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Lasermet Ltd


Lasermet House,
137 Hankinson Road,
BH9 1HR,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

CALM − Control And Laser Monitoring System

CALM − Control And Laser Monitoring System

Monitor and Control Laser Safety Status of numerous labs from one point
CALM − Control And Laser Monitoring
Dolphin Laser Safety Curtain Pod

Dolphin Laser Safety Curtain Pod

The Dolphin Laser Safety Curtain Pod by Lasermet is a curtain-based enclosure for hand-held laser welders. The Dolphin Pod is a low-cost solution to protect workers from the escape of hazardous laser radiation.

Ideal for hand-held laser welding
Interlock® ready
Low-cost modular safety solution
Laser Castle

Laser Castle

Lasermet’s Laser Castle® laser safety cabins protect personnel from the dangers of high powered laser beams by absorbing the laser power in the specially designed walls and roof. These modular, Class 1, room-sized enclosures are tested and certified to international laser safety standards and can be rapidly designed, built and installed by Lasermet.

Rapid-build modular laser safety cabins
Passive Class 1 Enclosures for Class 4 lasers
CE Certified to EN IEC 60825-4 Safety of Laser Products Part 4 − Laser Guards
Laser Castle Lite

Laser Castle Lite

Lasermet has just launched the Laser Castle Lite, a low-cost, self-assembly, laser safety cabin ideal for small laser operations including small laser robots used for cutting, cladding or welding.

Laser Castle Lite is a modular build laser safety cabin designed specifically to protect nearby users from the damaging effects of high powered laser radiation.

This low cost cabin arrives as a flat-pack in a shipping crate, and is easily assembled on site by the customer. It is supplied with a manually operated door, safety interlock switch, dual-message LED warning sign, Emergency Stop break glass, internal Emergency stop button and entry door maglock − all linked to the ICS-Solo interlock control system.

Being modular, it is constructed from the same laser blocking material as the Laser Castle cabin (which is currently in service all over the world) and to enable low cost ventilation, the cabin has an open roof void. It can be rapidly built and installed on site straight out of the box.
Passive ALF Interlocked Laser Welding Helmet

Passive ALF Interlocked Laser Welding Helmet

Designed specifically to protect welders from stray laser radiation, the interlocked helmet design requires the helmet to be properly worn with the visor closed before firing the laser.

Protection from laser radiation
Passive laser filter protection
Integrate with Laser Safety Interlock® Systems
Laser Safety Shutters

Laser Safety Shutters

High Integrity Laser Safety Beam Shutter

See also:
LS-10 and LS-100 laser beam shutters
ICS Laser interlock systems

The Lasermet LS-20 Laser Safety Shutter is intended to provide a means of preventing accidental exposure to a potentially harmful laser beam. It has been designed to form part of a high-integrity safety system and features a gravity-close blade and force-disconnect proving contacts. When closed, the shutter deflects the incoming laser beam onto an internal beam dump where the energy is converted to heat which is dissipated in the aluminium casing of the shutter. When the shutter is open, the laser beam passes through the shutter without interruption.
Laser Safety Cabins

Laser Safety Cabins

Lasermet's laser safety cabins protect personnel from the dangers of high powered laser beams by absorbing the laser power in the specially designed walls and roof.

These modular, Class 1, room-sized enclosures are tested and certified to international laser safety standards (IEC 60825-4 Safety of Laser Products Part 4 - Laser Guards) and can be rapidly designed, built and installed by Lasermet.

They are supplied with Lasermet's interlock control system and high quality, dual message, dual colour, low voltage, illuminated LED signs. A CCTV system covers the operation inside the cabin and provision is made for fume extraction, making this a cost effective and extremely easy method of enclosing the laser system, which then complies to international laser safety standards.
Beam Shutters & Beam Dumps

Beam Shutters & Beam Dumps

The LS- range of laser beam shutters are combined shutters and beam dumps designed to be driven by a safety control system such as the Lasermet’s Interlock® controller for use as a means of shutting down the laser beam automatically during unauthorised access, or manually when the beam is not required. They can also be used as stand-alone laser shutters for manual or remote switching of the laser beam. They are also available as OEM products.
Interlock Control Systems

Interlock Control Systems

Lasermet Interlock controllers monitor and control the laser interlock system from interlock switches, emergency stops, shutters, and LED warning signs to meet safety requirements in accordance with ISO 13849-1 Performance Level ‘e’.
Lucas Laser Enclosures for Optical Tables

Lucas Laser Enclosures for Optical Tables

The Lucas Laser Castle is an Optical Table Top Enclosure that fits onto rails located on an Optical Table

It is provided as a flat pack so that it can be built and installed by the customer.
The end panels are attached with magnets so that they can be easily removed for access.
The enclosure sits on rails that are attached to the optical table so that either of the inner or outer units can be slid back and forth for access.
Once correctly built it is fully compliant with the laser safety standards BS EN IEC 60825-1 making it a Class 1 Product for Class 4 Lasers
It is fitted with a dual channel Interlock® Control system with an LED warning sign.
Internal height from the table to the roof is 600mm
Standard sizes are 1.2 x 2m or 1.2 x 4m but custom sizes are available on request
Orcatina Folding Laser Blocking Curtains

Orcatina Folding Laser Blocking Curtains

Orcatina laser safety curtains are a neat curtain system that uses a pantograph structure in the folding mechanism. Known also as concertina style or accordian style curtains, the Orcatina curtains have two separate materials − one is the laser blocking material and the other is fabric which can be used to look professional and can help with sound insulation.
The folded laser blocking curtains use the minimum of space once drawn back. There are no floor rails as the curtains are supported solely by the upper rail structure mounted to the ceiling. The curtains are made from Lasermet’s "Orca" black and white laser blocking material used worldwide in Lasermet’s laser blocking curtains and blinds. They are, certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4 - the laser safey standard.
Laser Jailer - Active Laser Guard

Laser Jailer - Active Laser Guard

Laser Jailer
The Active Laser Guarding System with Inherent Fail Safe Technology

The Laser Jailer is an active laser safety system which combines an inherently fail-safe laser detection technique and Lasermet's proven laser interlock control system technology to create an active laser guarding system which is fail safe to Machinery Directive Standard EN13849-1.

The system is designed to contain a high powered laser beam in a laser enclosure which is smaller and lighter than would otherwise be necessary. It comprises of an outer passive enclosure and an inner active enclosure made up of detector tiles which are connected to Lasermet's ICS interlock system.

Lasermet's fail-safe technology isolates the laser safety input in less than 50ms. The laser machine responds to this laser termination signal and laser radiation is terminated - the actual laser termination time being dependent on the laser machine in use.
Audible Warning System

Audible Warning System

Audio Alert IP65 - for automatic announcements, warnings, information or instructions - suitable for outdoor use

The Audio Alert IP65 system, suitable for outdoor use, is a local public address system that audibly delivers a pre-programmed message when triggered. The message is heard from a speaker integrated into the compact unit, which is triggered by one of the following options.

Trigger options
1. PIR - passive infrared detector
2. Application of 6 to 24VDC
3. Programmed Timer

So, next time you want to automatically warn, instruct or inform someone in the vicinity, just decide on the message, which can be up to 40 seconds long, and the frequency of delivery and we can pre-program the device to your specification.

Two messages can be recorded and one these can be selected by a keyswitch.
Laser Blocking Curtains

Laser Blocking Curtains

Laser Safety Curtains − The Orca range

Certified laser blocking curtains for Class 4 and Class 3B lasers - for Hospital and Medical Environments; Clean Rooms, Universities, Laboratories and Research Establishments

Laser protection with laser safety curtains

To ensure Class 4 and Class 3B laser beams do not escape from laser laboratory or medical facilities, including hospital theatres, certified laser blocking material should be installed. Ordinary curtains are rarely capable of stopping a laser beam and specially-designed certified laser blocking material must be used (Certified to IEC/EN 60825-4).

Also production facilities using Class 1 lasers, which are Class 4 under service conditions, may require ceiling-mounted curtains to allow other work to continue safely in the same room during service.

To provide the necessary protection level, Lasermet's laser blocking curtains are ideal. They are designed as passive guards to enclose an area where Class 3B or Class 4 lasers are in use either to protect against accidental exposure to the laser beam or for long term blocking of laser radiation at lower power densities.
Protective Eyewear

Protective Eyewear

This is the largest selection of laser goggles available anywhere in Europe with over one hundred different filters and more than twenty frame styles to choose from. Browse through our online catalogue to find what you need, use our search facility on the laser protective eyewear page, or contact our sales department for advice.

Laser Protective Eyewear
Vast selection of laser goggles and spectacles designed for maximum protection.

Laser Alignment Eyewear
Protects the eyes while allowing viewing of beam position.
For laser adjustment and alignment purposes

IPL Eyewear
Protective eyewear for Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Systems commonly used for hair removal and cosmetic applications.

Patient Eyewear
Options for protection of the patient from laser & IPL radiation,
allowing maximum access to the face for treatment purposes


Extraction systems - Extraction of laser welding fumes

I-Extract is Lasermet’s fume extraction system specifically designed for the extraction and filtration of gases and emissions created by lasers during laser welding, laser cutting and laser cladding processes.

Designed as an integrated part of Lasermet’s “Laser Castle” laser safety cabin, the I-Extract has ample power to extract the appropriate volume of emitted gases produced in the cabin.

The specific CFM (cubic feet per minute) figures are available for specific

A powerful, three phase electric motor powers the extraction fan.

The overall enclosure is manufactured using galvanised sheet metal with a powder coated finish.

Filters One HEPA Filter (High-efficiency particulate arrestance) individually tested to EN1822:2009 H3, and two further filters tested to EN779:2012 Filter Class M6.
Laser Blocking Roller Blinds

Laser Blocking Roller Blinds

Protect Your Employees and Third Parties from Stray Laser Radiation

Chain operated encapsulated laser blocking roller blind

Most Class 4 and many Class 3B lasers present an eye hazard over very long distances and it is therefore imperative to have comprehensive laser safety protection in place wherever they are present.

Laser radiation must be prevented from escaping through the windows of laboratories and production facilities. Ordinary curtains or screens are rarely capable of stopping a laser beam and specially-designed blocking products are required.

Lasermet's laser blocking roller blinds are designed as a passive guarding system to block laser light from escaping the theatre, laboratory or laser facility where Class 3B or Class 4 lasers are in use, either to protect against accidental exposure to the laser beam or for long term blocking of laser radiation at lower power densities.

The blinds are fitted to cover windows (and to doors where there is a window built into the door), and there are options to suit the application.

For Lasermet’s encapsulated laser blocking roller blinds the options are as follows:-

- The blinds can be operated manually by chain or crank handle.
- Alternatively, the motorised version (24V AC or 230 VAC for larger blinds) can be operated by remote control − either wireless or hard-wired.
Laser Blocking Sceens

Laser Blocking Sceens

CE Marked Laser-Blocking Screens

Portable laser blocking screens

To protect personnel from Class 4 and Class 3B lasers it is imperative to have comprehensive laser safety protection in place. Laser radiation must be prevented from escaping from labs and manufacturing facilities using certified equipment.

Also, facilities utilising Class 1 lasers which are Class 4 under service conditions may require free-standing screens to allow other work to continue safely in the same room during service.

Lasermet provide a range of free-standing laser-blocking screens which are designed for use as passive guards to enclose areas where Class 3B or Class 4 lasers are in use either to protect against accidental exposure to the laser beam or for long term blocking of laser radiation at lower power densities. All Lasermet laser-blocking screens are CE marked and certified to EN 60825-4 (Safety of Laser Products Part 4: Laser Guards).

The main types of certified laser blocking screens (all certified to IEC/BS EN 60825-4) are:-

- The LaserLightScreen - the latest, low-cost, floor-hugging, certified, laser blocking, wheeled screen

- The Standard Laser Blocking Screen - made using Lasermet’s specially developed laser blocking material
- The Flatfoot Laser Blocking Screen - designed to eliminate trip hazards
- The Heavy Duty Screen - for multi-kW lasers

All of the screens are portable and can be used as simple temporary installations or can be used on a semi-permanent or permanent basis as required.
LED Laser Warning Signs

LED Laser Warning Signs

The range of Lasermet LED signs includes the following...

Weatherproof IP66 rated LED Signs
580 mm wide,
Dual or single colour
Dual or single message

Large LED "Ultra" SignsDual or single colour
Dual or single message
24 VDC

Mini LED Signs
Dual or single colour
Dual or single message
24 VDC

Slim Jim Signs
Thin profile LED sign
11 mm deep
230 VAC
No Transformer
Contractor friendly
Easy to fit

DALI compatible LED
SignsSlim Jim D
DALI compatible
Thin profile LED sign
11 mm deep
230 VAC
No Transformer
Contractor friendly
Easy to fit
Social Distancing Illuminated Signs

Social Distancing Illuminated Signs

PLEASE WAIT and PLEASE ENTER LED Signs for social distancing are manufactured by Lasermet in the UK. These illuminated signs can by automatically controlled by shop counting systems to allow customers to enter or to ask them to wait outside. The messages on the signs alternate as required between PLEASE WAIT in red and PLEASE ENTER in green.
Optical Table Guards - Optoblok

Optical Table Guards - Optoblok

Optoblok Optical Table Laser Guarding

Lasermet and NPL have produced this joint venture product, Optoblok, the latest safety equipment for use in optical laboratories.

Optoblok, the Optical Table Laser Guarding System is designed specifically to reduce the risk of stray laser beams being inadvertently directed at personnel in the laser optics laboratory. This new modular system fits neatly on to optical tables to provide a 300mm high wall. Optoblok's modular design enables areas of the table to be segregated

The system comprises of certified laser blocking walled panels, posts (to screw into the table) and channel posts which are either straight or right angled to connect the wall panels together.
Laser Consultancy

Laser Consultancy

Consultancy, Risk Assessment, Laser Hazard Analysis

Your company needs to ensure that it is following the correct procedures and taking the necessary precautions as laid down by the various standards. If you do not have this level of expertise in house, or if external verification is required, then we can provide the knowledge. As leading experts in the field of laser safety, we are able to carry out comprehensive risk assessments and make appropriate recommendations.
Laser Safety Training

Laser Safety Training

All persons using Class 1M, Class 2M, Class 3R, Class 3B and Class 4 lasers should receive laser safety training. For Class 1M, 2M and 3R lasers this training may be quite concise. In addition all organisations using Class 3B, Class 4 or Invisible Class 3R lasers must have a Laser Safety Officer who should have received appropriate training.
Industrial Doors

Industrial Doors

High speed Industrial Roller Shutter Door with optional Active Laser Guarding
Speed (adjustable): 0.6-1.8m/s
Typical open/close time: < 3 seconds
Motor: SEW Motor
Inverter options: Allen Bradley, SEW or Lasermet
Safety: PLC bump switch, safe edge, photocell (customer control), active guarding
News & Events

News & Events

News & Events

About us

Lasermet Ltd holds a global reputation as the forefront authority in the laser safety sector, with a long history of contributing to the establishment of internationally acknowledged laser safety standards like IEC/EN 60825. This ISO 9001 registered British company operates privately and maintains offices in Schaumburg (Chicago, Illinois, USA), as well as research and development facilities situated in Haydock (between Liverpool and Manchester) and Cebu, Philippines.

Lasermet offers laser safety solutions tailored to a wide array of settings, including laboratories, hospitals, clinics, manufacturing facilities, and universities. Within our extensive lineup of laser safety eyewear, we proudly maintain the most expansive selection in Europe. Our range of laser safety products encompasses certified laser-blocking curtains, screens, and roller blinds, as well as laser safety interlocks and warning signs. Furthermore, our offerings extend to encompass laser safety cabins, advanced active laser guarding systems capable of halting laser radiation within 50 milliseconds, and intricate integrated laser interlock control systems designed for cutting-edge engineering and laser research facilities.

Lasermet provides a spectrum of services, which encompass consulting, training, laser system classification, risk evaluation, FDA registration, and calibration of laser power meters.

Our Products Include:

Laser Safety Equipment (In particular for GP, Dental & Laser Clinics)
We maintain one of the most extensive selections of laser eyewear in Europe and produce officially certified laser-blocking curtains, screens, and roller blinds.

Medical Laser Safety
As proficient specialists in medical laser safety, we supply a broad range of safety equipment for surgical theatres employing laser technology. Additionally, we offer laser safety training sessions tailored to meet the requirements of theatre staff.

Intense Pulsed Light Safety (IPL safety)
Providing a comprehensive selection of IPL safety products, Lasermet Ltd is prepared to deliver the suitable equipment and expert guidance. Furthermore, our assistance from Laser Protection Advisors (LPA) and Expert Medical Practitioners (EMP) is in high demand among IPL clinics aiming to achieve CQC registration.

Lasermet produces officially certified laser-blocking curtains designed for use with Class 4 and Class 3B lasers in hospital and medical settings, clean rooms, universities, laboratories, and research institutions.

These options encompass Portable Laser-blocking Screens, LaserLightScreen, Flatfoot Laser Blocking Screens, Standard Laser-Blocking Screens, Heavy-Duty Laser Blocking Screens, and Tailor-Made Laser-blocking Screens.

Roller Blinds
Safeguarding your workforce and external individuals from unintended laser radiation exposure.

LED Laser Warning Signs
Low Voltage LED Room Information Signs including ‘Room in use’ LED Signs, ‘Lab in use’ LED Signs, ‘Occupied’ LED Signs, ‘Do Not Enter’ LED Signs and ‘No Entry’ LED Signs.

Laser Warning Signs
LED room information signs operating at low voltage, such as LED signs indicating "Room in use," "Lab in use," "Occupied," "Do Not Enter," and "No Entry."

Laser Safety Cabins
The Laser Castle is a certified laser safety cabin that is modular and quick to assemble, capable of confining multi-kilowatt laser emissions from laser welding and cutting robots. You can choose to incorporate the optional active laser safeguard known as the Laser Jailer, which effectively prevents the release of laser radiation, all within a mere 50-millisecond timeframe.

To access a complete catalogue of features, specifications, and brochures, kindly visit our website at


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