Company details for:
LD Leigh & Co Ltd
PO Box 670,
S40 9HD,
United Kingdom
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Products / Services

Battery Tools with Senco Technology

BeA Stapling & Nailing Tools

Bedding & Packing Pliers

Cable Tackers

Cardboard Box Closing Tools


Concrete Nailers

Corrugated Fasteners

Duo-Fast Product Range

Duraspin Tools

Fine Wire Staplers

Framing Staples

Gas Nail Tools

Heavy Wire Staple Tools

Hog Ring Tools

Josef Kihlberg Tools

MAX Tools

Montana Tools
A full range of other fasteners from 71 series staples through carton closing, to corrugated fasteners are available in the Montana tool range please call for details if unsure call 0560 113 9922.

Muro ViSlider Collated Screwdrivers


Rebar Tools

Senco Duraspin Tools

Senco Fusion tools

Timber Frame Fasteners

Tool Servicing & Spares
About us
Here at L D Leigh & Co, we provide high quality Pneumatic, Kinetic and Gas Technology Tools, which are manufactured by major companies such as Senco, Max, BeA, Tacwise, Montana, Josef Kihlberg, Omer, Maestri, Bostitch, Fasco and many more. Our business offers companies the opportunity to interact with our highly professional sales team, including an excellent technical advisor whose main duties are to ensure that clients are given the best possible service our company can offer.
LD Leigh & Co manufactures a wide range of tools and equipment such as;
> Heavy Duty Staples.
> Angled Brads.
> Gauge Brads.
> Stainless Gas & Nails.
> Gauge Pins & Vineer Pins.
> Brad Nail Tools.
> Coil Nails
> Compressors.
> Battery Tools with Senco Technology.
> BeA Fasteners.
> Cable Tackers.
> And much more.
We at L.D. Leigh & Co provide our clients with excellent transport links to ensure quick and efficient deliveries. We provide an extensive range of products including 14 Series Heavy Duty Staples, 15g Angled Brads, 16 Gauge Brads, 16 Gauge Stainless Brads, 16g Angled Brad Nails, 16g Stainless Gas & Nails, 18 Gauge Brads, 18 Gauge Headless Brads, 18g Brad Nail Tools, 23 Gauge Pins / Vineer pins
23g Pinners, 71 Series Stainless Steel, 71 Series Upholstery Staples, 71 Series Upholstery Tackers, 80 Series Staple Tools, 80 Series staples, 90 Series Staple Tools, 90 Series Staples, 91 Series staples, 94 Series Staple Tools, 97 Series Staples, ABAC Quality Compressors, Accessories, Airlines & Accessories, Angled Brads, Angled Finish Nail Tools, Angled Finish Nails, Battery Tools with Senco Technology, BeA Fasteners, BeA Stapling & Nailing Tools, Bedding & Packing Pliers, Bostitch, Brads, Cable Tackers, Car Trimming Staples & Tools, Cardboard Box Closing Tools, Carpet Fitters Staples & Tools, Carton Sealing Staples, Cleat Nail Tool For Hardwood Flooring, Cleat Nails For Flooring, Clinical Quality ABAC Compressors for Medical and Dental use, Clipped Head Nails, Coil Nail Tools, Coil Nails, Coil Nails - Stainless Steel, Compressors, Concrete Nailers, Corrugated Fasteners, Corrugated Fastening Tools, Decking Screws
Duo-Fast Product Range, Duraspin Screws including Drywall Screws, Duraspin Tools, Fine Wire Staplers, Framing Staples, Funeral Directors supplies, Gabion Basket Construction With HIGH TENSILE Clips, Gas & Nail Packs, Gas Nail Tools, Hammer Tacker Staples, Heavy Wire Staple Tools, Heavy Wire Staples, Hog Ring Tools, Hog Rings, Josef Kihlberg Staple Series, Josef Kihlberg Staples, Josef Kihlberg Tools, MAX Tools, Mezzanine Flooring Screws, Montana Tools, Muro ViSlider Collated Screwdrivers, Muro ViSlider Screws, Nailers, Omer Products, Pins, Raptor Plastic Polymer Staples & Brads, Rebar Tools, Rebar Tying Wire From MAX, Senco B Series Staples, Senco Duraspin Tools, Senco Fusion Tools, Senco L Series Staples, Senco N Series Staples, Senco N Series, or 14 Series Framing Staples, Senco Products, Senco Staple Series, Senco Staples, Senco Tools, Senco, Kihlberg, Omer, BeA, Bostitch, Max Tools, Specialised Automation Systems, Spenax Fasteners, Stainless Steel Staples, Pins, Brads and Nails, Staplers, Staplers & Tacker Tools Medium Wire, Staples Brads Pins Nails & Fasteners, Strip Nail Tools - First Fix, Strip Nails, Tacwise 14 Series Heavy Wire Staples, Tacwise Products, Timber Frame Fasteners, Timber Frame Fixings, Tool Servicing & Spares, Upholstery staples, X Reference Chart