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Ruhof UK


Peskett Solutions Ltd,
55 Brampton Road,
East Sussex,
BN22 9AF,
United Kingdom

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For use on all flexible and rigid scopes, biopsy forceps and surgical instruments.

Removes blood and protein in 2 minutes.
Endozime® is a foaming dual enzymatic cleaner that removes blood, protein, mucous, vomit and fecal matter. This formulation of Protease and Amylase enzymes with buffers and surfactants is perfect for all flexible and rigid scopes and instruments. Endozime® will solve any problem with clogged channels, sticky biopsy forceps or clouded lenses, leaving both scopes and instruments free of any unpleasant odours and baked-on blood.

- Designed for manual cleaning
- Dual enzymatic cleaner- Protease and Amylase
- Safe for all instruments and scopes
- Bacteriostatic, neutral pH (non-abrasive), free rinsing and 100% biodegradable
- Easy and safe to use
- Will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubing
- Not suitable for automatic washers
Endozime® Xtreme Power

Endozime® Xtreme Power

Endozime® Xtreme Power combines the power of a super-concentrate with the performance of Ruhof’s proven multi-enzyme formula to create the ultimate surgical instrument and scope cleaner.
This unique combination gives Endozime® Xtreme Power it’s superior cleaning abilities to deliver fast and thorough soil contamination removal. Enhanced with APA (Advanced Proteolitic Action) that greatly increases protease enzyme activity.
Endozime® Xtreme Power penetrates into the hardest-to-reach channels of scopes and cannulated instruments, instantly and actively breaking down gross contaminants upon contact.
Endozime® Xtreme Power contains biological additives that speed the process of liquification and solubilization, facilitating enzymatic action and contributing to the product’s overall effectiveness.

Features and Benefits
- Super-Concentrate: Dilution from 2ml per Litre
- Effective in all water temperatures (Including cold water)
- No foam formula
- Removes all soil contamination. Starts cleaning on contact
- Available in smaller bottles. Easier to carry, store and pour
- Compatible with all medical device materials
- Neutral pH, Free rinsing and 100% Biodegradable
- Inhibits rust
Endozime AW Plus

Endozime AW Plus

Endozime® AW Plus is a unique low-foaming formulation of enzymes that remove blood, fat, carbohydrates, starches and protein from all surgical instruments and scopes in as little as 2 minutes.
This product is designed to clean the most difficult instruments (i.e. orthopaedic, laproscopic) yet is safe for use on the most delicate (i.e. ophthalmic, microsurgical). Low-sudsing, neutral pH Endozime® AW Triple Plus was developed for universal applications eliminating the need for all other cleaners and detergents. This product proves to be the most highly concentrated and the most cost effective cleaner for all automatic washers, washer sterilizers, ultrasonics and manual cleaning.
Proprietary synergistic mixture of enzymes buffers and non-ionic detergents Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes
Safe for all instruments and scopes (flexible and rigid), extends usable lifetime
Neutral pH (non-abrasive), free rinsing and 100% biodegradable
Easy and safe to use
Will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubing
Endozime AW Triple Plus ( with A.P.A. )

Endozime AW Triple Plus ( with A.P.A. )

Multi-Tiered Enzymatic Detergent with Advanced Proteolytic Action and Rust Inhibitors with No Dye or Scent.
Specifically designed for customers who are susceptible to allergic reactions when using a cleaning chemicals containing dye and perfume (scent) The product can replace the regular Endozime AW Plus in Automatic washers, washer disinfectors, ultrasonics and manual cleaning.
The unique formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes with A.P.A. (Advanced Proteolytic Action), which removes all soil and inhibits rust. A.P.A. is the latest enzymatic breakthrough developed by Ruhof Healthcare that greatly increases protein enzyme activity to provide a faster more thorough penetration into hard to reach places on surgical instruments and scopes.
Endozime Sponges

Endozime Sponges

Safe and easy way to remove gross from flexible and rigid scopes.
Begins Cleaning on Contact!

Endozime® Sponges provide a quicker and more thorough cleaning of endoscopes, flexible fibre-optic, rigid or tubular medical instruments. The sponges are designed to contour the outside sheath of a scope to remove gross contaminants before enzymatic presoak. Each sponge is saturated in our bacteriostatic enzymatic cleaner, Endozime® and begins cleaning on contact. Removing gross contaminants immediately after use prevents bio-burden from drying onto surface and reduces cleaning time.

- Highly saturated in Endozime®*
- Easy to use
- Perfect for all scopes, both flexible and rigid
- Safely and effectively removes organic surface matter
- Does not harm delicate endoscopic equipment
- Neutral pH (non-abrasive), free rinsing and 100% biodegradable
Endozime Sponges Mini

Endozime Sponges Mini

The "Mini" Endozime Sponge® is contoured to safely fit around small flexible and rigid scopes and tubular medical instruments with outer diameters of 2 to 6 mm.

Providing a quicker and more thorough pre-cleaning. The Mini's unique smaller diameter opening helps protect delicate small scopes from aggressive cleaning where too much pressure may be applied during wiping. Saturated with Ruhof's enzymatic cleaner, Endozime®, to start cleaning on contact.

Here are some of the features and benefits of this new sponge:

Easy to use − the Endozime Sponge Mini is specifically contoured to fit 2 mm to 6 mm endoscopes and other tubular instruments.
Convenient and safe − each Endozime Sponge Mini is packed individually for one-time use.
Uniquely designed to thoroughly clean all surface areas of rigid or flexible endoscopes including flexible cystoscopes, bronchoscopes, pediatric scopes, and ENT scopes etc.
Hospital-proven enzymatic detergent action − safely and effectively removes organic and proteinaceous materials, significantly reducing micro-organisms.
Increases effectiveness of manual scope cleaning as speed and simplicity of use allows you to remove gross contaminants while scopes are still wet.
Does not adversely affect delicate endoscopic parts, such as lenses, lighting fixtures or air/water nozzles.
100% biodegradable.
Eliminates biological odours on contact.
Endozime SLR ( Endoscopy Bedside Care Kit )

Endozime SLR ( Endoscopy Bedside Care Kit )

The Only Endoscopy Bedside Care Kit That Removes Synthetic Lipids From Scope Surface And Internal Channels.
Phase One of Scope Cleaning!

The kit is designed for convenient bedside use to remove all contaminants from the outside sheath and inside channel of scopes. The kit contains an Endozime SLR sponge to remove soil from the insertion tube and Endozime SLR enzymatic solution for suctioning through the channels.

The kit provides optimal cleaning, preventing dried on soil, before the scope is transported for reprocessing.

ENDOZIME® SLR is the only enzymatic detergent designed to molecularly displace synthetic lipids, allowing them to be rinsed off while dissolving blood, fat, carbohydrates, starches and protein. ENDOZIME® SLR SPONGES are custom made to contour the outside sheath of a scope.

Features and Benefits
- Begins cleaning on contact, preventing soil from drying on scope surfaces.
- Removes gross contaminants, including synthetic lipids.
- Uniquely fitted for all scopes: flexible/rigid.
- Safe on all scopes.
- Neutral pH, non-abrasive, 100% Biodegradable.
- Empty containers can be rinsed and recycled.
- Will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber, corrugated tubing, glass or mirrors.

Each kit is individually packaged for one time use, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination. 500ml kit is compatible with Olympus flexible scope reprocessing instructions.
CONTENTS - 250ml Kit
Endozime SLR Sponge - contoured sponge for cleaning outside sheath of scope.
Endozime SLR − 250 ml of pre-diluted enzymatic detergent.


Leaves instruments free of all fat, blood and protein in 2 minutes.

Orthozime® is a powerful formulation of enzymes, buffers and non-ionic detergents that safely dissolves and removes all blood, fat and protein from flexible reamers, hip replacement sets, cannulas and liposuction equipment.

With its triple enzymatic formulation, Orthozime® completely eliminates baked-on bio-burden and offensive odours from the most difficult to reach areas of your surgical instruments. Originally designed for orthopaedic instruments, Orthozime® has proven perfect for all instruments and scopes (flexible and rigid). Neutral pH and non-sudsing Orthozime® is safe for use in all washers, disinfectors, ultrasonics and manual cleaning.

- Triple enzyme cleaner − Protease, Lipase and Amylase
- Safe for all instruments and scopes (flexible and rigid)
- Extends usable lifetime
- Neutral pH (non-abrasive), free rinsing and 100% biodegradable
- Easy and safe to use
- Will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubing
Bio-Clean NE

Bio-Clean NE

Cleans, washes and prepares semi-critical medical devices enabling high level disinfectants to kill and remove biofilm.
The only detergent designed to target and dissolve polysaccharides from semi-critical and critical medical devices.
Getting rid of biofilm is a two-step process; mechanical cleaning action using Bio-Clean NE, followed by the use of a liquid chemical sterilant or high level disinfectant. Is the simplest, most inexpensive method of breaking down biofilm and killing the underlying bacteria.
Features and Benefits
- Removes all bio-burden − blood, carbohydrates, protein, polysaccharides, fats, oils, uric acid and other nitrogenous compounds
- Cleans the inanimate surfaces where biofilm, germs, allergens or microorganisms can hide, thrive and grow
- Biologically active additives speed the process of liquefaction and solubilisation
- Compatible with all medical device material
- Low sudsing, Neutral pH, Non-Abrasive, Free Rinsing and 100% Biodegradable
- Works in all water temperatures
Prepclean "Forever Wet"

Prepclean "Forever Wet"

Prepclean® Forever Wet is a neutral pH, non-aerosol humectant spray which promotes the long lasting retention of moisture on soiled instruments helping to prevent the adhesion of bio-burden to surgical instruments and scopes. This unique formulation gently coats instruments to maintain moisture making it an ideal pre-cleaner for soiled instruments during transport or when left for an extended period of time.
Perfect for use in Operating Theatres, Endoscopy Suites, Outpatient Surgery, Dental and other departments where instruments are transported to decontamination.
- Humectant spray promotes long lasting retention of moisture on soiled instruments helping to eliminate dried on bio-burden
- Keeps instruments moist for an extended period of time
- Perfect for instruments that set overnight or over a weekend
- No "skinning"; unlike other pre-cleaners does not leave a hardened skin on surfaces after an extended period of time
- Helps to prevent the adhesion of blood clots and organic debris in the cannula tunnel of instruments and scopes
- Begins working instantly on contact
- Rinses easily; washer/disinfector compatible
- No messy spills or splashing during transportation
- Neutral pH; safe for all instruments and scopes
- Non-aerosol; environmentally safe
F.A.C.T.S Foam Autoclave Cleaning Treatment System

F.A.C.T.S Foam Autoclave Cleaning Treatment System

New foaming action remains on walls longer for better penetration.

F.A.C.T.S® will remove all rust, spots, stains and corrosion, as well as scale, alkaline and mineral deposits on inside walls of autoclaves and from stainless steel carts and trays. New foaming spray remains on the walls longer, allowing for better penetration and more effective cleaning. It simultaneously eliminates all noxious and unpleasant odours. F.A.C.T.S® is free rinsing and leaves no residue. Non-aerosol pump is environmentally friendly.

• Mild acidic solution removes rust, stains, spotting and corrosion
• Removes scale, alkaline, and mineral deposits
• Restores original finish
• Non-corrosive; will not harm stainless steel
• Keep carts and trays looking new
• No more noxious odours from walls of autoclave


Clinically tested to be thoroughly steam penetrable, steam sterilizable and ETO sterilizable.

Premixslip® is a non-sticky, non-toxic, silicone free and water soluble mineral oil lubricant that can withstand the high temperatures of autoclaving without becoming gummy. Forming a protective barrier on surgical instruments, Premixslip® prevents rusting, staining, and spotting while restoring articulation to sticky box-locks and joints. Used routinely as part of the Ruhof System, Premixslip® will greatly reduce repair and replacement costs.

• High-grade mineral oil lubricant and rust inhibitor.
• Prevents rust, spots, stains, and corrosion, prolonging the life of the instrument.
• Prevents damage due to misuse of stiff or grinding instruments.
• Steam penetrable, steam sterilizable and ETO sterilizable.
• Non-oily, non-sticky, non-toxic and silicone free.
• Routine use will enhance the life and efficiency of instruments.
• Greatly reduces repair and replacement cost.


Clinically tested to be thoroughly steam penetrable, steam sterilizable and ETO sterilizable.

Surgislip® is a non-sticky, non-toxic, silicone free and water soluble mineral oil lubricant that can withstand the high temperatures of autoclaving without becoming gummy. Forming a protective barrier on surgical instruments, Surgislip® prevents rusting, staining, and spotting while restoring articulation to sticky box-locks and joints. Used routinely as part of the Ruhof System, Surgislip® will greatly reduce repair and replacement costs.

• Specifically designed for use in washers.
• High-grade mineral oil lubricant and rust inhibitor.
• Prevents rust, spots, stains, and corrosion, prolonging the life of the instrument.
• Prevents damage due to misuse of stiff or grinding instruments.
• Steam penetrable, steam sterilizable and ETO sterilizable.
• Non-oily, non-sticky, non-toxic and silicone free.
• Routine use will enhance the life and efficiency of instruments.
• Greatly reduces repair and replacement cost.


Surgistain® removes water mineral staining, rust and corrosion from stainless steel surgical instruments safely and quickly within 10 minutes.

Surgistain® is a quick, safe and efficient non-corrosive revitalizing solution that removes all water mineral staining, rust, pitting, and corrosion from stainless steel surgical instruments, trays, basins and trolleys.

Used routinely as part of the Ruhof System, Surgistain® will help save money by maintaining the life and efficiency of your instruments, reducing repair and replacements costs. If used on a monthly basis in conjunction with our enzymatic cleaners, Surgistain® will restore the instrument’s original finish and restore articulation by loosening box-joints. Prevents destructive pitting on ridges of micro and ophthalmic instruments.


ie: trach tubes, malleable ribbon retractors, uterine sound, malleable gallbladder scoops and dilators
No Foam Enzymatic Cleaner

No Foam Enzymatic Cleaner

Multi-Tiered™ No Foam Enzymatic Cleaner Specifically Designed for Endoscopic Washers and Washer Disinfectors.

A unique synergistic formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes that remove fat, blood, protein and carbohydrates from all surgical instruments and scopes.

The ultimate bacteriostatic enzymatic detergent designed as a total cleaning product for use in all endoscopic washers and washer disinfectors. No Foam and neutral pH Endozime AW Plus eliminates the need for all other cleaners or detergents.

Developed for cleaning the most difficult instruments (i.e., orthopaedic, laparoscopic), Endozime AW Plus has proven to be safe for use on all instruments, even the most delicate (i.e., ophthalmic, microsurgical).

One solution for all your cleaning problems. Clinically tested to be free rinsing and 100% biodegradabl


Multi-Tiered alkaline enzymatic detergent specifically designed for use in washer-disinfectors, tunnel washers and cart washers.

Liquizime® is a premium detergent that utilizes the power of enzymes in an alkaline solution. With its Multi-tiered formulation of enzymes, Liquizime® removes all blood, fat, carbohydrates, starches and protein, while its powerful alkaline solution removes scale and mineral deposits left from hard water. Liquizime®’s unique sequestering and emulsifying ability assures complete cleanliness and free rinsing of surgical instruments, trays and carts.

• Liquizime® contains powerful sequestering and emulsifying agents, assuring complete cleanliness and free rinsing of all surgical instruments, trays, carts, plastics, aluminum, glassware, and rubber tubing.
• Liquizime® features Ruhof’s synergistic blend of Multi-tiered enzymes for the digestion of all bio-burden.
• Excellent for hard water problems, eliminating mineral deposits from stainless steel instruments, optics, common plastics as well as materials used in anaesthetic utensils (please test anodised aluminium for suitability).


Specifically Designed for use in all Automatic Washers, Washer Disinfectors, Cart Washers and Tunnel Washers.

DELYME® removes all scale and alkaline mineral deposits from inside walls of automatic washers. Regular use of DELYME® prevents build-up caused by hard water, keeping high quality washers in top working condition, and aids in the cleaning process. DELYME® prevents spotting and leaves washer walls sparkling clean.


When used as a neutraliser during the wash cycle, the De-Lyme will prevent the build up of lime scale (White Powder) and other mineral deposits on the instruments and walls of the washer disinfector chamber. Preventing water spotting and leaving the chamber walls sparkling clean.
Fecal Odour Eliminator

Fecal Odour Eliminator


Combat Flatulent Malodour.

Fecal Odour Eliminator eradicates fecal, urine, malodour and any noxious odour by using Ruhof's molecular modification system.

F.O.E.® does not mask the odour it actually changes the molecular structure of foul emissions into a harmless, odourless gas.

Using F.O.E.® before and after a procedure or whenever noxious odours occur ensures a pleasant environment for nurses, physicians and patients.
Manual Dose Dispenser - Smart Pump

Manual Dose Dispenser - Smart Pump

As the system requires no electricity supply, it is very easy to install and service. There is no need for replacement or refurbished parts. The easy to use dispenser can draw up product using a simple lever system, which automatically delivers the correct amount of chemical concentrate into the water.

- Validates manual cleaning processes
- Reduces chemical handling
- Risk of spillage removed
- Reduces chemical wastage
- Time saving
- Prevents under dosing


Gives the user control of the chemical dosage and ensures cleaning quality consistency.

In an ideal world all surgical instruments and equipment would be processed through the Washer Disinfectors reducing handling and ensuring the item has been thermally disinfected. Unfortunately even with an Enzymatic cleaner on the washer disinfector some equipment will be damaged by heat or immersing. i.e. Power Tools.

By fitting the Auto dispenser the customer is in control of the wash quality, allowing the introduction of quality procedures for pre-soaking, manual washing and ultrasonic cleaning.
Touch-Less Single Dose Dispenser Pump

Touch-Less Single Dose Dispenser Pump


- Wave Switch Touch-less Technology
- Stop button
- Low chemical level warning (Optional)
- Built in temperature display
- Temperature too high warning
- Dose reading and countdown
- Sleep mode for out of hours (Optional)
- Unit is splash proof, so it can be cleaned with mild detergent
- Unit is low voltage for safety


- Validates manual cleaning processes
- Reduces chemical handling
- Risk of spillage removed
- Reduces chemical wastage
- Time saving
- Prevents under dosing
- Battery operated

These units can be programmed to put in as little or as much detergent as the customer requires consistently.

Gives the user control of the chemical dosage and ensures cleaning quality consistency. By fitting the Auto dispenser the customer is in control of the wash quality, allowing the introduction of quality procedures for pre-soaking, manual washing and ultrasonic cleaning.
Face Shields (Anti-Fog)

Face Shields (Anti-Fog)

Face Shield's are designed to give your face and eyes protection against accidental exposure from splattering or splashing of hazardous or infectious substances and spray. The lightweight plastic shield provides continuous, clear visibility and can be worn comfortably with surgical face masks and eye glasses.
The Face Shield's elastic strap and foam cushion offer a snug fit while the chin-length guard allows cool air flow to the face to provide extra comfort for extended wear. Perfect for all staff involved in equipment decontamination, medical, dental and emergency medical healthcare workers.
Respirator Face Masks - Kn95 / FFP2

Respirator Face Masks - Kn95 / FFP2

Kn95 / FFP2 Respirator Face Masks have a minimum of 94% filtration and maximum 8% leakage to the inside. They are mainly used by healthcare professionals against influenza viruses. They are currently recommended by the WHO (World Health Organisation) as means of protection against the coronavirus.
Features and Benefits
Bacteria control.
Fog and haze prevention.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Formaldehyde protection.
Multiple filtering.
Breathable materials.

About us

Peskett Solutions are a leading cleaning chemical company trading under the brand RUHOF™. Ruhof has a reputation for supplying the medical and healthcare industry with a range of high quality enzymatic cleaners for cleaning medical instruments and scopes as well as offering a range of initiative instrument and scope care products for use within operating theatres, endoscopy units and clinics.

Ruhof, known as the experts in a bottle are a leading worldwide supplier of enzymatic cleaning products for surgical instrument and scopes.

Their enzymatic cleaners are a unique synergistic formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes that remove fat, blood, protein and carbohydrates from all surgical instruments and scopes.

The Ruhof range of maintenance products can be used to maintain your surgical instruments, stainless steel trolleys and autoclave chambers, removing all rust, spots, stains and corrosion, as well as scale, alkaline and mineral deposits.

New to the Peskett Solutions range is the popular ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit from Synoptics Health. As an exclusive distributor we are proud to provide the unique test kit throughout the UK and Ireland.

The ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit uses very sensitive and cost effective fluorescence technology telling you exactly where and how much protein is on your surgical instrument. The ProReveal is a better protein testing solution than testing kits currently available in the commercial market.

The ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit conforms to BS EN ISO 15883-1 and comes with a ProReveal viewer. For more information, please contact Peskett Solutions.

The CS/SPD PULL THRU™ is an instrument cleaning device, which can be effectively used to clean the hard-to-reach narrow lumen channels of laparoscopic and cannulated instruments in a single pass. The CS/SPD PULL THRU™ is designed to clean instruments with lumens from 1mm to 15mm. Use with Ruhof’s multi-tiered enzymatic detergents for more effective cleaning.

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