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Plastic Mouldings Northern Ltd


Unit 4, Longfield Road, South Church Enterprise Park, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL14 6XB, United Kingdom

As a manufacturer of returnable packaging products and vacuum formed parts, Plastic Mouldings Northern Ltd caters for a wide range of industries, including Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Precision Engineering and Point-of-Sale. In addition to stocking plastic containers and pallet boxes, we also rent items for schools, businesses, and home movers. Our other standard products include high quality Magnetic Roof Signs (Driver Instructor and Taxi Signs) and Paving Moulds.
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The Approved Business review system is based on honesty and impartiality. These reviews are written and submitted by real people, which we believe will help businesses and customers to buy with confidence from the reviewed company.

Latest Reviews

Plastic Mouldings Northern Ltd
Good customer service - responsive to e-mails and friendly. Genuinely impressed by the attention to detail in the design of the crates I purchased - sturdy design, handy window to drop a contents card in, fit perfectly through the loft hatch, stack well both full and empty and a decent size to put things in. Would recommend both company and product.
Martin Williams - 13/12/2023
Plastic Mouldings Northern Ltd
Thank you for your quick response to my phone call to advise that I was missing 5 heads to the pedestals I had ordered, I asked you to replace these and add another order for more of the same. Advised delivery would be on the 19th July, but received them on the 17th July. Great customer service and quick delivery. My builders were very happy.
Sue Joyner - 15/12/2022