Company details for:
Gloves n Stuff Ltd
Unit 49,
Padgets Lane,
South Moons Moat,
B98 0RD,
United Kingdom
Quick Links:
About us was launched in 2006.
Since then we have continually worked on improving our site, for your benefit.
We were the first in the glove market to offer 'Price Breaks' offering better deals for larger orders, without the need to ring or e-mail us.
Your time is valuable, and we hope you appreciate the way we sell our products.
Gloves n Stuff also won't pester you with e-mails and phone calls if you decide to buy from us,
we believe that if we offer a fair price, with a decent level of service, you will come back and use us again.
All the information we think you would need to make an informed decision on your purchase is shown
with the products on our site.
Brands are shown, and that is what we will send,
EN tests are shown below each picture and they are tagged with more information,
Test certificates, and Declarations of conformity can be found with all products under the 'Technical' tab
We have even gone to the extent of weighing gloves, so that you can make another comparison with similar products.
We don't sell on other platforms such as ebay or Amazon. Why would we pay them 10% and have to add it to your buying price.
We are realistic about 'Free Delivery', - it isn't, so we won't inflate prices to cover this cost.
Some competitors may think we are a bit mad doing business this way,
but we believe our customers appreciate our ideals, so they can get on with their business, knowing that we are taking care
of their PPE needs.
Since then we have continually worked on improving our site, for your benefit.
We were the first in the glove market to offer 'Price Breaks' offering better deals for larger orders, without the need to ring or e-mail us.
Your time is valuable, and we hope you appreciate the way we sell our products.
Gloves n Stuff also won't pester you with e-mails and phone calls if you decide to buy from us,
we believe that if we offer a fair price, with a decent level of service, you will come back and use us again.
All the information we think you would need to make an informed decision on your purchase is shown
with the products on our site.
Brands are shown, and that is what we will send,
EN tests are shown below each picture and they are tagged with more information,
Test certificates, and Declarations of conformity can be found with all products under the 'Technical' tab
We have even gone to the extent of weighing gloves, so that you can make another comparison with similar products.
We don't sell on other platforms such as ebay or Amazon. Why would we pay them 10% and have to add it to your buying price.
We are realistic about 'Free Delivery', - it isn't, so we won't inflate prices to cover this cost.
Some competitors may think we are a bit mad doing business this way,
but we believe our customers appreciate our ideals, so they can get on with their business, knowing that we are taking care
of their PPE needs.