Company details for Ipeco Holdings Ltd

Ipeco Holdings Ltd

  • 0170 (Display number) 01702 545118
Aviation Way
Southend Airport
Southend-on-Sea Essex SS2 6UN United Kingdom

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About us

Ipeco Holdings Limited is a world leader in aircraft crew seating and enjoys a substantial position in executive passenger seating with a developing share of the galley insert sector.

Latest Reviews

Ipeco Holdings Ltd

Ipeco isn't a fair company to work for, Managers will cover up for the illegal acts and big f**k ups of their friends. Right upto and including acts of violence against multiple staff membersavoid this company at all costs


Ipeco Holdings Ltd

Ipeco isn't a fair company to work for, Managers will cover up for the illegal acts and big fuck ups of their friends. Right upto and including acts of violence against multiple staff membersavoid this company at all costs


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