Company details for GCT

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1707 321122
Sutherland Court
Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire AL7 1BJ United Kingdom

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About us

GCT (Global Connector Technology, Limited) is a leading supplier of standard and custom interconnect products. GCT is instrumental in the supply of reliable high-quality connectors for applications in Mobile & Wireless Communication, Computer & Peripherals, Digital Entertainment, Networking, Industrial, Automation, Security, Medical, Instrumentation and other Consumer Electronics.
GCT leverages extensive worldwide resources to meet customer needs at local, regional and global levels. GCT has well-established sales, product development and manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia and the Americas. We support you wherever you design - wherever you manufacture.
GCT offers reliable high-quality products, a competitive advantage and partnership to our valued customers.

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