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Withinthebox Ltd

13 South View,
West Yorkshire,
LS26 0NT,
United Kingdom
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Products / Services

Euro Grade 0 Safes
Stand alone Euro Grade 0 safes in most brands including:- Chubbsafes, Dudley Safes. Phoenix Safes, Securikey safes.

Euro Grade 5 Safes
We provide Euro Grade 5 safes, tested to the European EN1143-1 Security standard and ECB.S Certified Grade V, with a recommended insurance rating of £100,000 cash or £1,000,000 in valuables. Our high-security safes feature a robust double-wall design, specially formulated concrete infill, anti-drill plates, and re-locker protection for maximum security.

Euro Grade 7 Safes
Our Euro Grade 7 safes are certified to the EN1143-1 standard, offering a cash rating of £250,000 and valuables cover up to £2.5 million. These safes are manufactured to order, ensuring they meet the specific requirements of our clients. We offer a range of models, including single-door and double-door options, all featuring robust construction and advanced security features to provide maximum protection for your assets.

Prisma Grade 7 Size 4KK
DRS Prisma Grade 7
Security Protection:
This Prisma Grade 7 size 4KK is £250.000 overnight cash rated, or suitable, for up to £2,5m of valuables. It is a Euro Grade 7 security safe and subject to your Insurers confirmation.
ECB.S Certified in accordance to EN1143-1 Euro Grade 7, Police Secured by Design specification and approved by the AiS (Association of Insurance Surveyors).
Built with a multi walled body and door, with external hinges to give its door a 180% opening. In addition, its handle adds 60mm to its overall body depth. Its door comes with substantial rectangular 4 way locking steel bolts to secure its door on 4 sides including an overlap profile on the hinge side. Anti drill plates protect its lock and locking bolt work areas and additional internal re locking security devices prevent the most determined of burglars.
To comply with insurance requirements, the safe is manufactured with provision for floor fixing and rear fixing.
Fire Protection:
It, moreover is fire retardant to LFS 30P fire resistant classification, according to EN 15659 giving 30 minutes protection for paper records.

Home & Office Safes
Our Products Include:
Phoenix Safe Compact Home and Office Safes SS0721 Series − SS0721EBD
Phoenix Safe Vela Deposit Home and Office Safe SS0800KD/ED Series − SS0801KD
Phoenix Safe Vela Home and Office Safes SS0800 Series − SS0801E
… And many more.

Security Cabinets
In reality, ANY safe can be deemed a Security Cabinet, however, we, as a rule of thumb tend to put a security cabinet into the lower cash rating thresholds. All, are built very similar to a cash safe and can include base or wall fixings for your particular security need. Most shown here, are not geared for fire protection. If this is the preferred drection of your enquiry, then, you need to view fire safes from our ever growing product compendium.
Generally, the majority of Schools use Security Cabinets for Exam papers or pupil belongings, such as phones, or confiscated weapons Wheras a Retailer would use for storage Phones & associated phone cards, Cigarette storage, Ink cart storage, Spirits and so on. An office environment would use these for documents of value or for higher value stationery items. The choice is yours, but if you need good advice, then call us to discuss your specific needs.
All Security cabinets shown in this section as delivered FREE of charge to a UK mainland address and the larger heavier versions, which for Health & Safety and in many cases exceeding 100kg, include delivery & site position. Should your cabinet require professional base fixing, this may be added at the point of sale.
If we state delivery, install and base fixing included, this can be changed to kerbside courior delivery. We will then reduce the price quoted to ensure best value where we can.

Gun Cabinets & Gun Safes
Normally supplied with dual locks, we offer further options including trigger locking devices & internal locking boxes for ammunition & all cabinets supplied have provision for base & rear fixings, to enable secure fixing within your property. Professional fixing may be added to your order.
With FREE delivery to a UK Mainland address you can rest assured that our service & attention to detail fits your requirements.

Under Counter Safes
On this site are offered severeral types of Counter safe, from the traditional mechanical unit. This is normally where the user inputs a note, then pulls down a handle. This type of safe has a removable cash box accessed by key. Alternate counter safes have deposit slots or letter slots capable of inputting larger volumes of high value notes. Being of a larger construction, each safe is designed to be stronger & less impervious to attack. We suggest that if you want a more secure enclosure with deposit facilities then view our deposit safe sections covering Low risk deposit safes or Euro Grade deposit safes.
Counter safes are offered in a choice of Key locking or Electronic code operation and delivery is included to a UK Mainland address for self installation.

Underfloor Safes
Most Underfloor safes are fitted with a removable door, or in some cases, a gas strut arm and normally supplied with a key operated lock. In the order process there are options to add a different lock, such as an electronic codelock or a mechanical combination dial lock.
Brands include Churchill Safes, Burton safes & Phoenix safes, with, or without deposit facilities. A deposit version ideal for use in shops, garages etc where the need to deposit money or items into the safe is the norm, without opening/removing the door. An underfloor deposit safe will be fitted with a capsule deposit feature and supplied with a small amount of capsules to open and accept moneys or small valuable items.
www.safewithinthebox supply underfloor safes from a few pounds with cash ratings from £1000 rated to Eurograde 3, £35,000 rating. We would advise you to seek confirmation from your Insurer or Broker prior to buying as your postcode & security of your property may affect what they will eventually give you.

Wall Safes − All Insurance Approved Grades
In order to understand what a cash rating is: All safe manufacturers produce safes to particular standards that are based on the strength, quality of lock & how long to open the safe under certain test criteria, this dictates what Insurance rating is given. IT IS NOT THE SIZE OF THE SAFE THAT MAKES IT ANY BETTER!!
All safes shown will be delivered FREE of Charge to a UK Mainland address for self installation. Most Wall safes are in stock for delivery, normally within a few days, however, we can & do send safes on a next day delivery.

First Aid Cabinets
Our Products Include:
KeySecure − First Aid Cabinet KSFA1E size 1E
KeySecure − First Aid Cabinet KSFA1MDKO size 1MDKO
KeySecure − First Aid Cabinet KSFA2E size 2E
… And many more.

Parcel Boxes
The Phoenix Safes Parcel Box was designed to allow independent parcel delivery agents or courier to safely deposit small packages and parcels into, whenever you may not be at home to receive or sign for.
The maximum size parcel that can be accepted is 320 x 200 x 120mm.

Vehicle Deposit Safes
Users of this type of safe are Taxi Drives, Bus drivers and business where the driver of the vehicle is a Cash collector. They also make a perfect under counter note collector for the wholesalers.

Deposit Safes £1000 - £5000 Rating

Euro Grade Deposit Safes
One of the brands, Dudley Safes, have the option of making any size safe above size 1 into a deposit safe. Size 1 safes offer a capsule drop or Letter slot, whereas, size 2 upwards can be produced to order with further deposit options of Pull out drawer or Roll top.
In addition you can also add into your safe a coffer storage box to hold all deposits or treat it as a separate lockable cabinet, or have your deposit option positioned to the side or even as a through the wall deposit!

Battery Storage Safes
If you, like many businesses today, sell re-chargeable batteries, in particular Lithium-ion batteries, what do you do for charging, and where do you store them?
If you are a tool supplier: E.G. B&Q, Screwfix, Sainsburys or one of the other Major Sheds, Garden Centres, General tool shop, Bike & Scooter sales & hire, Battery Manufacturer, University, College or Education centre where you have a large need for the charge & storage of Batteries, then you need to seriously consider a Battery Storage safe

Fire Safes for Digital Media
Our range of Fire safes for data also include, small, medium and large fire safe cabinets which are perfect for large organisations that have a large amount of data that they need protecting against fire. We even supply fire safes which are waterproof. Brands offered are Chubbsafes, De Raat Safes & Phoenix Safes.
With 100’s of different Fire safes for data to choose from you know your in safe hands with Withinthebox, and the web domain. Our expertise goes back many years!! All safes on this site have FREE UK Mainland delivery or free ground floor delivery & position if a heavy safe over 100kg in weight.
If you have any questions in relation to maximising storage capacity or needing help then call the safes team on 0113 2824577

Fire Safes for the Home, Office, Schools or Commerce
We promote safes to protect paper records, or, if a dual fire safe, to protect paper and digital media, such as DVD, CD or Memory sticks. The brands available include, Chubbsafes, Phoenix Safes, Burtonsafes, De Raat safes and others which are known to the UK Insurance Industry.
As a rule of thumb a Fire safe will have more emphasis on fire protection, as opposed to Security protection, therefore, you will find that the Insurance Approval states a lower cash rating. Remember this: if you are to add valuables of a high value. Any safe with a cash rating, as a norm will be up to 10 times the cash strength rate to give you valuables storage. eg £2000 cash rating = £20,000 of Jewellery/valuables. Size of safe, is not a guaranee of strength!!
Our advise is to seek a reputable Jeweller and get an up to date appraisal on your Jewellery, BEFORE you buy a safe! This, ideally should be done roughly every 3 years to keep up to date with inflation. Jewellery or Coins can increase value by an average of 15% per year so, we advise to add a minimum of 25% − 40% to your valuations to account for this annual increase.
All fire safes in this section are delivered FREE to your home or premisis (UK Mainland). Most larger safes over 100kg in weight will be delivered & positioned or if wanting Professional bolt down, this can be added to your basket if available.
If you have any questions in relation to fire safes and or their installation, please give the sales team a call on 0113 2824577

Fire Cabinets − Medium to Large
Perfect for use in Schools & Education sectors, Offices and where the need to store larger amounts of vital documentation.
Delivery is free to a UK Mainland address and in many cases we include delivery with installation or delivery with base fixing (some charges apply). On certain heavier models we recommend professional delivery & site positioning. This is detailed on each product range.

Fire Resistant Filing Cabinet show an excellent selection of 1, 2, 3 & 4 drawer filing cabinets, including fire resistant lateral filing units to suit the way you wish to store your important files and documents. We show cabinets in a choice of key lock or modern battery operated electronic code locks. Brands shown are Chubbsafes, Phoenix Safes, Burton Safes and De-Raat Safes.
From time to time, we also supply & deliver pre-owned 2nd hand fire resistant filing cabinets and welcome your telephone or e-mail enquiry.
Dependant on stock availability from your order, we aim to delivery or deliver and install your fire resistant filing cabinet or lateral fire resistant cabinet within a few days. Delivery is FREE to any UK Mainland address, deemed easy access, no stairs

Key Safes
We supply budget to high end, low to high capacity, deposit key safes & cabinets supplied with key fobs and/or key sign in/out facilities. You can choose key locking to user-friendly, higher security electronic lock or mechanical dial lock. Priced keenly so you do not need to look anywhere else!
Most key cabinets & key safes are supplied for self-installation, however, we do offer professional delivery and installation service on a UK Mainland basis on the larger heavier models. The option will be shown when you click to buy on most products. When bolted to a wall they are the ideal defence against burglaries, aimed at preventing, for example, the theft of cars by stopping people stealing keys from homes & offices.

Deposit Key Cabinets
Our key cabinets are durable, ready prepared for wall fixing with pre stamped holes, its a simple affair to mark and fit. We do aim to be very low priced and with stocks available for a next day delivery if ordered before noon. Brands supplied are Chubbsafes and Phoenix safes
With FREE delivery by Nationwide Couriors, and the very best quality and prices, you need not look elsewhere!

Key Cabinets: 20 to 600 Hooks
Construction: All Key Cabinets are made from pressed steel and offer high quality in a choice of pre drilled, ready for wall mounting units. Each model comes with adjustable hook bars, including number labels to suit.
Locking: We offer several lock variants to cover most lock scenarios. Key, Euro cylinder, Mechanical dial lock, electronic combination, and for those with offsite coding, the Phoenix brand has a Netcode version allowing you to send a code via SMS.
Warranty: All Phoenixsafe Key Cabinet come with a two year warranty against manufacturing defect. Whereas the KeySecure models have a one year warranty.
Delivery: We are pleased to offer delivery free of charge to any UK Mainland address by Courier.

Deep Body Key Cabinets
Manufactured using quality steel, they are designed to last. Pre furnished with adjustable key hook bars and prepared for rear wall fixing. Brands covered here include Chubbsafes, Phoenix safes and shortly De Raat safes
FREE Courior delivery to a UK Mainland address. We guarantee the best prices in the UK

Probe Low Locker 1 Door
Long lasting.
During production, the steel is rust treated and given an +Active Coat powder coating that prevents 99.9% of known bacteria. In addition, any plastic components use Silver in the mix.
Silver has anti bacterial properties.

Probe Uniform & Janitors Lockers
Manufactured: Made in the UK conforming to BS 4680:1996 ‘Standard Duty’, ISO 9001:2001, environmental management system ISO 14001:2004 and Health & Safety certification OHSAS 18001. Each all steel constructed Locker has a welded plinth making each compartment totally separate. This increases structural rigidity. In addition Every locker door has a full height strengthener also welded to increase strength & security.

Letter Boxes

Victor Grade 1 size 1K
The KeySecure Victor Grade 1 size 1k is a euro grade 1, £10,000 approved safe designed to provide extreme security protection in this ideal office safe, commercial safe or security safe for the home that benefits from a free UK mainland delivery.
About us
Providing brand new safes, lockers and key cabinets from leading UK brands, Withinthebox Ltd specialise in high quality security equipment that is utilised across domestic and commercial applications.
We offer home and office safes, security cabinets, gun cabinets, till drawer safes, counter safes, underfloor safes, wall safes, first aid cabinets, Eurograde safes, deposit safes, fire safes, key cabinets, key safes, lockers, letter boxes and more. We are a widely trusted and recognised company offering strong, durable products that are professionally-designed.
Here at Withinthebox Ltd, we offer products from various brands such as Britannia Safes, Phoenix Safes, Chubbsafes, SecuriKey, Checkmate Devices, Dudley Safes, Keysecure, Probe Lockers and DeRaat. We employ a team of professional safe specialists who have enough knowledge and experience within the industry to provide exceptional advice and support from start to finish. We as a company have a solid background in customer relationships and continue to extend our services throughout the UK and beyond.
Offering hundreds of branded products all available to view on our website, we at Withinthebox are fully committed to ensuring that we leave no stone unturned when dealing with customer enquiries. We pride ourselves on outstanding service, knowledge and attention which are three of our core values as a company.
Clients can pay for their safe or security product securely either by credit card or invoice and we offer free delivery on all UK mainland orders. Our safes, lockers and security equipment come in a variety of sizes and styles and can be easily browsed online. is operated by Within the Box Ltd. It emerged following the closure of Withy Grove Safes, a longstanding business in Leeds (1906-2019). Our commitment to preserving their legacy ensures continuity and reliability for generations to come.