you to design and manufacture vane control dampers to suit your required application and desired performance.

About us

West Midlands-based Industrial Fan Services Ltd manufactures quality gas and industrial fans. Integrated into the WDB engineering group, Industrial Fan Services Ltd offers exceptional backup services.

All types of industry are catered for, from heating and ventilating to the most demanding petrochemical applications.
Through design, manufacturing, testing, and delivery, we provide an end-to-end service for our customers.
We ensure customer satisfaction with our highly dedicated design engineers, factory workforce, and site engineers.

Our Services Include:

Assuring that all types of acoustics are provided to fans so that industry regulations are met. Fan acoustics provide high performance and low noise levels. Our complete package service includes all types of acoustics to meet today's demanding regulations.

Anti-Vibration Mountings
Keeping vibrations to a minimum. It is essential to have anti-vibration mountings on steel structures and concrete footings in order to prevent vibration transmission to these structures. Vibrations can gradually weaken your machinery without these mountings, resulting in potential failure.

Keeping explosive atmospheres under control. In explosive atmospheres, ATEX refers to the legal requirements for controlling explosive atmospheres and the suitability of equipment and protective systems. An acronym for ATEX stands for 'Atmospheres Explosible'. In 2002, the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) were enacted. ATEX safety standards were introduced in 2003, and Industrial Fan Services Ltd has designed and manufactured ATEX ventilation fans to meet them.

Centrifugal Fans
Centrifugal fans are mechanical devices that move or extract air and other gases from a specific space, usually workspaces and warehouses. By speeding up air outward, centrifugal blowers change its direction by 90° to the airflow, which speeds it up. In a wide range of environments and conditions, centrifugal fans are quiet, sturdy, and reliable. Moreover, all of our centrifugal fan systems are energy efficient and therefore kind to the environment, helping our clients to reduce their energy consumption and therefore carbon footprints.

Shorten lead times and reduce costs. Dampers control airflow, resulting in power savings by causing resistance in the system. Standard designs and heavy duty fabrications reduce engineering costs and lead times for these heavy-duty, all-welded fabrications.

Flexible Connections
Flexible connections that are bespoke and highly resistant. For the most demanding applications, Industrial Fan Services Ltd can provide flexible fabric connections and compensators. Composites are lightweight, easy to manage, and resistant to abrasion, oil, and chemicals. Composite materials absorb motion and are lightweight, easy to manage.

Special Fans
Designed to perform duties beyond the capabilities of standard fans. Industrial Fan Services Ltd can design and manufacture special fans to suit applications which are not covered by industry standard designs.

Vane Controls
Power saving and accurate control. Capacity modulation is often achieved with variable inlet vane control (IVC) dampers. In addition to providing accurate control and power savings over other styles of dampers, they also reduce air flow. A synchronous adjusting element or a manual adjustment can be used to make the inlet guide vanes synchronously adjustable.

We have been designing and manufacturing centrifugal fans for the last 50 years for a wide range of industries, including light, medium, and heavy-duty applications. Among them are waste management, glass manufacturing, food manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and industrial kilns & furnaces.

Engineers at our company have extensive experience in a wide range of arduous tasks, and they will provide you with a reliable and efficient solution no matter what design requirements you have.


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