Company details for:
Solutions Training & Advisory Ltd

Unit 3, Investment House,
28 Queens Road,
KT13 9UT,
United Kingdom
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Products / Services

Moving & Handling for Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Our team are Internationally recognised contributors into the research of “what constitutes effective moving and handling training”. This research was performed by the Ergonomics Department at Loughborough University.
Our solutions include bespoke, train the trainer programmes, access to our industry leading online theory course (Moving People), classroom-based specific training, refresher training and blended learning solutions (mix of online and face to face training).

Moving & Handling for Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
We understand the huge importance to your organisation of avoiding injury to your staff and ensuring that the people being moved are done so in a safe, comfortable and dignified manner and in accordance with latest best practice.
Our solutions include bespoke, train the trainer programmes (at Level 3 on the R.Q.F.), access to our industry leading bespoke online theory course (People Moving People), classroom-based specific training, and refresher training.

Moving & Handling for Education (People Moving People)
Our mission is to ensure that special school staff are equipped with the very latest knowledge, techniques, and skills to ensure their pupils are moved and handled in a manner that is safe, comfortable, and dignified.
Our solutions include bespoke, train the trainer programmes (at Level 3 on the R.Q.F.), practical skills training via video conferencing, access to our industry leading bespoke online theory course (People Moving People), classroom-based specific training, refresher training and our blended learning solutions (mix of online and face to face).

Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Our training has evolved since our initial engagement on this topic when we were approached by West Midland Ambulance Trust who had a requirement to train every member of staff on how to avoid, resolve or control conflict situations. This training was extremely successful and resulted in a 31% reduction in reported incidents relating to staff being abused, threatened, or assaulted at work in the subsequent two years.

Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
Our course was developed in conjunction with the University of Miami, and the NHS and our training certificates are endorsed by the UK Stroke Forum and the University of Miami.
Our ASLS course replaces two days of equivalent classroom-based learning, the course provides robust, comprehensive, educationally endorsed knowledge on emergency stroke care management in a cost-effective way. The cost is £33.33 per licence.

First Aid Training
All courses include how to use an automatic defibrillator even if one is not available in the workplace and specialist modules such as emergency use of medication for allergic reactions and epilepsy episodes.
Solution’s main goal is to assist our customers in ensuring that staff trained at all levels remain confident and competent. We provide free updates to our learners if there are ever any changes to practice and only ever deliver the training with a person with huge experience in the ambulance sector with appropriate teaching/training qualifications.

Fire Warden Training
Our course centre around Solutions instructing its participants on how to act effectively as Fire Marshals. Participants who attend the training should have prior knowledge of the fire procedures in their own workplace.
The content of our courses are in line with best practices and national guidelines and will create an ideal climate for change to attitudes, practices, and motivation in the workplace. Participants will also learn how to respond to the “what if” questions that may be raised by their teams. They will also have fun whilst doing so in a highly learner-cantered, safe learning environment.
Solutions are proud to say that we have successfully delivered our Fire training solutions to hundreds of staff across a range of industry settings.

Inanimate Load Handling Training
Our solutions include bespoke, train the trainer programmes, access to our industry leading online theory course, classroom-based specific training, and refresher training.

Terrorism Awareness Training
Course Aims
To equip participants with the knowledge and skills to conduct a basic safety inspection and risk assessment as required by the Management of Health & Safety at Work regulations 1999
To assist with the need to have competent people to assist with the management of health & safety in the workplace
To reduce risk of injury to staff
To avoid prosecution and litigation
This twenty-minute online course has been developed for any individual or organisation that wants to gain the vital knowledge of how to react in a terror attack.
The educates its learners on how to spot people possibly preparing for a terrorist attack and prepares you with the knowledge of how to apply the RUN HIDE TELL principles.

Training & Presentation Skills Training
The answer to this is that many organisations assume this to be a fact, but in essence, if your trainer isn’t equipped with the knowledge of how to capture their learner’s attention and motivation but adopting the correct communication, presentation, intonation, and interactive training skills then it is proven that leaners do not retain the training received on a long-term basis.
Solutions have designed our Training Skills course to educate your trainers on how to deliver effective training.
We teach them the skills which maximise the receptiveness of their training delivery which in turn creates motivation, and enhanced retention of the knowledge and skills imparted onto their leaners.

Workplace Risk Assessment
The highly practical course during which risk assessments will be conducted will enable participants to conduct “suitable and sufficient” risk assessments as required by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations.
This course stimulates an ideal climate for change to attitudes, practices and motivation which is essential to improving performance in the workplace.

Moving & Handling Equipment

Train the Trainer
Our Products Include:
Moving & Handling For Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Education (People Moving People)
Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
… And many more.

Accredited Qualifications (Level 1 − 3 Awards) QNUK (Regulated Qualifications Framework)
Our Qualifications Include:
Moving & Handling For Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Education (People Moving People)
Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
… And many more.

Breakaway/Disengagement Training
Our training has evolved since our initial engagement on this topic when we were approached by West Midland Ambulance Trust who had a requirement to train every member of staff on how to avoid, resolve or control conflict situations. This training was extremely successful and resulted in a 31% reduction in reported incidents relating to staff being abused, threatened, or assaulted at work in the subsequent two years.

Online / E-Learning
Our Courses Include:
Moving & Handling For Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Education (People Moving People)
Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
… And many more.

Video Conferencing Training
Our mission is to ensure that special school staff are equipped with the very latest knowledge, techniques, and skills to ensure their pupils are moved and handled in a manner that is safe, comfortable, and dignified.

Tutor Led / Classroom Training

Blended Learning

Train the Trainer Update / Refresher Courses
Our Courses Include:
Moving & Handling For Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Education (People Moving People)
Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
… And many more.

Open Courses
Our Courses Include:
Moving & Handling For Ambulance Services (Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Health & Social Care (People Moving People)
Moving & Handling For Education (People Moving People)
Conflict Resolution − Online & Tutor Led Training
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) − Online Stroke Training
… And many more.

Ambulance Training
The company offer qualifications on the Regulated Qualifications Framework via Q.N.U.K. including level 2, 3 and 4 awards relating to moving and handling and conflict resolution training.
Solutions have worked closely and continue to do so to continuously develop training solutions in their very specialist areas.

Health & Social Care Training

Special Education Training

Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics Training
About us
Why Solutions?
A successful business, established in 1994 by Paul Meek a former Operations Director of an ambulance service. Throughout Paul's career, he was exposed daily to the consequences of poorly managed risks, and this is what spurred Paul to establish Solutions Training, he wanted to bridge the visible but avoidable gaps in risk management and in particular health & safety education and the development of the equipment used to aid safer transportation of people.
Our team are all members of the “National Back Exchange” and have been contributors to various working groups on developing good practice since 1995.
We are proud to say that we have also been contributors to research into “what constitutes effective moving and handling training” performed by the Ergonomics Department at Loughborough University and in partnership developed topic-related awards at Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 which are on the regulated qualifications framework.
Being at the forefront of its specialist subjects we have designed and manufactured specialist manual handling equipment to aid moving and handling tasks, including our unique bariatric carry sheet used by ambulance trusts UK Wide, click here to view our website -
Our Training Solutions:
Our mission is to manage your exposure to risk by developing your people, we do this by providing tightly focused training programmes to suit your individual training requirement and preferred method of delivery. We support customers with workplace risk assessments where required, enabling them to plan their training around the highlighted areas of risk.
Our solutions range from sector-specific train the trainer and trainer update/refresher programmes, video conferencing practical skills training, accessing our unique online/e-learning courses, tutor-led group-based classroom training, or through “blended learning”, a mix of both online and face-to-face training. We can deliver training at our customer's site, a mutually agreed venue, or your staff can attend one of our nationwide open courses which are attended by like-minded industry professionals.
We deliver health & safety training solutions to all industry sectors however, we are renowned to be the preferred training partner, offering bespoke solutions to the below key sectors:
- Most ambulance trusts UK-wide
- The fire services
- The health & social care sector
- Special education (SEN schools)
- Transport sector
We offer educationally accredited training qualifications ranging from Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 awards, including Moving & Handling, Conflict Resolution, Fire Warden, and First Aid, all of which are on the QNUK-regulated qualifications framework.
Our most popular training topics include (but not limited to):
- Moving & Handling (manual handling, moving people, moving patients, lifting/transferring of pupils)
- Conflict Resolution & Preventing Violence Training (breakaway/disengagement/holding skills & techniques)
- First Aid (resuscitation, basic life support, etc)
- Fire Warden
- Falls Training
- Stroke Training (ASLS -Advanced Stroke Life Support)
- Terrorism Training (run hide and tell)
- Infection Control
Interested in Giving Customer Feedback?
We are keen to gather some feedback from our customers to ensure that we meet/exceed your expectations and to enable us to continue to improve our customer's journey and training delivery when working with us. I would be extremely grateful if you would take the time to complete this short survey:
Mailchimp Survey (
All information gathered will be added to our company review page. If you would prefer to add an anonymous review, please use this direct link -
This is what Paul Jonathan Meek Chartered FCIPD founder of Solutions Training & Advisory had to say about the reason and release of our new filmed pre-hospital moving & handling techniques bespoke to the emergency service sector.
The scenarios and techniques were filmed in partnership with South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, BM Ambulance Service, West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Kent Fire and Rescue Service and based on real-life scenarios these crews experience in their day-to-day roles.
Click here for a demo of the clips:
Click here to view more information from our website:
Please feel free to contact me for further information.