Company details for Guard Dog Security UK

Guard Dog Security UK

  • 020 (Display number) 020 8637 1406
12 Bedivere Rd
Bromley Kent BR1 5LJ United Kingdom

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About us

Founded in 2004, Guard Dog Security UK is committed to protecting commercial and residential properties, valuable assets, venues, and projects from theft, vandalism, and trespassing.

We collaborate with various private and government organisations, delivering tailored security solutions to address the unique needs of each client.

Our guard and dog security teams are consistently utilised as a highly effective method to prevent the significant expenses associated with replacing stolen items and repairing damages.

Our Services Include:

Guard Dog Units

Our guard dog units offer 24/7 security solutions to safeguard you and your assets from any type of security breach.

K9 Patrol
Our K9 Patrol vans, combined with uniformed security guards and skilled guard dogs, effectively deter potential intruders from entering your site.

Static Security Guards
Our static security guard team patrols your site to safeguard your most valuable assets from security breaches.

… And more.

Our dog patrol units serve as a powerful visual and audible deterrent for potential intruders, with the threat of physical harm discouraging perpetrators from committing property crimes when a guard dog is on site.

Criminals tend to target locations with lower security, like those relying solely on CCTV cameras. Our K9 patrol services and expertly trained static guards are the most effective way to completely eliminate crime on your site. Additionally, independent research indicates that one trained guard dog can be as effective as six security guards.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback, and a team member will promptly respond. Our service is available 24/7.


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