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NFU Energy


10th Street,
Stoneleigh Park,
CV8 2LS,
United Kingdom

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Products / Services

SME Fixed Contracts

SME Fixed Contracts

How to get the best price if your bill is less than £40,000 a year.

Call us with details of how much energy you use, along with your current contract end date (if applicable) and we will find you the best energy deal on the spot, using our up-to-the-minute database of gas and electricity tariffs.
Commercial Fixed Tender Service

Commercial Fixed Tender Service

How to get the best deal if you spend more than £40,000 a year.

If you’re spending more than £40,000 a year on energy, then you may get the best deal by putting your contract out to tender.

That may sound like a daunting task − but not for us. We tender hundreds of contracts every year and are experts at finding our way around the different suppliers, tariffs and offers.
Flexible Contracts

Flexible Contracts

How to get more buying control if you spend more than £80k a year.

If you’re a big energy user, there are many advantages to 'flexible' purchasing − that’s buying gas and electricity at variable rates over time.
Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreements

How to get the best deal for selling the electricity you generate.

If you have excess power, being generated from a set of solar panels, wind turbines, hydro plant, anaerobic digestion plant or CHP engine, contact us to find and secure the best contract for the sale of the excess power you generate and export to the grid.
Auditing HealthChecks

Auditing HealthChecks

Ofgem will audit your system and non-compliances can lead to significant delays in payments or worse. Are you audit ready?

Our Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) HealthCheck is designed to help you meet your obligations and make for a smooth audit.

Getting accredited onto the RHI scheme is just the start. Once you’re up and running, you have 20 years of compliance ahead of you in order to keep receiving your payments. If your system was installed a few years ago or has been modified since and you’re uncertain if it would pass an Ofgem audit, now is the time to check.

Over the life of the scheme, you can expect to be audited at least twice. If an auditor uncovers compliance issues you could, at best, face lengthy delays in payments while you sort out inconsistencies, while a serious breach could result in being thrown off the scheme and money paid reclaimed. In our experience, auditors find most non-compliances when they start looking at paperwork and record-keeping, and so this is a key area of focus for our HealthCheck.
Energy Efficiency Audits for Businesses

Energy Efficiency Audits for Businesses

Use less energy and save money with an on-site energy efficiency audit.

An in-depth assessment of where, when and how you use energy − and potentially waste it −within your business.

From the efficiency of equipment and processes to how well buildings, stores and specialist structures, are built, maintained and used.

How it works

We send one of our experienced engineers to your site to carry out the audit. You then get a detailed written report, with recommended actions for improvement - including estimates of costs and payback.
Energy Account Management

Energy Account Management

Get all your energy needs taken care of.

Our Energy Account Management service is the best way for you to benefit from our experience and expertise.

How it works

It starts with a conversation about you and your business which leads to us creating a bespoke package of services that gives you exactly what you need and nothing you don’t. In a lot of cases, it even includes some things you didn’t realise you needed!
Energy Connections Planning

Energy Connections Planning

How to get exactly the connection you need on time, at the best price.

If you need a new electricity or gas connection, or to upgrade an existing one in order to secure extra grid or gas network capacity, we can handle the whole process for you − including specialist support if you intend to generate and export energy.

How it works

Our engineers will:

Talk through your capacity requirements with you, whether for import or export.
Accurately assess your supply requirements to control installation costs and select the most appropriate tariff.
Make an application to the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) on your behalf, based upon your requirements.
Respond to technical queries raised by the DNO.
Get and interpret quotes from the DNO to secure your grid capacity.
If appropriate, get quotes for the negotiable aspect of a DNO’s offer via an Independent Connection Provider (ICP).
We can also check any quotes you may already have for overpricing, then re-negotiate and involve Consumer Focus and Ofgem if necessary.

In short, we can take care of everything for you.
Periodic Data Submission (PDS)

Periodic Data Submission (PDS)

Keeping on top of your RHI data submissions

It is important for Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) participants to take and submit regular meter readings to Ofgem correctly and at the right time as they determine how much you will get paid through the scheme. Any incorrect data submissions can result in withheld RHI payments or unsuspected compliance action being taken.
Energy Metering & Billing

Energy Metering & Billing

How to achieve accurate and timely sub metering and rebilling.

If you need to sub-meter and rebill energy use (electricity or other fuel) to tenants or other parts of your business, we offer a range of metering and billing services to help you achieve an accurate and seamless process.

How it works

We can:

Design and project manage the installation of the metering scheme and remote data gathering solutions.
Set up automatic reading and billing.
Collect payments and manage customer accounts.
Produce end-to-end billing solutions, from remote reading to the reconciliation and management of final accounts.
Renewable Energy Solutions - Generate Your Own

Renewable Energy Solutions - Generate Your Own

Sustainability made easy.

The renewable energy opportunity

With energy prices rising and the cost of renewable energy technologies falling, generating your own renewable energy can be an attractive option for farmers, even without subsidies. And of course it’s also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and tackle climate change.

But installing renewable energy solutions can be challenging, for example because you’re unsure which technology is best for you, you don’t know which installers to trust or you can’t secure finance. That’s why we’ve created Renewable Energy Solutions: to make it easy for NFU members to install high quality renewable energy solutions without the hassle and with complete confidence.
Renewable Energy Solutions − Sell to the Grid

Renewable Energy Solutions − Sell to the Grid

Helping you assess and develop renewable energy schemes on your land.

Helping you develop renewable energy schemes on your land.

There’s never been a better time to develop renewable energy schemes, thanks to rising energy prices, the falling cost of renewable energy technologies and the Government’s commitment to energy security and net zero.

This creates opportunities for farmers and growers, who have the potential to earn millions of pounds from hosting schemes on their land. However, the development process is not straightforward, and it can be easy to miss out on opportunities, select the wrong partner or leave money on the table.
Electric Vehicle Services

Electric Vehicle Services

How we can help

An important part of our journey to net zero is the increased use of electric vehicles. To date there are over 300,000 EVs on the UK roads. 62% of these are charged at home and 24% charged at the workplace.

Many sites ( business and domestic ) are now considering the installation of electric vehicle charging points, both to help with the charging of family run vehicles but also to provide charging for business vehicles and for on-site help to visitors at sites such as caravan parks and farm shops.

Here at NFU Energy we have partnered with a range of suppliers to provide a full service to help you with the installation of charging points, help with the funding that is available and a full range of advice on the installation and management of the charging points.

This is a no obligation service that is free to NFU members. NFU Energy earns commission on successfully installed projects, but this is paid by our installer partners and is not added onto the price you pay.
Green Gas Support Scheme

Green Gas Support Scheme

The Government’s support for Green Gas, cunningly called the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) is now open for applications.

**Ofgem announced on the 03 November 2022 that they have made updates to the Green Gas Support Scheme guidance, including changes to the rules on remote injection sites/hubs. Remote sites, where the biogas production plant and injection point are on separate sites, are now permitted, subject to certain strict conditions. More information can be found here. If you have any questions or would like support with your green gas project, give us a call 024 7669 6512. **
RHI Accreditation

RHI Accreditation

How to get your RHI accreditation approved with no delay or fuss.

The Non-Domestic RHI scheme has now closed to new applicants, but there are still ways you can benefit. Accredited RHI boilers can be transferred to new ownership, which means you can buy second hand boilers and relocate them to your site, given you are eligible under the same rules as new systems. We can help you through the process of getting onto the RHI.
If you have made a successful Tariff Guarantee or Extension application, we can help you complete the Full Application, before the deadline in March 2022.

We offer a number of compliance services designed specifically for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) accreditation. Since the very first days of the scheme, our RHI consultants have helped over 500 clients successfully design and install fully compliant heating systems.
ESOS & SECR Compliance

ESOS & SECR Compliance

How to ensure ESOS and SECR compliance.

Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) are compulsory for big energy users who must assess their energy use and set out an energy saving strategy. We offer a full audit service designed to ensure compliance with either.
CCL Compliance

CCL Compliance

Remain compliant with your Climate Change Agreement.

A full compliance service designed specifically for the NFU Climate Change Levy (CCL) scheme. We represent some 700 farm and nursery businesses, working in partnership with the NFU.

Businesses that sign Climate Change Agreements receive a discount on CCL charged on energy bills in return for meeting energy efficiency or carbon saving targets. We’ve saved our sectors £millions on CCL since the introduction of the scheme in 2001.
UK ETS Compliance

UK ETS Compliance

How to make sure you comply with UK carbon regulations.

A full compliance service designed specifically for the UK Emissions Trading System (UK ETS) - we take the headache out of the regulations by guiding you through the whole process, from whether you need to be involved in the scheme or not to annual submission of data and reporting.
CHPQA Compliance

CHPQA Compliance

How to get the most from CHP incentive schemes.

A full compliance service designed specifically for the Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Programme (CHPQA) - we guide you through the application process and handle the annual submissions, while you reap all of the benefits CHPQA has to offer.
Heat Metering Regulations

Heat Metering Regulations

How to make sure you comply with the heat metering regulations.

You may need to comply with the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 if you are a commercial or domestic property landlord and you provide heating, cooling or hot water to multiple buildings via a district heating network or to tenants in a multi-let property via a communal heating network.

How it works

If you do need to comply, you should have already notified the Secretary of State and by 31 December 2016 you must:

Either install metering or heat cost allocators to measure heat delivered to each final customer and provide regular billing information.
Or undertake a cost-effectiveness / technical feasibility assessment to show it is impractical to install metering or heat cost allocators.

We can help you by:

Carrying out feasibility studies to investigate if is it technically and financially viable to install meters.
Making ongoing submissions to the National Measurement and Regulation Office on your behalf − as you must submit detailed information about your heating networks every 4 years.
Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance

How to make sure that you are environmentally compliant.

We have a range of services to assist you and your projects environmental compliance needs; from permitting to dispersion modelling, we can help your project go from paper to reality.

How it works:

Combustion plants are a great way to generate heat and power on your site, but their operation can impact on the local environment.

Our full application and compliance service is designed ensure high quality and reliable support for your project and specifically to meet any of your permit requirements, such as Environmental Regulatory Permitting (EPR) and Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC) requirements.
Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD)

Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD)

How to ensure your new or existing plant is MCPD compliant.

How it works

The Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) is a Government initiative used to monitor CHP schemes and ensure improving air quality by controlling the emission of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and dust pollutants, so reducing the potential risks to health and the environment.
The Environment Agency are currently taking 12 months to permit plants, so applicants needing a permit by 2024 are recommended to submit now without delay.

Once you’ve got your permit you then need to ensure you comply with its terms. You’ll need to carry out any necessary testing within 4 months of its issue date to prove your emissions are within the limit specified in your permit plus have an environmental management system in place to record ongoing testing and everything of relevance that happens on your site.
Reduce Your Farm''s Carbon Footprint

Reduce Your Farm''s Carbon Footprint

How to get started reducing your farm's carbon footprint.

As the climate change agenda gathers pace, many farmers and growers are thinking about how to assess their greenhouse gas emissions and how to begin to reduce or offset them.

How it works

The process of reducing emissions usually starts with carbon accounting. This is measuring the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by a site or a business and is expressed as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. The carbon equivalent emission figure then acts as a benchmark against the effect of various changes and improvements in subsequent years.
Feasibility Services

Feasibility Services

Find out if your proposed renewables project is worth it.

Planning or expanding a renewable energy installation is a complex business. Different technologies and system set-ups each have their own advantages and are likely to perform differently in different situations.

How it works

We can test the feasibility of your project, to help you avoid costly mistakes and work out if it’s a worthwhile investment.

One of our experienced engineers will:

Review any existing proposals to check how the system savings you have been quoted will actually benefit you on your site.
Assess where, when and how you use energy within your business.
Model your energy usage and use historical weather data to estimate your future energy usage.
Advise how various technologies and solutions might fit with your particular farming, growing or operational processes and the likely scale of the installation required.
Produce a detailed written report outlining returns, typical costs and payback.
Calculate future energy usage for site expansion projects.
Wayleaves & Easements

Wayleaves & Easements

How to reduce the cost and hassle of moving a pole or line on your land.

If you are putting up a new building or reconfiguring your site, the positioning of lines, cables or pipes can be problematic.

How it works

We can negotiate with your Distribution Electricity Operator (DNO) on your behalf, to ensure work is carried out in accordance with your legal rights.
Even if your DNO has quoted you a fee for the work − and usually this is a big fee, sometimes tens of thousands of pounds - you can still often get things shifted for free.

About us

NFU Energy is one of the UK's leading energy consulting firms.

With a special focus on agriculture and horticulture, we provide advice and practical support to government departments, industry organisations, utility companies, and manufacturers.
We provide our clients with an end-to-end business energy service that is knowledgeable, professional, responsive, and caring. By optimising generation earnings, improving energy efficiency, and reducing the environmental impact of their business, they are maximising the effectiveness of their energy purchases.

Our Mission Statement:

By providing businesses with knowledgeable, professional, responsive, and caring end-to-end energy services, we aim to be the No.1 energy services company in the agricultural market.

Our Services Include:
  • Contracts
  • Auditing
  • Energy Management
  • Renewables
  • Compliance
  • Consultancy
Our Values:
  • Integrity and honesty are important to us.
  • Our reputation is second to none.
  • As technical experts, we know what we're talking about.
  • Our employees and customers are important to us.
  • We stay ahead of the competition with our progressive approach.


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