Company details for:
Boole Technology Centre,
Lincoln Science & Innovation Park,
Beevor Street,
LN6 7DJ,
United Kingdom
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Products / Services

Advanced Threat Protection
Additionally, the KryptoSOC 360 XDR Platform provides the highest level of enterprise security by correlating indicators across systems, thus increasing visibility and accuracy of detection throughout the organisation, without the need for multiple cyber security solutions.

Cyber Risk Audit

Security Testing

Security Education

KryptoDNA can help you ascertain the exposure of your critical data and assets, even on the Dark Web.

Your company’s Crown Jewel data comprises the information that is most important to the organisation concerned. Critical data such as financial data, customer databases and intellectual property. Put simply, it is the information that you cannot afford to lose and will give you piece of mind that your companies most important asset will be protected.

Government backed IASME Governance and Cyber Essentials Accreditation
About us
Clients include leading international pharmaceuticals, global logistics organisations, renewable energy experts, defence manufacturers, care providers and local charities. KryptoKloud also provides a cyber capability to a Lloyds of London Cyber Insurance body, and cyber due diligence auditing services for a leading independent infrastructure and private equity organisation.
KryptoKloud offers a range of services including: cyber risk audits; vulnerability scanning; penetration testing; advanced threat protection; C-suite and employee education and training; consultancy for Cyber Essentials Plus, IAMSE Governance Audited and ISO27001.
Our team of experts bring a wide variety of security experience from the telecoms, commercial IT and military sectors, and collectively we provide a blend of cyber security services that allow clients to increase their cyber resilience.

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