Company details for Eco-Fridge UK

Eco-Fridge UK

  • 0128 (Display number) 01280811411
18a Top Angel
Buckingham, UK England MK18 1TH United Kingdom

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About us

ECO-Fridge Ltd has become one of the best manufacturer and provider in UK. We have an outstanding range of commercial refrigeration equipment like the display fridge and drinks fridge categories. So, buy online.
We provide a variety of multideck fridge models. And these commercial fridge units perfectly fit in any business environment from high-street coffee-shops, delicatessens, to school cafeterias and large commercial canteens. 
As a manufacturer, we always focus on our customers needs by providing high-quality commercial refrigeration cabinets. And this makes us one of the best provider in the UK. We have between our customers some of the World’s most recognisable brands.

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