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Harper Chalice Group Ltd

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8 Binns Close,
Tile Hill,
West Midlands,
CV4 9TB,
United Kingdom

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CageSecure − Perimeter Intruder Detection (PIDS)

CageSecure − Perimeter Intruder Detection (PIDS)

CageSecure “High security” perimeter security systems are designed for the protection of goods or plant being secured within high security cages. CageSecure systems are suitable for the protection of internal or external security cages.

CageSecure Perimeter Intrusion Detection systems detect noises and vibrations that occur during intrusion attempts. The basis of the detection system is Vibewire piezoelectric cable which is attached to the fabric of the cage / structure to be protected. Any attempt to penetrate the structure creates a series of mechanical noises / vibrations which are detected by the Vibewire sensor cable and converted into electrical signals.

The CageSecure SA1000 analyser is set up to detect attempts to penetrate the fabric of the protected cage. A complete range of installation accessories are available to cover all types of installation and application requirements.

Vibewire has optimum detection and signal to noise ratio for improved detection and reduced nuisance alarms. Vibewire sensor cable is extremely versatile and has almost no limitations with regard to detection capability and is applied for the protection of all types of security structures, cages, walls, floors and roofs.

CageSecure perimeter intrusion detection systems comprise of SA1000 analysers and Vibewire sensor cable. CageSecure systems are fully monitored, powered by 12 volts dc; Clean alarm relay contacts are provided for each zone plus tamper alarm for interfacing directly with all types of security management and monitoring systems.

CageSecure systems are designed using standard components configured and installed to meet with the specific cage design, dimensions and operational requirements. The illustrations opposite show typical designs for the installation of CageSecure systems.
FenceSecure − Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS)

FenceSecure − Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS)

The FenceSecure fence-mounted perimeter intrusion detection system can be applied to all types of security fencing systems and toppings to provide early warning of any intrusion attempt. FenceSecure systems have a proven track record for the protection of all types of risk from normal commercial risks from: industrial estates; factories; garages; warehouses; storage compounds; logistics depots; car storage compounds to Military and Government premises, Prisons etc. and also the protection of “CNI” sites − Critical National Infrastructure.

FenceSecure systems provide zone alarm outputs for integration with CCTV and other remote monitoring technologies. The Perimeter Intrusion Detection systems, installed on security fences to monitor penetration or climbing of the security fence together with PulseSecure to provide an electrified topping system that ensures the highest level of intruder detection and deterrent.
PulseSecure − Electric Security Fencing

PulseSecure − Electric Security Fencing

PulseSecure is a “pulsed” electrified perimeter intrusion deterrent and detection system. Unlike other perimeter security systems, PulseSecure pulse monitored fencing security systems actively protect perimeter boundaries and property against unauthorised access.

PulseSecure perimeter security systems are safe and legal for the protection of people and property and have been adopted by many national and international companies as their chosen first line of defence for the protection of their assets and property.

Pulse monitored fencing systems are legal and safe and provide the first line of defence for the safety of your company assets, people and property.
PulseSecure Protector

PulseSecure Protector

PulseSecure, the most advanced electric security fencing system and also available in five configurations, providing the ultimate solution for every application.

PulseSecure electric security fencing, the most advanced electrified perimeter security system that fully monitors the protected boundary with the high Voltage pulses on or off. Applications include the protection of “CNI” sites − Critical National Infrastructure. PulseSecure PROTECTOR systems, also approved for UK Government use, for details contact CPNI.
PulseSecure PROTECTOR systems are fully compliant with BS1722 part 17, BSEN 60335 and IEC 60335 international standards. Fully monitored “double pole” High and Low voltage electrified perimeter security systems. The detection barrier, therefore fully monitored with the high voltage deterrent pulses switched on or off.

Due to the ‘true’ low voltage system design, when ‘disarmed’ and the HV pulses turned off, the HT wires continue to fully monitor, although no shock present if touched − if the wire is cut, shorted or tampered with then the system will still generate an alarm state, in the same way as when the HV pulses are present.

PulseSecure Electric Security fencing systems, tailored and zoned to meet with site specific operational and/or CCTV detection zone requirements. Applications include the protection of “CNI” sites − Critical National Infrastructure. PulseSecure electric security fencing systems also approved for UK Government use, for details contact CPNI.
RapidSecure − Rapid Deploy PIDs System

RapidSecure − Rapid Deploy PIDs System

RapidSecure is the rapid deployable version of our FenceSecure system. FenceSecure is an approved solution for many high security and government applications and has been deployed successfully on many high profile projects. RapidSecure takes that same technology and proven performance and allows it to be utilised on a rapid deployable fence.
Pre-assembled onto the mesh panels, RapidSecure uses a “plug & play” design to allow completed flexibility and speed of installation. Installation is simple and easy meaning that the system can be operational and providing protection against intrusion very quickly.

Able to detect intruders cutting and climbing the fence fabric, the system provides early warning of attempted breach of the perimeter and allows the relevant response to be organised quickly. When integrated with CCTV the solution can provide complete protection and monitoring of a secure boundary meaning the requirement for security patrols is reduced and allows more centralised or focussed response teams.

The flexibility of the Rapid Secure system also means that when a temporary or semi-permanent perimeter needs to be adjusted or relocated, it isn’t a problem. Simply disconnect, move and reconnect the system using the “plug & play” solution to restore the fully operation perimeter protection solution.

Harper Chalice are a UK Manufacturer specialising in Perimeter Intrusion detection with years of experience manufacturing and installing systems on High Security applications, these latest system developments further identify our continued commitment to Product development and our customer needs.
RapidPulse − Rapid Deploy Electric Fencing System

RapidPulse − Rapid Deploy Electric Fencing System

RapidPulse is the latest development from Harper Chalice in the Pulse Monitored Electric Fence Market. Rapid Pulse carriers all of the same benefits of the standard PulseSecure system manufactured by Harper Chalice but comes in a modular design to allow rapid deployment into the field.

Developed in Partnership with fellow British Manufacturers, Zaun Group and Highway Care, RapidPulse comes pre-assembled onto the SecureGuard fencing system. The combination of both solutions allow an area to be secured with perimeter intrusion detection as well as HVM protection very quickly.

RapidPulse with SecureGuard can be deployed into an area without the need for civil works or any ground works. The full system can be deployed in a matter of hours providing complete protection of a site or area.
As with the standard Pulse monitored electric fence systems, it provides a psychological barrier as well as physical deterrent.

The RapidPulse system also provides a fantastic solution for temporary security when a breach in a permanent perimeter is required without reducing the overall protection of the site. Quickly and easily deployed and adjusted it is the flexibility and performance of the system that sets it aside from other temporary solutions.

The system is fully compliant with BS 1722 Part 14 and Part 17. It can be supplied either Galvanised or Polyester Powder Coated with all system components manufactured in the UK.
ScanSecure − Perimeter Security RADAR

ScanSecure − Perimeter Security RADAR

From small industrial sites to large complex compounds, the ScanSecure high definition Radar security system provide the most comprehensive range of perimeter security RADARs available. Ideal for applications such as airports, CNI and commercial installations, perimeter intrusion system detects, tracks and identifies threats. The perimeter security radar detects beyond the perimeter and identifies intruders before they can enter the site.
SecureBus − Security Communications Network

SecureBus − Security Communications Network

SecureBus is a security communications network developed by Harper Chalice to manage multiple security devices across a site and monitor alarm sensors. Designed with security in mind, the network provides robust communications with fault detection and tolerance.

All next generation system controllers − for both electrified systems (PulseSecure) and microphonic PID systems (FenceSecure, WallSecure, CageSecure) come with built in comms ready to operate on the SecureBus network.

This provides a common infrastructure regardless of which technology is used to protect the site and also allows users to use combinations of technology on the same site without needing separate control systems.
TriSecure − Complete Perimeter Security System

TriSecure − Complete Perimeter Security System

The TriSecure system has been developed as a secure perimeter security solution for the protection of high security sites. In principal TriSecure is the combination of multiple systems to produce one perimeter security solution. The basis of the TriSecure system is a minimum 2.4m high security mesh fencing system which creates a physical security barrier for the protected area. The FenceSecure Microphonic Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) is applied to the mesh fencing system and set up to detect cutting and penetration of the fence fabric.

A minimum 1.2m high PulseSecure PROTECTOR electrified topping is installed to the top of the host fence as an ideal anti-climb deterrent and detection system. The solution has been designed to maximise the benefits of each system while minimising the limitations of the singular technology.

Both the PulseSecure topping and FenceSecure PID operate and are controlled via our SecureBus Security communications network. This presents TriSecure to the site and operators as a single system. TriSecure and SecureBus provide total control and monitoring of the system from a central location allowing live system feedback on the system performance in the field.

SecureBus is a software based network solution and can be fully integrated to existing or new Security management systems. Drivers already exist for many market leading SMS solutions.
WallSecure − Seismic Intruder Detection (SIDS)

WallSecure − Seismic Intruder Detection (SIDS)

WallSecure Acoustic Intruder Detection uses special SIDS analysers combined with VibeWire piezoelectric cable to create a fully monitored perimeter intrusion detection. SIDS systems can be used to protect entire walls, floors, buildings and roof tops. The unobtrusive system provides early detection of would-be intruders attempting to penetrate walls, floors, roofs and structures protected by the system. WallSecure is designed for optimum security, efficiency, ease of installation and use. The seismic detection system is operated by 12 to 24 v DC and is fully monitored and zoned.

About us

Harper Chalice Group Ltd are the UK’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of electronic and electrified perimeter security systems and complementary products specifically designed to meet the growing demand for reliable protection of people, property and assets worldwide.

Harper Chalice’s primary objectives are to design, develop, manufacture and supply electronic perimeter security systems that are better, quicker, neater, easier to install, more secure and more reliable than other systems available. Harper Chalice designs, manufactures and supplies specialist, state-of-the-art systems and products, with full technical support, training and exceptional customer care at every stage.

All of our systems and components are manufactured in the UK, this ensures we have maximum control over quality and lead times. It also ensures that the carbon footprint of the production of systems is minimised. We are able to provide systems that have been independently tested and approved to the highest standard. This approval provides independent assurance of the system performance both in terms of detection and false alarm rates. All of our systems are designed to be integrated into a single solution. As we are able to offer a complete range of systems and technology, we are interested in providing the right technology and systems in the right locations to ensure the system performs.

We are able to provide full system design in house from mechanical design through to system architecture. Providing fully details CAD drawings and schematic designs. Our design team have over 100 years’ experience of the security industry between them and have a great understanding of the challenges of security system design.

Harper Chalice systems are supplied worldwide via a network of committed, well trained and supported Accredited Dealers, business partners and staff. Harper Chalice uses its assets, proven designs and resources for the manufacture and supply of reliable cost effective electronic perimeter security systems.




Harper Chalice rapid deployable PIDS system has enabled to us to provide excellent protection of vulnerable points of our perimeter. The temporary solution has provide great security and is very cost effective.

Anonymous .

We have used Harper Chalice PIDs on several sites across our estate and they have performed really well with low false alarm rates. This solutions provides exceptional security.

Head of Security

Very good company.

Roman Grelewicz

Trade Associations

ISO 9001 (QMS) Logo
Achilles Logo
Made in Britain Logo
AFI Association of Fencing Industries Logo
Employee Ownership Association Logo

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