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Express Tools Ltd

37 Francis Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH11 8NX, United Kingdom
Express Tools Ltd are online suppliers of a wide range of DIY Professional Power Tools, Equipment and Machinery for industrial, trade and home use. These products include Cleaning, Concreting, Power Tools, Site Storage, Access Equipment, Handling Products, Automotive Tools and much more. We offer a large number of well known brands, such as Sealey, Lyte, Husqvarna, Wacker, Belle, Hyprosteps, Warrior and Dual Pumps.
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The Approved Business review system is based on honesty and impartiality. These reviews are written and submitted by real people, which we believe will help businesses and customers to buy with confidence from the reviewed company.
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Express Tools Ltd
Super quick delivery, competitively priced. Genuine review. Bought a 6m Screed beam. Very competitively priced. Phoned company to check stock - spoke to Matt. Stock confirmed. Purchased through on line portal - beam arrived by 10am the next morning from Stoke-on-Trent to Wiltshire. Chirpy, efficient & sensible articulated lorry driver who advised us time of delivery. Superb. Thank you Matt/transport company for sorting.
Sharon .
- 06/09/2023