Company details for:
Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) Europe Ltd

Unit 1, The Barns, Top Close,
Lake View Business Park,
Top Close,
North Northamptonshire,
NN14 4PP,
United Kingdom
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ADR Driver Training Courses UK

IATA Dangerous Goods Training (Air)
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) publish the Dangerous Goods Regulations each year, which is widely accepted as the industry standard. Llewellyn Europe instructors are CAA approved to run IATA Dangerous Goods initial training and refresher courses.
Public courses are run from our Head Office in Wellingborough on a regular basis, check out the dates below. In-house courses can be arranged anywhere in the world at your request.

IATA - Dry Ice Shipments Only
Just buy now using the 'Buy now with PayPal' button within the link below and start your course today.

IMDG Training (Sea)
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) publish the Dangerous Goods Regulations every other year, which is widely accepted as the industry standard. Llewellyn Europe instructors run IMDG Dangerous Goods initial training and refresher courses.
In-house courses can be arranged anywhere in the world at your request.

Petroleum Driver Passport (PDP)
It has been created by the Downstream Oil Industry Distribution Forum (DODF) − a partnership of employers, industry bodies and trade unions.
The DODF has appointed the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to manage the PDP. SQA already manages the ADR scheme − the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Many if not all terminals require that you are in possession of PDP.
The PDP scheme sets a benchmark in competency against which all road tanker drivers who are loading, transporting and offloading petroleum fuel products in road tankers in the UK are measured. Competency is assessed using both classroom and practical techniques. The passport is renewed on a five-year cycle, but also has an annual refresher requirement.

General Awareness Training

Safety Data Sheets
At Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) Europe Ltd, we have extensive experience in the classification of substances and preparations for supply and we can produce an SDS from a single substance to an SDS for preparations with a large number of ingredients, allowing for you to ensure the correct hazards and risks are identified to your customers, ensuring their safety.
Under Turkish law, SDS's have to be written by or reviewed by an expert in Turkey. We have that expertise in Turkey to assist your needs, contact our Turkish office on +90 532 690 49 77.

Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA)
Under the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by road, rail or inland waterway, EVERY company involved in transporting dangerous goods are required to appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA), to advise on and monitor the company operations.

GB/EU Reach

24 Hour Emergency Response
Llewellyn Europe have partnered with a world leading service provider to provide a cost effective solution to your emergency response needs. You can use our emergency response number on the following:
On shipping documents to comply with US DOT, ADR, IATA, IMDG and all international regulations requiring 365/24/7 response contact information.
On safety data sheets as required in section 1.4
For in-house emergencies.
On product Labels.
This exceptional service will provide you with:
Globally recognised emergency response communication.
Exceptional and accurate emergency response services to the transport industry.
Live assistance 365/24/7 by highly trained and experienced staff.
Real time incident notification in response to product spills, accidental release, personal exposures, injuries and other emergency occurrences.
Provides timely notification and incident detail to Environmental, Safety and Regulatory Advisors and client designated personnel.
Global compliance solution for multinational corporations seeking single source Emergency Response.
About us
Based in Northampton, Llewellyn Safety Advisors, provide a professional health and safety service that is unique to your own company ensuring you have the best service. With over 20 years experience we have gained an enviable reputation around the UK and Europe of knowing and understanding all current European, International and domestic legislation requirements, allowing us to assit your business in what ever country you operate from.
No matter what size your company is, our mission remains the same, to provide you with a cost effective health and safety solution and practical dangerous goods advice.
Our Consultancy Team Can Help You With:
- Construction of health & safety policies
- Health & Safety training
- Health and safety management systems
- Management of your Health & Safety goals
- Risk assessment
- ADR Training