Company details for:

Fusion Office Design


13 Burdon Lane,
SM2 7PP,
United Kingdom

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About us

An office fit out can be one of the most transformational events for any business. Improvements to the working environment operate on several levels. An office fit out can be a reward for staff; can eliminate factors holding people back; boost team working and collaboration; re-engineer the business for agile working and give the business leadership an opportunity for positive change. Office design is often the visible marker for property to be aligned with business, expanding or re-sizing. Perhaps most importantly its a sign of investment in the organisation, and a morale boost for staff.

Fusion Office Design fit out offices with a unique partnering approach. The advantages of integrated design and project management combined with cost transparency and value-based performance make office fit out an affordable as well as beneficial exercise. Contact Fusion for more details on our unique office design and fit out approach.
Fusion Office Design Website

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