Company details for Extension Architecture Lewisham

Extension Architecture Lewisham

  • 0203 (Display number) 0203 409 4215
Battersea Office 3 River Reach
Gartons Way
London SW11 3SX United Kingdom

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About us

Extension Architecture has a vast amount of experience working on domestic building projects, both large and small, throughout the whole of lewisham with a large amount of recommendations repeat customers. Regular projects include rear extensions, Dormer loft conversions, side return extensions, basement conversions, remodelling and refurbishments.
Extension Architecture has a vast amount of experience working on domestic building projects, both large and small, throughout the whole of lewisham with a large amount of recommendations repeat customers. Regular projects include rear extensions, Dormer loft conversions, side return extensions, basement conversions, remodelling and refurbishments.

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