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Grant Pearson Brown Consulting Ltd


4 Bloomsbury Square,
United Kingdom

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GPB can dramatically improve an individual’s ability to present effectively by advising on all aspects of their presentation needs.
GPB can help you:
Develop physical techniques that will allow you to perform consistently well, whether from script, autocue, notes or adlib.
Understand the fundamental principles of good spoken communication.
Become more creative in preparing a message that will be remembered longer.
Prepare and structure content well.
Learn to create and use visual aids to maximum effect.
Save significant preparation time with the message and rehearsals.
Become more confident and less nervous about speaking engagements.
Improve on a particular weakness that you wish to overcome.
Handle tough questions well.


Most professional people have had little or no training in how to pitch effectively. They have relied on their professional training to attract clients. Now they have to go out and find business.
Clients switch their investment banks, stockbrokers, accountants, legal, and other advisers with alarming regularity, and often solely on the basis of a business pitch. We advise pitch teams on how best to increase their chances of winning pitches in these expensive and hostile environments.
We recognise that the playing field is rarely level. We have helped teams to improve radically their chance of success. Some have even won when we knew that they were only supposed to be there to unsettle the incumbent. Some of these pitches have been for mandates of several million dollars.
There is a specific equation to a successful business pitch. Our experts at GPB can advise pitch teams or individuals on how best to increase their chances of winning pitches in expensive and hostile business environments.
We focus on:
The theory of how to win pitches.
Pre-pitch contact to build rapport and gain valuable information.
Preparation of content and support materials.
Push-pull techniques.
Team dynamics and team leadership.
Question-handling sessions.
Business Development

Business Development

Business development is important in any organisation. Our advice covers selling, persuading and influencing people of all levels. This can help your business grow by increasing the client base and ultimately enhancing your revenues.
We advise on:
Pitching for new business.
Creating new business from old business.
Exploring and building common ground with prospective clients.
Handling objections, resistance and doubt.
Techniques for closing the deal.
Building client loyalty and longevity.
“Your business development skills have to be as good as your core skills, or you won’t get the chance to prove you have good core skills!”
Our advice covers business development, persuading and influencing for highly professional people. This is not some ‘motivational experience’ which may be relevant for second-hand car salespeople and lasting about as long as the average man’s shave. Instead it is an approach to business development only which professional people are comfortable putting into practice over the rest of their careers, so maximising their client base and revenues over time.
We show our clients how to develop their client base to that most desirable outcome of “long-term trusted adviser status”.


The word ‘Negotiate’ means quite different things to different people. Even top gurus and sacred texts on the subject cannot agree! GPB Consulting’s definition covers all types of negotiation and is simple to understand: “The method used to reach agreement by two parties who initially disagree” There are two quite separate styles of negotiation: The synergistic (or problem solving) approach and the combative (or point scoring) approach. We teach people how to use whichever style they need to achieve their desired outcome.
Negotiation is an important part of daily business life. Your ability as a negotiator is an important indicator of your ability to succeed in your business goals. Our advisors at GPB can help you to improve your negotiation skills by explaining the different styles used in negotiations and using practicals to demonstrate these styles. We can teach you the strategy, dynamics and tactics of a good negotiator and help you to achieve your desired outcome.
Our approach to negotiation skills is a mix of practical and theory. We discuss the various styles used in negotiations, and use practicals to show clients how these work out. There are seven basic outcomes: Synergistic, win-win, single win, win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose, and surrender. A synergistic problem-solving approach is always the best for long-term relationships, both parties are better off than when they first met, and have not just exchanged goods/money. Those clients more interested in short-term satisfaction at the cost of the other party will prefer to develop their combative negotiation skills.
The practicals can be role-plays or real client scenarios covering negotiations ranging from “one person, single negotiable” up to complex multi-factor team scenarios. We also coach on negotiations current to each person.
Media Interviews

Media Interviews

Some of our rivals tend to start with shock treatment, which is incredibly destructive. Being put through hell by a media trainer at best dents confidence, and at worst makes the individuals vow never to be interviewed again, but with our help it can become an opportunity to be grasped! We see an interview as an unwritten media contract − the media gets material they can broadcast/publish − you get free advertising and a chance to make your case. Our approach builds confidence by developing skills through increasingly difficult interviews; at the same time we show you how to avoid the main pitfalls.
Media interviews can be intense experiences for a lot of people. The heat and buzz of a studio and the rapid firing of questions from the interviewer can seem very daunting. However, our skilled experts at Grant Pearson Brown can help you build your confidence about media interviews by developing your skills and increasing your familiarity with different interviewing situations. We at GPB provide training so that you can be at your best in all media situations.
GPB’s approach to media training is constructive, designed to increase familiarity, skills and confidence in media interviews. We build confidence and skill levels by starting with an understanding of the environment and the fundamental reasons for media interviewers’ positions. We gently increase the difficulty level through the training.


The telephone is a vital and efficient tool in business and communication, yet its key users are often under-trained junior staff. They have considerable responsibility and in addition are often the primary contact point for the public. Our approach ensures that they come away from our courses better able to make and receive calls; to handle objections, resistance and doubts; to sell effectively; to manage their time for maximum efficiency, and to be versatile in behaviour to handle a variety of different types of people. A major difference in our approach is our use of actors in role-plays. We create scenarios which are highly realistic. Calls are normally recorded and discussed.
Business Writing

Business Writing

We coach individuals and small groups to improve their general writing skills, and we also work on specific documents that need to be created, edited or summarised. These include marketing, selling and key legal and commercial documents such as Annual Reports and Information Memoranda.
We think that everyone has an innate talent to write well, even on the tougher subjects. In many cases this skill is under-developed due to lack of coaching, support or opportunity. We think that everyone can be coached to improve their skills so long as they are willing. There is a high degree of practical work, creating or editing the individual’s own documents and/or ones we supply.
Our writing skills work can be aimed at improving the basics − the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and structure of a document, letter, or email. And it can be aimed at the intermediate level − structure, brevity and clarity. And we work at the advanced level, on creativity, persuasiveness, pleasantness and enjoyment for the reader. All our workshops are tailored to suit our client organisation, and in many cases we develop introductory and advanced level workshops to suit the varying needs.
Voice Analysis

Voice Analysis

The way we look and sound are powerful tools for persuasion and leadership, but they are not always used to their maximum.
They are very complex; they encode the speaker’s personality, attitudes, style and emotions. We usually find it easy to detect when someone is sad, angry, positive or bored by listening to the inflection and timbre of their voice.
However, measuring precisely and analysing the way an individual uses his or her voice, face and body is a difficult task and − like most coaching tips − has until recently been entirely subjective − the opinion of the observer And yet the way the voice, face and body are used are key areas where we can enhance performance with dramatic effect.
Grant Pearson Brown Consulting Ltd, along with Dr Branka Zei, a colleague from the Vox Institute in Geneva, can help you to understand the use of your voice, face and body to help you to communicate more effectively.
In short, to be more persuasive.
Visual Analysis

Visual Analysis

Our experts at Grant Pearson Brown Consulting can analyse and coach you on your body language and facial expressions so that your actions emphasise and support your words.
Congruence looks at whether the facial expressions, and other non-verbal communication such as body language, match the semantics (the words spoken) and the sound of the voice.
Research since the 1970s has shown that where there is incongruence between the words and the non-verbal expression, the non-verbal communication is overwhelmingly the more believed (Prof. Mehrabian et al), so it is vital to know the degree of congruence, and if incongruent, the specific areas of expression that differ. This involves a detailed look at the upper and lower face (which tend to be controlled separately), and any body language ‘tells’. All this is then compared with the voice expressions and the words spoken.
Content Analysis

Content Analysis

Through 2011 we finalised the construction of our latest innovation, Scientific Content Analysis. This completes our ‘triple’ analysis capabilities, so that we can now analyse scientifically what you say (content), how you sound (voice) and how you look (visual).
The parameters that we created for Content Analysis have been derived from a long starting list of over 50 metrics that we thought worthy of measurement and further consideration. We have reduced the list to the top 8 parameters that we observed made the biggest difference to the quality of the content. The results of the analysis of client content are compared with reference samples of the best content that we have been able to obtain. One reference operates for the written word, and another for the spoken word.
We make these measurements from the text of a written document, and from the transcript of a speech or presentation.
A report is compiled with suggestions on areas to develop. It also shows where the content is already of a comparable standard to the best produced by the reference samples. This focuses the advice we can give on content, allowing quicker, repeatable and more sustainable gains to be achieved.
Our analysis is based on the work of rhetoricians from Aristotle and Cicero to Petty & Cacioppo and beyond. Measurements are compared with a reference group, comprised of a sample of the most effective spoken and written content produced (see Content Profile diagrams below).Sample input and output measurements made with our Content Analysis:

About us

Specialist providers of bespoke business consultancy services, Grant Pearson Brown Consulting Ltd was established in 1993, developing new and innovative business development strategies that have benefitted both small and large organisations across the UK. Based in Greater London, we as a company have over 25 years’ experience in providing efficient and intelligent planning solutions for business communication, whether written or verbal. We work closely with clients to ensure that they receive excellent advice on presentations, pitching, business negotiations and more.

Since establishment, we at Grant Pearson Brown have developed individual coaching services that are second to none. We have worked with thousands of well-known organisations across the UK and beyond, extending our services across numerous sectors and industries including finance, healthcare, private equities, law, media, manufacturing, defence, construction, logistics, sport, charities, energy, oil, retail, hospitality, travel and many others. We also provide group workshops for clients to educate them on push-pull techniques, behaviour styles and building client loyalty.

Specialising in exploring and building common ground, we at Grant Pearson Brown believe in high-end analytics that result in excellence across all areas of the business. We offer a broad range of unique services including visual analysis, content analysis, voice analysis, business development, business writing, telephone skills and media interviews. We offer in-depth advice for CEOs, groups and individuals who have praised our services for being reliable and efficient for a number of years. Our advice is candid, confidential and tailored to meet the needs of the client.

Here at Grant Pearson Brown, we believe that presenting at your best is absolutely essential for success in any business, which is why we have continued to develop our strategies so that our clients have a better understanding of good communication, well-structured content, creativity and handling tough questions as a whole. We are known for transforming old businesses into new ones by utilising the latest techniques and strategies that have been proven to have lasting effects. We encourage all business owners to get in touch with our team right away to discuss potential projects.
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