Company details for J & A Precision Engineering

J & A Precision Engineering

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1634406727
Unit B 33-37 Second Avenue
Chatham Kent ME4 5AY United Kingdom

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About us

Established in 1975 we’ve brought the highest standards in precision engineering services for over 35 years, focusing our work into the key areas of milling and turning, building up a deep expertise amongst our long serving and highly skilled workforce. We’re proud to have built up a reputation amongst our clients and the wider industry for real dedication to quality and consistency. We always put customer needs first and make sure that although our focus is on the machining, we can also provide essential additional services such as finishing, assembly and UK wide delivery.

Over our company history we have worked in a diverse range of sectors and industries creating all kinds of components; some have ended up in aircraft and cars, others in medical machinery and food processing equipment, more still find their way into factories and onto building sites working for all kinds of end clients. The few things common to everything we offer are reliability, professionalism, personalised client service and highly cost effective pricing.

Our expertise means that beyond the single component we have manufactured for you, we can also provide in depth advice and recommendations on additional services we can offer, design alterations and improvements or the best possible finish ensuring a robust component that can handle exactly what you expect from it.

From major roll outs of key components to batch work, short runs and even prototyping, whatever your requirement our experienced team and fully fitted workshop can provide the answer and guarantee you an end result you’ll be happy with.

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