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Noz-Alls Ltd

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GL51 9TA,
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Autostar 160A MIG Compact Welder

Jasic 250A MIG Welder - JM-252C

CWS MMA 140 Amp Stick Welder
Simple and easy to use, the CWS MMA 140 is a 140Amp stick welding machine with a digital display and comes ready to weld. All you need to add is welding rods of your choice, if you don't already have them plus your normal PPE for arc welding. (PPE = Welding gauntlets, safety glasses, Welding Mask plus optional leather apron and arms - list is not exhaustive as it depends on where and what is being welded).

E7018 2.5mm Low Hydrogen Welding Electrodes 5kg
Nikko are a good quality electrode producer with easy peeling flux and good penetration characteristics. Designed for use in all positions and packaged in 5kg boxes.
Nikko rods are all colour codes for ease of use making sure you only use the rods you intend to use. The 7018 welding rods come with a gold/bronze colour tip which denotes they are a low hydrogen rod with iron powder.

152x229mm Brown G80 Extra Cut
These high quality hand pads are an excellent alternative to the well known 3M branded 'Scotch Brite' pads.
Our pads are known as siafleece and are constructed in such a way that the grit fully penetrates the whole of the non-woven pad which gives extended life to the product and much better value for money.

Wire Brush 4 1/2" Knotted Bevel Brush Stainless Steel Tines M14 Threaded
The green centre boss indicates the tines are stainless steel for those applications where contamination has to be avoided.
The quailty of the Lessmann wire brushes shines through when you start to use these tools, once you switch you will not move back to cheap brushes plus you will save money as you will not need to replace the wire brush so often and you will complete your work more quickly.

CS23-355 Metabo Chop Saw - 602335190
Item Number: 602335190 (240v version)
This Metabo chop saw is perfect for fast reliable cuts on pipes, rods and profiles made from mild steel, cast iron, aluminium and other non-ferrous materials. Thanks to the use of ball bearings in the motor and and gear it can take high loads and includes a spindle lock for easy disc change when required.

Clear Safety Glasses - Sunglasses Style

6 x 4'' Orange Welding Curtain
Save 10% on the frame and curtain when bought together.
Other sizes and colours are also available, please see the related products below

6 x 4'' Green Welding Curtain
Save 10% on the frame and curtain when bought together.
Other sizes and colours are also available, please see the related products below.

1x1m Light Duty PU Coated Welding Blanket

MIG Welder - Migatronic Focus MIG 130 Welder

Jasic JM-160C - Jasic 160A MIG Compact Welder
This machine is suitable for running 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0mm wire. As such it also comes complete with a spare roller to achieve running all 3 wire sizes. Some suppliers charge fairly high prices for such items. On the inside of the machine you will find a burn back control and wire feed button to help make your welding experience that bit more refined. Should you find yourself needing to change the polarity of the welder then this can be done with the plug on the front of the machine, no faffing around on the inside of the machine.

MIG Welder Headux Titan Inverter MIG 180Amp - Headux Titan MIG 188 Package
This has to be the best 180 Amp MIG welder you can get your hands on at this price level and even more besides, in addition this welder is in stock now ready for immediate despatch. The Headux Titan 188 will operate from a normal domestic 13 amp 3 pin electricity supply being able to weld from its minimum of 30 amps right through to about 130 Amps where it will peak simply because you cannot draw more current than the 13 amp circuit is able to supply! On a 13A socket the available welding power range makes it ideal for automotive and structural welding projects, all being possible. When you need the extra power hook up to a 16Amp supply.

Kemper Smart Master Welding Fume Filter Unit with 3m Arm
Being fully manouverable with two fixed wheels plus two lockable caster wheels means you can position this fume filtering unit exactly where you need it. Operating from single phase 230V supply means this air purifying unit is at home taking the fume away from the artisans in small workshops and has been designed for occassional use.

Headux TitanCut 40PFC - Plasma Cutter - Package 20mm
Manual plasma cutter which has been designed to provide excellent cutting and bevel cutting performance on mild steel with a severance cut up to 25mm thick.
As a power factor corrected plasma cutter (PFC) this means you will bw able to work from a wide variety of power souces with a wide voltage range from 90 to 275 volts on a 230 volt supply. This means that you can hook up to a generator and not suffer performance problems as the generator output fluctuates.
The pilot arc feature enables simple starting with the industry standard cutting torch which means that the consumable parts are ecconomic to purchase. The standard cutting torch is a PT60 type plasma cutting torch 4m long. This Headux Cut 40 plasma cutter is able to cut mesh and perforated plate without problems because it doesn't have to touch the base material to start cutting.

Jasic JP-81P - Jasic Plasma Cut 80
This compact 80 Amp plasma cutter is a highly competent machine with 25mm clean cut and 30mm severance capacity. Not only will this machine be able to cut confidently on this thickness of material it is also backed up with a 5 year warranty!
When plasma cutting you are probably looking to save time and money, this machine will operate correctly from a generator when required as it ia able to work with the power fluctuations experienced when a generator is used which means it is at home in the workshop, on a building site or in the middle of a field.
This machine comes complete with a plasma euro torch fitting and a 6m long PT100 torch which not only offers you a superb cut, it also means that consumables are affordable compared to other manufacturers who lock you into buying expensive consumable parts.

Weldas 10-2304 - DEERSOsoft TIG Gloves - Size Large
10-2304 - Large
Gloves that are very soft and supple enabling you to feel your filler rod as you feed it through your fingers for ultimate weld pool/bead control when dipping your rod.
Once you have used Weldas DEERSOsoft TIG gloves you will not want to use any others. As the name suggests these TIG welding gauntlets have been produced from SOFTouch™ grain deerskin with a split cowhide cuff.

CWS TC180 - Panoramic True Colour Welding Mask - 180 Degree Wide View
The TC180 automatic welding mask is comfortable to wear, easy to set and use plus this mask has the very best Optical Quality graded as having 3 ADF lenses you see more than any other mask - a truely Panoramic Wide View - this welding helmet also makes use of the latest True Colour ADF lenses which makes it easier for you to view and see your weld joints. When safety is paramount this TC180 mask is a necessity.

12V Battery Surge Protector - PROSAF12V
Don't want to risk taking your terminals off your car battery and losing your car's computer programming or radio security key code? The surge protector from Custor is the ideal solution. Simply clip the crocodile clips over the battery terminals - the LED light will shine when connected correctly with your car or bike battery being protected.
Fully insulated terminal clamps ensure the clamps cannot create a short circuit and will protect against various 'delicate' car parts such as coded radios, alarms, ECUs, fuel tank senders and many more parts too.

XCP Lubricate & Protect Professional Spray 400ml

XCP Rust Blocker Clear Coat Spray 400ml
Slightly different applications to the standard XCP Rust Blocker as this clear coat version provides a little less ultimate corrosion resistance however the "Clear Coat" may be used where you need protection on bare metal and where the parts you want protected are on view or where you may need to be able to remove the protective coating easily.
XCP Clear Coat applies a soft long lasting protective film which protects your items from corrosion, these items could be different types of metal and alloys, basically any surface you wish to protect from corrosion and rust.
Where you have exposed metal surfaces on display which may include chassis parts and frames, suspension arms and shock absorbers, chain drive gear wheels and pinions plus the chain, engine covers and carburettor parts as well as crank shaft pulleys and spindles as well as electrical connections. Lets not forget your workshop environment as the XCP Rust Blocker Clear Coat from Noz-Alls may be used on storage chests and tools.

Pure CO2 MAG Welding Gas 1,2kg Large Disposable Canister
This welding gas bottle is designed to take the mini regulator with the small 4mm hose fitting.
Designed for occasional MIG welding use - These canisters will last for about 35 to 40 minutes of MIG welding time.
When you plan on welding for more than 40 minutes then it is worthwhile considering using rent free Hobbyweld cylinders as they contain more than 6 large canisters worth of shielding gas.
Pure CO2 is used for MAG (MIG) welding of mild steels
Argon mix provides a better weld with less spatter being evident.
Pure Argon is required for TIG welding.

Sif TIG Flux - Back Purge, Solar B Flux Backup Flux
Backup Flux - Back Purging Flux
Whatever you know it as, this backup flux is designed to protect your weld from oxide inclusions. Most frequently it is used to protect the rear of the weld is from oxygen contamination but it also offers to reduce oxides during welding and also help prevent post weld re-oxidation.
The ideal time to use this flux is when you cannot use backing tape / bars and do not want to use large quantities of shielding gases such as Nitrogen or Argon.
SIF Purging Flux is inert, non-flammable and non-explosive.
Mix with methanol to produce a paste and then brush over rear of joint to protect from oxidisation.

Headux Pulsed MIG Welder 218XP 200 Amp - Synergic Inverter MIG Package
Headux 218XP MIG welder is so simple to set, has easy to use menus delivers great welding results from the off!
This Headux inverter MIG welder gives you the option of being able to weld in the following modes:-
Synergic MIG Mild Steel 20 - 200 Amps 12.6 - 27.7Volts
Synergic MIG Stainless Steel 20 - 200 Amps 12.8 - 24.2 Volts
Synergic MIG Aluminium 20 - 200 Amps 12.8 - 24.1 Volts
Manual Two Control MIG − but with more advanced settings. 10 - 30 Volts
Lift TIG 10 - 200 Amps 72 Volts
MMA Stick Welding 10 - 170 Amps 72 Volts + VRD 13V
About us
Based in Cheltenham, our company is proud to be a finalist in the welding world awards for best welding distributor and best E-commerce website in 2016. We at Noz-Alls are dedicated to guiding customers through the decision making process and helping them make the best decision that suits their needs. Over the years, our team here at Noz-Alls have gained an extensive amount of knowledge and experience to support clients and offer outstanding service wherever required. We specialise primarily in tool steel rod systems, fume extraction and MIG welding.
Here at Noz-Alls, we stock a wide range of equipment, including;
> Welding & Cutting Tools − MIG Welding, Plasma Cutting, Spot Welding etc.
> Rods & Wire − TIG Filler Wire, Arc Welding Rods etc.
> Workshop Supplies − Abrasives, Compressors, Air Tools etc.
> PPE & Safety − Welding Masks, Safety Specs & Goggles, Boiler Suits & Coveralls etc.
> Rent Free Gas − Hobbyweld Gases, Peopane & MAPP Gases etc.
> General Supplies − Cable Ties, Janitorial Products, Plugs & Sockets etc.